The Gifts of the Spirit (Continuation)
The interpretation of tongue is the supernatural showing forth by the Spirit the meaning of an utterance in other tongues. It is not translation of tongues, it is the interpretation of tongues It is the least of all the gifts of the Spirit because it depends upon another gift---divers kinds of tongues– in order to operate. The purpose of the gift of interpretation of tongues is to render the gift of tongues understandable to hearers so that the whole church congregation, as well as the one who gave the utterance in an unknown tongue, may know what has been said and may be edified by it.
The Gift of Interpretation of Tongues in Our Private Prayer Life It isn’t necessary that everything I pray in tongues be clear to my understanding or be interpreted because I am not talking to myself, I am talking to God. (1Cor. 14:2) There may be times, if it is as the Spirit of God wills, that we know what we are praying in tongues in our personal devotional lives.
When the gift of tongues and interpretation of tongues is manifested by the Spirit of God, the way to judge if it is by the Holy Spirit or not is that the utterance will be the following: Edifying Inspiring Blessing
Paul outlines Good Order in Public Use of Utterance Gifts(1 Cor. 14:27) Paul states there should be no more than three people interpret Paul doesn’t say how much they were to speak or not. He just said let it be two or three people and let it be by course or in succession, not all at once. 1 Cor. 14:13 says that those who speak in tongues are instructed to pray for the gift of interpretation. They are not praying so that they can interpret publicly (so much) but for their own personal interpretation and edification which will help them in their own spiritual growth.
When someone is speaking with tongues, a person who is used often in the gift of interpretation of tongues should immediately begin to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s moving. If he or she is not already in tune with what the Holy Ghost is doing in the service, he or she should make himself available and be ready for the Lord to use him or her in the operation of that gift. You must be in tune with the Holy Spirit. You will not get things from God unless we are sensitive to Him.