Paul V. Desanker Head, LDC and CB & Outreach Units, UNFCCC Secretariat Bonn, Germany Adaptation under the UNFCCC: The National Adaptation Programme of.


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Presentation transcript:

Paul V. Desanker Head, LDC and CB & Outreach Units, UNFCCC Secretariat Bonn, Germany Adaptation under the UNFCCC: The National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA) and the Nairobi Work Programme (NWP) IFAD 1 st CLIMTRAIN Workshop, July 2008

Adaptation in the UNFCCC Adaptation appears in different contexts within the Convention text: –Addressing the needs of developing countries through funding, insurance and technology transfer –Formulation of regional and national programmes –Reporting –International cooperation

The National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA) for Least Developed Countries (LDCs)

Support for the LDCs under the UNFCCC – The COP 7 (2001) Package A work programme for the LDCs Guidelines for preparing National Adaptation Programmes of Action (NAPAs) The Least Developed Countries Expert group (LEG) and its terms of reference The Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF) for funding preparation and implementation of NAPAs as well as other activities.

What is a NAPA? “NAPA will communicate priority activities addressing the urgent and immediate needs and concerns of the LDCs, relating to adaptation to the adverse effects of climate change” Activities to include inter alia, projects, integration into other activities, capacity- building and policy reform Reference: Annex to decision 28/CP.7

Objective and rationale of NAPA NAPA will serve as simplified and direct channel of communication for information relating to urgent and immediate adaptation needs of LDCs Rationale for NAPA rests on low adaptive capacity of LDCs, which renders them in need of immediate and urgent support to start adapting to current and projected adverse effects of climate change. Activities proposed would be those whose further delay would increase vulnerability, or lead to increased costs at a later stage. Ref: Annex to decision 28/CP.7

By Paul V. Desanker, UNFCCC A vision for scaling up adaptation

Indicated costs of priority activities identified in NAPAs by country as of 31 July 2007

Indicated costs of priority activities identified in NAPAs by sector as of 31 July 2007

NAPAs: A successful enabling mechanism A mechanism for assessment and communication of urgent and immediate adaptation needs. 32 NAPAs submitted thus far (out of 48 LDC Parties) Rough estimate of total cost of NAPA implementation in all 48 Parties - around 1 billion dollars USD 163 million pledged into the LDCF Fund as of COP 13 (Dec 2007) Since 2001, one LDC (Bhutan) expects its first NAPA project to start full implementation in 2008 (GEF Full Scale Project)

Future of NAPA Most countries expected to complete preparation this year, rest over next 2 years Implementation expected to speed up Current negotiations considering expanding NAPA to non-LDC developing countries (several non-LDC countries have already started to design their own NAPA)

SBSTA: Nairobi Work Programme (NWP)

Nairobi Work Programme Upscaling stakeholder engagement Workshops & expert meetings with recommendations Views of Parties on gaps & needs Calls for Action 100 organizations active in the NWP with focal points Action Pledges Parties, organizations, experts, civil society, private sector active in adaptation ‘Supply’ of adaptation activities ‘Demand’ for adaptation activities

June 2008: SBSTA reviewed outcomes and identified further activities NWP — until 2010 Enhanced capacity of Parties to undertake practical adaptation action Enhanced assistance to all Parties, in particular developing countries, including LDCs and SIDS Findings of IPCC AR4 Organizations undertaking their own activities Consideration by SBI of information relevant to adaptation implementation Providing relevant information in December 2008 Promoting the implementation of recommendations

NWP — future activities Promoting cooperation on adaptation: –Enhanced engagement of organizations, institutions, experts, communities and members of the private sector. Enhanced focus on community-, national- and regional-level action; and on education, training and awareness-raising. –Promotion of existing networks for impacts, vulnerability and adaptation and the establishment of new networks Activities relevant to IFAD –Technical workshop on how regional centres and networks undertaking adaptation work could collaborate (first half 2010) –Institutions to further research on vulnerability mapping for analysis of the impacts associated with climate change in key areas, including terrestrial and marine ecosystems, in the light of economic, environmental and social indicators. –Provision of links to existing efforts to identify, describe, apply and make accessible terrestrial, atmospheric and oceanic data and available climatic and relevant non-climatic data and information

Channels for engagement Enrollment as NWP Partners : Over 110 organizations are already partners. NWP focal point forum provides face to face interaction and networking. –IFAD is already a member of the NWP. Calls for action : incorporating recommendations to respond to gaps/needs arising from workshops. Six calls for action developed so far Action pledges : Responses by organizations to these needs and gaps. Close to thirty pledges received so far.

SBI: Implementing adaptation through decision 1/CP.10 Regional adaptation workshops and expert meeting identified specific adaptation needs and concerns In June 2008, invitation to relevant organizations to engage in: –Enhancing access to existing funds for adaptation, including through improving information on access, integrating adaptation into development cooperation programmes and building capacity for the preparation of project proposals and for project implementation –Enhancing national planning for adaptation, including through integrating adaptation into the planning process –Promoting risk management approaches, building upon the practical experience of international, regional and national organizations and the private sector

AWG-LCA: Bali Action Plan In June 2008, workshop on adaptation clarified elements of the Bali Action Plan related to adaptation. Focus on four areas: –National planning for adaptation –Streamlining and scaling up financial and technological support –Enhancing knowledge sharing –Institutional frameworks Requested further input by December 2008: –A technical paper on financial risk management mechanisms, including innovative insurance tools, bringing together inputs from technical experts in the fields of insurance, reinsurance, and hazard assessment –An information note on adaptation related activities within the United Nations system

Thank you Tel: UNFCCC website