Created by Giancarlo, Jack, Ariel, Nelly and Kleo.


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Presentation transcript:

Created by Giancarlo, Jack, Ariel, Nelly and Kleo

Demeter loved how much she was worshipped by humans Demeter was Cronus’ daughter and Zeus’ wife Demeter gave birth to Persephone, the joy of her eternal lifetime and the daughter of Zeus Persephone loved spending time in fields in Sicily, where she was accompanied by Aphrodite Persephone felt the gods had not much regard for her powers so she called her son Eros to shoot Hades and make him fall madly in love with Persephone Later Hades asked Zeus to marry Persephone, Zeus said that his wife wouldn’t allow it, but he would help Hades kidnap her and bring her to the Underworld Once kidnapped, she screamed for help even when in the underworld, and the sound of her voice echoed from the mountain heights and from the depths of the sea being that the Underworld was below that. When Demeter realized this, she ran extremely fast around the Earth looking for her daughter Demeter reached Sicily where she last saw her daughter and decided to punish Sicily If no one could tell her where Persephone was, she would take away her life sustaining gifts (i.e.-water, animals, plants etc.)

So the island was plagued by drought, then she sent massive winds with a great flood of rain, and corn that had not withered upon the stalk was eaten by birds She then traveled back across the Earth causing a year of the damage to the rest of Earth She then went to Helios, asking if he had seen/heard Persephone while in the sky, Helios then explained everything which happened between Zeus and Hades Because of this Demeter wanted to punish Zeus and the gods by causing all mortals to die of starvation which would lead to the gods no longer being honored with sacrifices Zeus then attempted to bring Demeter to Olympus by sending iris to bring her and by sending Olympian gods, Demeter eventually came on the condition that she wouldn’t permit any seeds to sprout on earth until she saw her child Zeus then told Demeter that he couldn’t bring Persephone back because Hades loved her, but if she really loved her that much she would bring Persephone back unless she has eaten no food in Hades dark kingdom as per the Fates decree Demeter then agreed and said she would meet in the Sicilian meadows she loved and until then the Earth would continue to be lifeless When Hades learned about this per Hermes, he told Persephone how much he love her and gave her a pomegranate for her trip When Demeter and Persephone met, Demeter asked her if she had eaten any food in the Underworld, to which Persephone said yes, she ate the pomegranate which Hades gave her

As Demeter began crying from hearing the news, Rhea then came and embraced her daughter and granddaughter telling her of how, “A mother must have strength to bear pain as well as joy. Sorrow visits all of us. You must not let grief destroy you.” Rhea then told Demeter of the news she received form Zeus of how Persephone only has to spend 1/3 rd of the year in the Underworld. Therefore, because of these actions the pattern of the seasons became established and the Earth returned to its fruitful state. During the winter Persephone would be in Hades dark kingdom, and in these months Demeter would leave Earth leafless and idle, and after this season Persephone would return to he mother and Demeter would restore the Earth to its beautiful state.

Love-it’s a powerful emotion which we must control although we cannot decide upon it (Demeter and Hades are proof of this) Proof of how the Olympian Gods are bad (Demeter punishes Earth for the actions of Hades and Zeus) Love is associated with jealousy (Aphrodite wanted to start problems between the gods since she felt her powers weren't respected When love is balanced with reason, it is best developed (Demeter and Hades must compromise if they are to enjoy the bounty of love; they compromise by sharing Persephone) Deceit (Hades and Zeus), wrath (Demeter), jealousy (Aphrodite) create the problem, while honesty (Helios, compromise and understanding (Rhea) help solve the conflict