UFCFY5-30-1Multimedia Studio An Introduction to the Module
UFCFY5-30-1Multimedia Studio Module Team Barry Dean (Module Leader) Lindsey Howell
UFCFY5-30-1Multimedia Studio Agenda Themes Overview of Content Software Assessment Essential Reading
UFCFY5-30-1Multimedia Studio Module Themes Moving Image Multimedia Sound Production Coding for Interactive Media Graphics and Still Image Capture File Devices and Deployment
UFCFY5-30-1Multimedia Studio Moving Image Use and application of 3D Modelling and Animation systems for the generation of multimedia content and associated development scenarios. Video capture and editing, video formats, post- production effects, planning, storyboarding, setup and connectivity.
UFCFY5-30-1Multimedia Studio Multimedia Sound Production Creating and editing sound for multimedia scenarios Hardware associated with sound production Software applications used in sound production Connectivity aspects of using hardware and software devices Copyright aspects and digital rights management
UFCFY5-30-1Multimedia Studio Coding for Interactive Media Programming fundamentals: variables, data types, logic control structures, testing and debugging. deployment emulation. Designing and coding programs, processing data, handling program events and user interaction. Object-Oriented Programming concepts and implementation.
UFCFY5-30-1Multimedia Studio Graphics and Image Capture Text and font characteristics Image editing techniques: scaling, transforming, applying filters, optimizing, composite images, vector graphics. Various graphics file formats, e.g. JPEG, GIF, PNG, TIFF, TGA Photographic technologies and related equipment
UFCFY5-30-1Multimedia Studio File Devices and Deployment File formats, storage media: CDROM, DVD, Flash Memory, current and device connectivity: Blue Tooth, Firewire, USB3 Deployment technologies: HTML5, Web GL, CSS3, Perl, PHP, ASP, JSP, Java, AS3 and other formats.
UFCFY5-30-1Multimedia Studio Module Software The module will feature the following software applications: Adobe Master Collection Flash (interactive content development with Action Script 3.0), Fireworks (web-friendly graphics application) Photoshop (de-facto industry-standard graphics studio) Premiere (video editing and compositing) After Effects (post production editing and effects) Autodesk Maya (3D modelling and animation studio) ProTools (Digital Audio Workstation ‘DAW’ for creating, editing and arranging for sound-track compositions) Audacity (free open-source cross-platform audio editor) Various utility applications e.g. zip file extractors
UFCFY5-30-1Multimedia Studio Autodesk Student Licences Autodesk currently provides three-year licences for students. Register with your UWE at: (there is a link on the programme homepage) Once registered you can access a range of free software including Maya, Sketchbook and many other industry-standard software applications.
UFCFY5-30-1Multimedia Studio Module Assessment Your assessment for this module consists of the following components: Multimedia assignment with supporting documentation Website portfolio with supporting documentation Examination (2 hours duration) Component weightings: Multimedia Assignment (35%) Website Portfolio (35%) Exam (30%)
UFCFY5-30-1Multimedia Studio UWE Student Website As a UWE student you have a student website hosted on the department’s Unix server Your website homepage URL is: e.g. my username is bk2-dean and my homepage is at: Students’ websites are not externally visible by default, but this provides a cover when using copyrighted artwork and media for assignments etc.
UFCFY5-30-1Multimedia Studio Website Portfolio You will be expected to carry out four tutorial activities which will contribute to your portfolio assessment component. Each activity will be awarded a mark for its completion and web deployment where appropriate.
UFCFY5-30-1Multimedia Studio Essential Reading Savage, T.M, Vogel, K.E. (2013) An Introduction to Digital Multimedia, Second Edition, Jones and Bartlett [ISBN X] Priced around £35 less 25% UWE negotiated discount from publisher = £26.25 See