Opening Prayer: (together) In the name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen. Dear God, You have made us all unique individuals. In your wisdom you have granted us different gifts. Some of us express our gift in song, verse or paintings. Others in writing, experimenting or calculating. Keep us always mindful that our gifts are reflections of your light. They are meant to be united. In unity, our gifts shine even more brightly with the light of your creation. Let us use our gifts in service with our children and friends. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Pope Francis, Pray for us. Amen
The Sculptors I dreamed I saw a studio And watched two sculptors there. The clay they used was a child’s mind And they fashioned it with care. One was a teacher, the tools she used Were books, music and art. The other, a parent, worked with a guiding hand, And a gently loving heart. Day after day, the teacher toiled with a touch That was careful, daft and sure While a parent laboured by her side And polished and smoothed it over. And when at last, their task was done, They were proud of what they had wrought. For the things they had molded into the child Could neither be sold or bought And each agreed they would have failed If either had worked alone. For behind the parent stood the school And behind the teacher, the home. By Cleo V. Swarat
1. Welcome/Classroom 2. Expectations/Communication/homework 3.Curriculum Outline – Discussed Briefly 4. Volunteers/Classroom Supplies 5. Assessment and Reporting 6. E-learning
Expectations / Routines Our Class Promises To... Keep our hands, feet and objects to ourselves Use kind words Listen and raise our hand to share Tidy up after ourselves Stay on task and try our best Some Routines We say good morning and shake our teacher’s hand each morning We always use each other’s names when asking a question We keep our chairs tucked in We wash our hands before eating We wash our desks tops after lunch
Homework 20 minutes of daily reading at home Practice Poem Of The Week (P.O.T.W) * Test each Friday Review weekly word wall words Math occasionally when work is incomplete Problem of the week every Thursday Communication Agenda to be signed by parent each night and returned to school each day Notes / Letters – please place in the plastic slip at the front of the agenda Classroom portal – updated almost daily! Throughout each term students will bring home samples of their work – this provides parents and children an opportunity to review assignments and activities completed in class and concepts learned Parents are asked to sign any work samples and return the work and books to school the following day Any questions at any time feel free to contact me at the school
Language Arts The curriculum is composed of four strands: Reading, Writing, Oral/ Visual Communication and Media Reading: explore and analyze text, identify a variety of comprehension strategies such as making predictions, inferences and connections, build vocabulary and develop reading fluency. Writing: use of journals, letters, poems and stories to develop, classify and organize ideas. Expected to draft and publish writing pieces using voice, ideas, word choice, sentence fluency organization and conventions. Oral and Visual Communication: develop listening and communication skills. Media: Understand messages in media forms (i.e. advertising/movies)
Balanced Literacy Program: Guided reading/writing, word study, shared reading/writing, whole class instruction and independent reading/writing. Literacy Assessment: Assessments are created for learning, as learning and of learning throughout the school year. Summative evaluations in reading and writing are conducted using Diagnostic Reading Assessments, Oral Reading Records, Ontario Writing Assessments, student conferencing and observations. EQAO assessments will be conducted in early June and will assess both math and language levels.
The curriculum consists of five strands: Number Sense & Numeration, Geometry and Spatial Sense, Measurement, Patterning and Algebra and Data Management. Term 1 reporting period will include five units and term 2 will include six units. Students will be evaluated based on the successful completion of daily assignments, participation, independent/group problem solving, written/oral assessments and homework.
Religion The focus is on the Community and Common Good and our essential question for grade three is “Who is the Holy Spirit” Other themes in our Fully Alive Program include: Created and Loved by God, Living in Relationship, Created Sexual: male and female, Growing in Commitment and Living in the World. Visual Arts, Drama and Dance Students will be evaluated on participation, creativity, following instructions and demonstrating good effort. In art, students will be able to produce two and three dimensional works of art and use elements of design (colour, line, shape, form and texture) to produce work. In drama, students will demonstrate the understanding of voice and audience by speaking and writing in the role of specific characters. Physical Education and Healthy Living Students will perform movement skills required to participate in physical activities; and will learn the relationship among healthy eating practices, healthy active living and healthy bodies. Please ensure that your child has running shoes and appropriate clothing on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Students will need to demonstrate effort, sportsmanship, adherence to safety rules and enthusiasm. Curriculum Curriculum expectations can be found online at
Week at a Glance: Gym – Monday and Wednesday afternoon Library – to be determined Science, Social Studies- Every afternoon Music/ Arts- Monday Science, Gym and Dance – Mrs. Bitondo Music – Mrs. Switenky
Parent Volunteers -If you are interested in going on a trip with the class or volunteering in the school please go to your local police station to get a criminal reference check in order to make yourself eligible! Classroom Supplies (keeping the class germ free) -If you are able to send in with your child either a box a Kleenex Hand soap Green works wipes (clean the desks off with)
RESPONSIBILITY I follow the rules and routines in my classroom and school as set out in the Code of Conduct. I come to school and to each class on time and ready to learn. I bring the right materials to each class. I actively participate in classroom discussions and only speak when it is my turn. I complete my class and homework on time and according to my teacher’s guidelines. I ask for help when I am having difficulty with my work. I record all assignments and due dates in my agenda and get my parent(s) to sign it regularly. I am responsible for my own behavior and understand that my actions have a consequence. I take care of my property and respect the property of others, my classroom and my school. I practice my faith and use my Catholic values to help me become a more responsible person.
I come to class prepared with the right tools and materials to start my work. I use my agenda daily to stay on top of homework, assignments and due dates. I create and follow a plan for completing my work and for achieving my goals. I use a variety of resources (books, dictionaries, thesauruses) to gather information and help me complete my work. I use my extra class time to finish other activities or homework, and I do not disturb others. I stay on task when I am working independently, with a partner and in a group. I understand that being prepared and organized will help me with my learning.
I listen attentively to my teacher’s instructions and expectations so I know what I have to do. I carefully use my teacher’s instructions before asking for help. I try to find the answers to my questions on my own before asking my teacher for help. I plan what I have to do to complete a task or assignment and I refer to my plan regularly. I use class time well to finish my work by getting started right away and staying on task until I am finished. I move on to another task when I have completed the first one and I do not disturb others. I always check over my work carefully before handing it in to make sure that I have done everything I am expected to do. I understand that I need to develop my self-confidence and learn to be a more independent person.
I am a team player and treat my fellow group members with respect. I actively contribute ideas to the group and encourage others to share their thoughts as well. I listen attentively when others are speaking and ask questions if I need clearing up. I give positive feedback and encouragement to my group members. I take on different roles and do my fair share of the work regardless of what my role may be. I help others when I see that they are having a hard time and share my talents with them. I include others in my groups and activities both inside and outside the classroom. I try to solve problems in a calm and respectful manner. I apologize when I am wrong and accept others’ apologies sincerely. I try to learn from my mistakes. I follow Christ’s example and treat others with respect and dignity.
I always look for new chances to learn. I ask questions and participate in class discussions. I try new and creative ways to do activities and complete tasks. I am not afraid to be wrong because I know that I can learn from my mistakes. I try it on my own before asking for help. I make a real effort in my work and never say: “I can’t do it.” I show pride in all my work. I do not wait for someone else to offer help when help is needed; I am the first to volunteer. I am an active and energetic member of my school community. I use my Catholic values to guide me in my words and actions so that I can be a leader and a role model in my school.
I set clear and attainable goals to help me learn. I understand what I need to do to achieve my goals and try to stay on track along the way. I understand that I have strengths and weaknesses and I know that I can always improve. I keep trying when the task is challenging and try different ways to find an answer. I seek help when I need it. I know what interests me and how my interests can help me learn. I understand that my words and actions have consequences so I think before I speak and act. I often “check in” with myself and remember what my goals are for the future. I listen to the voice inside me and allow it to help me make the right choices.
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