EPHESIANS Christian Behavior Part 5 Ephesians 5:25-33 HUSBANDS – LOVE YOUR WIFE I.INTRODUCTION A.Last few teachings concentrated on Christian behavior.


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Presentation transcript:

EPHESIANS Christian Behavior Part 5 Ephesians 5:25-33 HUSBANDS – LOVE YOUR WIFE I.INTRODUCTION A.Last few teachings concentrated on Christian behavior.

1. Last week, behavior of a Godly wife. 2. This morning’s study husband’s role. II.EPHESIANS 5:25 A.First part Husbands, love your wives.

1. 1Corinthians 13: Don’t love your wives other accomplishment mean little! a) What “nothing” means in verse 2. b) Have gifts adds up to a big zero. (1) Cannot love our wife all other service suffer

3. How do we know if we are loving our wife? a) Start by asking a few questions? (1) Are we kind to her? (2) Are we envious of her talent or gifts? (3) Consider ourselves smarter? (4) Are we rude to her?

(5) We will do without - to put her first? (6) Comfortable being herself. (7) Make us happy when she fails? (8) Are we patient? (9) Make effort for her to succeed? (i) Rest of Ephesians 5

B.EPHESIANS 5:25 1. Rest of the verse best example of love. a) Notice depth of His commitment! III.EPHESIANS 5:25-27 A.Church without blemish!

1. The Lord could view His bride in such a way. 2. Jesus to see His bride “without blemish!” 3. A Christian husband willing to give his life! a) John 15:13 IV.EPHESIANS 5:28-29

A.Husbands are to love their “own” wives! 1. Easier to think, wish my husband was like them. 2. Remedy - love your spouse more that you love yourself! a) We make sure “we” are cared for!

b) Your wife and you are one! V.EPHESIANS 5:30-31 A.Reference out of Genesis 2:23! 1. We become His bride, one flesh with Him!

a) Something once “ugly” transformed into something beautiful!! VI.EPHESIANS 5:32-33 A. “mystery” = something not revealed. 1. 1Corinthians 13:9-12

2. Husbands understand these verses very little! a) “Mystery” of Christ and the church a lifetime undertaking! b) Time to put away childish things. VII.CONCLUSION

A.We need to do a better job being a Godly husbands. 1. Next week how Christian behavior affects how we raise our children!