There are two boys at a party. Tom has the virtue (good habit) of treating others with respect and dignity. Jim on the other hand, lacks this virtue, and has the bad habit of seeing girls only for his own pleasure/ ego. An attractive girl walks into a party. Tom sees this girl as attractive, but also that she is a person he respects. Jim sees her just as a bit of fun. They both chat with her nicely, but only Tom is genuinely interested in her - Jim’s interest in her is limited to her looks. His niceness and interest is just a lie. When the girls breaks the stilletoe on her shoe, both of them help her to sit down and fuss over her, but only Tom is actually concerned that she is ok. They are behaving in the exact same way, but morally, how different are they? Tom Jim How much of a difference does it make, to have virtue? Would you try and be a person of virtue? Why/ why not?
Sometimes, it’s not easy to be virtuous. There may be no reward for it. You might even get into trouble for doing the right thing. That’s why God sends us his Holy Spirit, to give us some of the virtues, helping us to act in the right way, because to do & be a good person will make us happy.
* To know what the Gifts of the Spirit, and the Fruits of the Spirit are * To explain how God helps us to be good * To evaluate how much God helps us to be good.
1.What do the 7 gifts of the spirit do for us? 2.What happens when you put the 7 gifts into practice in your life? 4.Draw & label The 7 gifts of the spirit the 9 fruits of the spirit Show how they are connected. **Why is it easier for someone with the Holy Spirit to become a good person? The Holy Spirit gives us the virtues, to help us to live a good life, so we can have God with us. 1.At baptism & confirmation, Christians receive “7 gifts of the spirit” (7 virtues for free!) - wisdom, understanding, knowledge, right judgment, fortitude, worship, respect of God. These free virtues help us to act in a godly way. 2.Someone who puts these 7 virtues into practice, will show the 9 fruits of the spirit - love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, self control. This will make us be more like God/ Jesus. So the 7 gifts of the Spirit give us good habits of virtue, so that we become more like God in the fruits. 7 Gifts of H.S Fruits of H.S Wisdom
How can you tell the difference between a good person, and a bad person doing some good things? Bad person Doing good things is not part of their personality They only do good things when it suits them, for their own benefit Their character does not show the 9 fruits of the spirit very much Good person Doing good things is part of their character They can be relied on to do good things, even the benefits are against them Their character: shows the 9 fruits of the spirit 1.Think about someone you know. What sort of things tell you if they are a good or bad person? 2.How many fruits of the spirit do they have? How much? *Do you think that looking for the “fruits” in a person is a useful way of telling?
9 FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT 7 Gifts of the Spirit So this is how you become a good person... Explain it to your partner! Put the gifts into practice