1 Current & Future Efforts Baltimore, MD * October 16, 2010.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Current & Future Efforts Baltimore, MD * October 16, 2010

Current Situation in Sri Lanka We have an opportunity to engage and rebuild Many different parties have shown interest in working with us, through us Over 430,000 were displaced in final months of the conflict, but only 82,000 of these were new IDPs – An estimated 28,000 IDPs remain in camps because no place to return to/unsafe areas 2

Resettled People As of 08/26/2010 Vavuniya Camp - 32,707 Jaffna Camp - 2,237 Released - 292,081 In place of origin - 216,262 With host families - 71,264 In transit - 3,288

Resettled people in Kilinochchi & Mullaithivu Kilinochchi - 100,000 Mullaithivu - 50,000

Current Situation, cont. “Returnees” have gone back to their communities or settled in new areas, but are far from being “resettled” – Demining is a top priority; need for safe travel roads, clearance of arable land, mine education, etc. – Lack of livelihoods, shelter, food, etc. – Many returnees used their official resettlement packages to buy food & basic items, not rebuilding materials 58% of “returnees” are women; children and the elderly make up a significant % as well 5

International Medical Health Organization (IMHO)

North East Monsoon October to February Forecast cyclones and flooding due to current La Nina cycle Waterborne diseases Malaria Dengue

Resettled IDP Health Concerns Mental Health & Psychosocial Rehabilitation Rehabilitation for Amputees Primary Care – Disrupted access to medications – Overstretched services, doctors Sanitation & Water (esp. for resettled families without infrastructure) Livelihoods/Empowerment Lack of health care professionals, support – Training for local personnel 8

Primary Care Staff salary Kilinochchi – 3 Pre-interns – $2700 for 3months Mullaithivu – 3 Pre-interns – $2250 for 3 months Mobile Clinic – Mannar – $12,000 for 5,000 patients

Nutrition Pregnant mothers in Mullaitivu 1,000 mothers – $30 per mother

Patient Transport Poor road conditions Lack of transport services $2,000 – Patient transport expenses in Mullaitivu area

Comprehensive Rehabilitation for Amputees 12

Focus Effort: Amputee Rehab Working through local partners with amputees in Jaffna & Mannar Jaffna Jaipur Centre for Disability Rehabilitation (JJCDR) – Project to help war victims in Northern Sri Lanka left disabled and traumatized from the recent violence to move independently and comfortably through the provision of prostheses and mobility devices, such as wheelchairs, tricycles, walkers, crutches, and walking aids. 13

Jaffna Jaipur Center Pledged – $36,000 Given to-date – $24,000 International Medical Health Organization (IMHO)

Patient Profile #1 Father & Son: Jegan (29; below knee amputee) & Antony (9; above knee amputee) from Naavanthurai North, Jaffna, Sri Lanka Victims of shell blast in Kilinochchi in 2007; fitted with limbs in June

Patient Profile #2 Kamalanathan (10; above knee amputee) from Selvanagar, Kilinochchi, Sri Lanka Lost leg in shell blast on March 30, 2009; fitted with limb in May

Patient Profile #3 Jeyantha (19; upper limb amputee) from Vannankulam, Mullaitivu, Sri Lanka Lost arm in Mullaitivu during tsunami of December 2004; fitted with limb in 2007 Lost limb during Vanni war in 2009; refitted in June

Meththa Foundation $7,900 – Given Ongoing support for rehab center in Mannar International Medical Health Organization (IMHO)

Patient Care Kilinochchi-Renovation of in patient unit- $10,000 Home for Vettimanai residents Jaffna- Mobile mental health services

Shelter for Returnees $33 per family for Cadjan roof $4,000 given

Microcredit & Livelihoods Support— Key to Rebuilding Lives… 21

Focus Effort: Livelihoods Empowerment 22

Microcredit project Survivors Associated - $10,000 pledged; $5,000 given. Kilinochchi – through KAMHA - $9, families benefitted Tailoring shop Tuition center

Ananthapuram- $9, families 22 families already supported Carpentry Poultry Mechanic shop Auto- three wheeler

Microcredit project, cont.

Microcredit, cont. Returns- already started to come- Rs. 1,000/month This money will be used to support the other families in this village Then to move to the next village One village at a time

Education and Training Tailoring school Tutoring class for school students

Mental Health Issues Present Huge Challenge

Focus Effort: Mental Health Mental health has been identified repeatedly by those on the ground as being the area of greatest need Many coping with issues of trauma, depression, displacement, loss of family members/homes, need for reunification, emotional distress, hopelessness, etc. – Collapse of string binding structures, family units – Guilt: for surviving, not being able to bury dead, etc. – Lack of livelihood, feelings of self-worth – Personality disorders, poor impulse control, aggression, anti-social – Domestic violence – Fear of death, hunger, suffering, etc. 30

Recent Milestone Registration of IMHO Lanka (September 2010) – With increasing space for INGOs, IMHO Lanka can serve as implementing partner Success of growth & independence of IMHO Canada CDN $103,570 in 2010 projects to-date ($138,170 w/ pledges) 31

IMHO Canada Efforts Sivan Arul Illam--$22,800 – For nutritional/educational support for orphans and physiotherapy trainees KAMHA--$6,700 – 3-wheeler for patient transport and staff support CHA--$37,470 – 50 permanent toilets for returned IDP families RDHS Jaffna--$3,500 ($11,000 pledged) – Nutritional support for 250 malnourished pregnant mothers 32

IMHO Canada Efforts, cont. Tellipalai Mental Health Society--$5,500 ($24,000 pledged) – Support of multi-disciplinary intervention team Delft Hospital--$9,600 – Medical equipment and facilities improvement JJCDR--$3,000 – 25 indoor wheelchairs for amputees MSF Canada--$5,000 – Haiti earthquake disaster relief 33

IMHO Canada Efforts, cont. Maga Sakthy Women Federation--$5,000 ($9,300 pledged) – Microcredit/income-generation support for war-affected women- headed households in Kilinochchi Youga Sakthy Women Federation--$5,000 ($9,300 pledged) – Microcredit/income-generation support for war-affected women- headed households in Kilinochchi 34

Future Projects Continued support of amputee rehab through Meththa Foundation, JJCDR, and Handicap International 35

Future Projects, cont. Development of community medical clinic for poverty- and disaster-affected people in Petit-Goave, Haiti with Henri Gerard Desgranges Foundation ($32K grant) 36

Future Efforts, cont. Ethiopia volunteer medical mission trip to Bahir Dar/Debark, Northwest Ethiopia in partnership with the Amhara Development Association (ADA) – Laying foundation for future effort(s) – Sent shipment of glucometers, medicines, hygiene supplies, sports equipment, etc. valued at $14,000 37

Future Projects, cont. Jaffna University student support: $5,500 Palliative Care Center at Batticaloa Teaching Hospital in partnership with Indo American Cancer Association Possible ICT/telehealth project for maternal & child health at Jaffna in partnership with consortium under Global Partners United Alcohol/addiction hotline for Northeast Livelihoods/self-employment support and other efforts through Colombo Rotary Club 38

Moving Forward Continue to pursue USAID funding Explore social ventures and public-private partnerships Establishment of IMHO European Union still in the works Plan to coordinate volunteer teams to Sri Lanka in very near future based off ground needs 39

Support Our Work Donate online at Send a check made out to “IMHO” to: IMHO Treasurer, PO Box 61265, Staten Island, NY Become a monthly donor…just $1/day (or $30/month) will support our efforts to rebuild lives throughout Sri Lanka All donations are tax-deductible 40

Volunteer! We will be issuing a call for volunteers to go work in Sri Lanka very soon! Start spreading the word… Always looking for Chapter Coordinators in new cities & states Volunteer at local events Network on our behalf Offer your professional services – Web/computers, graphic design, accounting, videography/photography, printing, medical/consulting, etc. 41

Service is a commitment… 42