Third Health Programme 2014-2020 Scope and priorities for 2015 Jurgita Kaminskaite, project officer Consumers, health, agriculture and food executive agency (Chafea), European Commission 29 June 2015
Third EU Health Programme Commission proposal (November 2011) The only programme dedicated exclusively to health Third Health Programme - Regulation (EU) 282/2014 of 11 March 2014 Applies retroactively from 1 January 2014
Characteristics 4 objectives, which are more focused and tangible (SMART) Criteria (21 thematic priorities – Annex I of Programme criteria Regulation) Progress indicators to monitor the objectives and the impact Annual Work Plans based on long-term policy planning New Annex II – Criteria for establishing annual work programmes
Objectives of the programme
3rd Health Programme – thematic priorities promote health, prevent diseases, and foster supportive environments for healthy lifestyles taking into account the ‘health in all policies’ principle protect Union citizens from serious cross-border health threats contribute to innovative, efficient and sustainable health systems facilitate access to better and safer healthcare for Union citizens
Instruments Grants for projects Grants for Joint Actions co-financed with Member State Competent Authorities Operating grants (3yr FPA, yearly SGA) Direct grants to International Organisations Public procurement (tenders, framework contracts)
Operating grants
Programme is opened to… 28 EU Member States, plus Norway and Iceland; Legally established organisations: Public authorities, public sector bodies (research and health institutions, universities and higher education establishments) Non-governmental bodies International organisations
Implementation Annual Work Programmes The Commission implements the Programme by establishing annual work programmes on the basis of which calls for proposals and call for tenders are organised every year. Programme Committee Members The Commission is assisted by a committee for establishing the annual Work Plans and monitor the Programme implementation. National Focal Points Member states designate National Focal Points for the promotion of the Programme and the dissemination of the Programme results and the identification of impacts generated The contact details of NFP could be found on the CHAFEA website Consumers, Health, Agriculture and Food Executive Agency (CHAFEA) The Agency is entrusted by the Commission to manage the Health Programme. There is a close work cooperation established between the Commission and Chafea
Financial provisions 60% is the maximum co-financing rate for all types of grants, and in some rare cases of exceptional utility this may be raised up to 80% Public procurement is of course covered 100%.
EU added value: a key concept • Implementing EU legislation and ensuring that the legislation implemented is correct • Economies of scale with the aim of saving money and providing citizens with better service • Promotion of best practice in all participating Member States in order for EU citizens to benefit from the state of the art best practices • Benchmarking for decision making requiring a strong commitment to use results with the aim of facilitating evidence based decision making • Focus on cross border threats in order to reduce risks and mitigate their consequences • Free movement of persons with the aim of ensuring high quality Public Health across Member States • Networking as an important tool for disseminating results to all Member States including non participants
Projects grants, Joint Actions, Service Contracts ANNUAL WORKPLAN 2015
Overview on Priorities Call for Projects 2015 • Gathering knowledge and exchanging best practices on measures reducing availability of alcoholic beverages (PJ-01-2015) • Early diagnosis and treatment of viral hepatitis (PJ-02-2015) • Early diagnosis of tuberculosis (PJ-03-2015) • Support for the implementation and scaling up of good practices in the areas of integrated care, frailty prevention, adherence to medical plans and age-friendly communities (PJ-04-2015) • Common assessment methodology on quality, safety and efficacy of transplantation therapies (PJ-05-2015)
Call for PROJECTS – TOPIC 1 (PJ-01-2015) 2. 1. 1. 1 Call for PROJECTS – TOPIC 1 (PJ-01-2015) Gathering knowledge and exchanging best practices on measures reducing availability of alcoholic beverages The activities should aim at testing methods/tools and at identifying good practices on reducing heavy episodic drinking amongst young people in different settings and different Member States through measures reducing availability of alcoholic drinks. The activities would also analyse the impact of such measures reducing availability (in terms of reducing harmful alcohol use, in particular heavy episodic drinking amongst young people). Priority should be given to initiatives aiming at identifying good practices targeting young people among the lowest socioeconomic groups and encourage EU networking and good practise exchange. Available Budget 1.700.000 EUR
Call for PROJECTS – TOPIC 2 (PJ-02-2015) 2. 1. 1. 2 Call for PROJECTS – TOPIC 2 (PJ-02-2015) Early diagnosis and testing of viral hepatitis The activities will support the development of national hepatitis strategies, screening and treatment guidelines, taking into account available treatment options. It will help to bridge primary, secondary care, and outreach, in the community including prison health services, to facilitate access to and uptake of testing, vaccination and treatment services particularly among key risk groups including drug users, prisoners, homeless, men who have sex with men, sex workers and people living with HIV/AIDS. It will also assess the potentially considerable economic impact of available treatment, testing strategies and vaccination options on health systems, which are under the responsibility of the EU Member States, with a view to inform decisions on balancing access to medicines and vaccines with the financial sustainability of health systems. Available Budget 1.600.000 EUR
Call for PROJECTS – TOPIC 3 (PJ-03-2015) 2. 1. 1. 3 Call for PROJECTS – TOPIC 3 (PJ-03-2015) Early diagnosis of tuberculosis The activities aim at improving early diagnosis, strengthening integration of care, and outreach strategies in the community and in prison settings, and will draw on evidence and best practice from low- and high-incidence countries. They will furthermore strengthen national TB responses by supporting the development and implementation of national strategic plans and guidelines with a particular focus on improving the control of multi-drug resistant (MDR) TB and the implementation of evidence based, state of the art diagnostics and treatment options. The action will facilitate collaboration amongst EU Member States particularly in relation to vulnerable groups including migrants, homeless, prisoners and people who inject drugs with a view to support access to and continuity of care… Available Budget 1.900.000
Call for PROJECTS – TOPIC 4 (PJ-04-2015) 2. 1. 3. 1 Call for PROJECTS – TOPIC 4 (PJ-04-2015) Support for the implementation and scaling up of good practices in the areas of integrated care, frailty prevention, adherence to medical plans and age- friendly communities Building upon previous work conducted in these areas, the activities to be addressed will include: (i) identification of benchmarks focusing on successful local interventions with high transferability potential and (ii) support to the twinning, coaching, and/or scaling up of identified good practices on: integrating health and social care in age-friendly community settings; community programmes implementing tools and European guidance on age-friendly communities that use a participatory approach and respond to needs of older people; integrated community-based approach programmes for the screening, assessment, prevention and management of frailty in older people, and development of interventions for adherence to treatment and medical plans, in particular involving health care professionals, patients in the community, caregivers and community pharmacies. Available Budget 2.500.000 EUR
Call for PROJECTS – TOPIC 5 (PJ-05-2015) 2. 1. 4. 1 Call for PROJECTS – TOPIC 5 (PJ-05-2015) Common assessment methodology on quality, safety and efficacy of transplantation therapies The activities should develop a framework for assessing and verifying the quality, safety and efficacy of therapies with human tissues and cells. They should include criteria, parameters and methodologies for evaluation. An important focus will be on implementation, i.e. how these parameters and methodologies can be used by clinical actors in their daily practice to assess the quality, safety and efficacy of the tissues/cells clinical applications. The activities should include testing and validation of the proposed framework through prospective and/or retrospective studies. They should include measures to ensure that such a framework can be made available to and shared amongst the clinical actors in the field. They should consult all interested stakeholders, including professional societies and Member States competent authorities in order to ensure the acceptability of the proposed framework at all levels. Available Budget 1.300.000 EUR
Overview on Priorities Joint Actions co-financed with Member State authorities 2015 Health Technology Assessment cooperation (JA-01-2015) Prevention of frailty (JA-02-2015) Market surveillance of medical devices (JA-03-2015) Rare cancer (JA-04-2015)
Joint Actions – TOPIC 1 (JA-01-2015) 2. 2. 3. 1 Joint Actions – TOPIC 1 (JA-01-2015) Health technology Assessment cooperation The objective of this action is to support voluntary cooperation at scientific and technical level between Health Technology Assessment Bodies to validate the model for joint work to be continued after EU funding under the EU Health Programme ends. improving joint assessment of clinical evidence increasing capacity and know-how of HTA bodies improving understanding of qualitative and methodological issues of HTA increasing interaction between HTA and regulatory requirements defining a sustainable structure Available Budget 12.000.000
Joint Actions – TOPIC 2 (JA-02-2015) Prevention of frailty This action builds on the results of the European Innovation Partnership on Active & Healthy Ageing, and the Prevention of Frailty Group. This Joint Action will foster a holistic approach to long-term conditions of the elderly that addresses frailty and its relation to chronic diseases. Available Budget 3.500.000 EUR
Joint Actions – TOPIC 3 (JA-03-2015) 2. 2. 3. 3 Joint Actions – TOPIC 3 (JA-03-2015) Market surveillance of medical devices This action to be taken forward by national bodies mandated in this field will promote cooperation between Member States allowing development of best practice, training and knowledge and resource sharing concerning the implementation of the medical device legislation, in particular to Member State tasks such as the market surveillance of devices. Available Budget 850.000 EUR
Joint Actions – TOPIC 4 (JA-04-2015) Rare cancer This action will provide a platform for competent national authorities, involving specialised institutions, scientific and professional bodies and patients organisations in Member States to consensual and operational definition of rare cancers spread knowledge and good practice on rare cancers address obstacles of patients to access appropriate therapies assessment of new therapies European Reference Network concept European Conference on Rare Cancers Available Budget 1.500.000 EUR
Overview on Priorities Procurement 2015 • 4.1.3. Surveys and target prevention projects for training of health professionals in the area of HIV/AIDS (Open Call) • 4.2.3. Public health preparedness and response training and exercise (Open Call, Framework) • 4.3.1. Health innovation and e-Health: Use of e-Health and Big Data in Healthcare Policy and Research (Open Call) • 4.3.4. ESIF support in the area of health: building knowledge and capacities for monitoring and implementation, supporting innovation and effectiveness (Open Call) • 4.3.14. Impact of health systems on health status of the population (Open Call) • 4.3.15. Health System Performance Assessment - Integrated care assessment • 4.4.1. ERN - Selection of the independent assessment/evaluation body(ies) in charge of the assessment of the applications of Network and membership proposals - Technical assistance (Framework) • 4.4.1. Methodology and recommendations for the development of clinical decision-making tools (CDMT) such as clinical guidelines, consensus documents and patient pathways - Study (Open Call) • 4.4.2. Preparatory work to set up a framework for a sustainable EU collaboration on patient safety and quality of care (Open Call) • 4.1.5. Tobacco Tracking and Tracing - Tobacco legislation - tracking and tracing (Open Call)