General Awareness Understanding Stress Effective management of Stress Symptoms of Stress Sources of Stress Effects of Stress Handling Stress Minimize burn-out Distress to De-stress Coping with increased Stress levels
Understanding Stress To understand stress, we need to look at the events that occur, our thoughts about them, and the way we respond Stress is a condition or feeling experienced when a person perceives that demands exceed the personal and social resources the individual is able to mobilize
Major approaches to manage Stress Action-oriented: In which we seek to confront the problem causing the stress, changing the environment or the situation Emotionally-oriented: In which we do not have the power to change the situation, but we can manage stress by changing our interpretation of the situation and the way we feel about it Acceptance-oriented: Where something has happened over which we have no power and no emotional control, and where our focus is on surviving the stress
Symptoms of Stress Emotional Disturbance Disruption of Thought Processes Physical Discomfort Behavioural Changes
Emotional Disturbance Bouts of depression Impatience Fits of rage Tearfulness Deterioration of personal hygiene and appearance
Disruption of Thought Processes Lack of concentration Memory lapses Difficulty in making decisions Confusion Disorientation Panic attacks
Physical Discomfort Sleep pattern changes Fatigue Digestion changes Loss of sexual drive Headaches Aches and pains Infections Indigestion Dizziness Fainting Sweating & trembling Tingling hands & feet Breathlessness Palpitation Missed heartbeats
Behavioural Change Appetite changes - too much or too little Eating disorders - anorexia, bulimia Increased intake of alcohol & other drugs Increased smoking Restlessness Fidgeting Nail biting Hypochondria
Sources of Stress External Major life changes Work Relationship difficulties Financial problems Being too busy Children and family Internal Inability to accept uncertainty Pessimism Negative self-talk Unrealistic expectations Perfectionism Lack of Assertiveness
Effects of Stress Positive Stress can also have a positive effect, spurring motivation and awareness, providing the stimulation to cope with challenging situations Stress also provides the sense of urgency and alertness needed for survival when confronting threatening situations Negative It is a contributory factor in minor conditions, such as headaches, digestive problems, skin complaints, insomnia and ulcers Excessive, prolonged and unrelieved stress can have a harmful effect on mental, physical and spiritual health
Handling Stress ABC Strategy A=AwarenessB=BalanceC=Control
How to minimize burn-out Understanding where pressure comes from Too much to do, too little time… Distancing from the people Avoiding Exhaustion Protecting the meaning of the work
Distress to De-stress Physical Exercises Healthy eating and drinking Relaxation techniques Diversions
Coping with increased Stress levels Physical Psychological
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