Challenge to End Malnutrition Strategic Fundraising Plan for a Five Year ACF International Campaign Presentation to ACF-F Conseil d’Administration 8 October 2010, Madrid prepared by Valérie Daher, ACF France Carmen Gayo, ACF Spain Geoffrey M. Glick, ACF USA Sophie Noonan, ACF UK Natalie Ryan, ACF Canada Elaine Ryan, ACF International Charlie Michaud, CCS
1.Why an International Campaign ? 2.CCS Feasibility Study 3.Campaign Concept & Goals 4.Campaign Strategy 5.Budget & Revenue Projections 6.Staffing & Governance 7.Key success factors and next steps Overview of Presentation
Child malnutrition is on the political agenda Child malnutrition is a compelling and engaging cause International campaigns dedicated to hunger already launched by WFP, FAO, MSF… A common international ACF strategy, core messages and goals Half a million active supporters worldwide Centralized online tools and social media give us the opportunity to reach new markets and new donors at a low cost A window of opportunity
Competing Campaigns on Hunger & Malnutrition 1,000 Days: Change a Life, Change the Future. Partnership with governments, NGOs, businesses and individuals, e.g.: SUN (Scaling up Nutrition) roadmap. FAO led campaign where 900,000+ people have signed an online petition calling for action on ending hunger. MSF & VII Photo developed Starved for Attention, a multimedia campaign exposing the crisis of childhood malnutrition.
Why an International Campaign? To meet the goals articulated in the ACF International Strategic Plan 2015 To improve marketing cost-effectiveness by maximizing potential of underdeveloped markets and reaching new territories To help ACF reclaim nutrition as its core issue
Why an International Campaign? To improve marketing cost-effectiveness by maximizing potential of underdeveloped markets and reaching new territories Sharing costs allow us to build a fundraising campaign that we could not do at the HQ level Centralized team of experts benefits the whole network Coherent communication: a unique brand will enable us to improve our notoriety An interactive media strategy designed to reach new markets in a cost effective way Participation of global corporate partners greatly extends ACF market penetration within existing and new territories
Campaign Concept Over a five year period, the Challenge to End Malnutrition will mobilize a global constituency of concerned individuals who believe that no child should ever die from hunger. By 2015, the campaign will recruit 3.5 million participants from around world—one person for each child dying every year from hunger related causes.
Campaign Goals FUNDRAISING GOALS Greatly increase pool of donors supporting ACF through Challenge 500,000 + new individual donors, high-value individual donors, 60 + corporate partners Expand fundraising beyond current group of five HQ countries $9 million + in contributions from individuals & countries outside ACF network Improve ROI to raise $46.9 million in private funds by 2015 Full five year campaign raises $46.9 million with a central investment of $6.7 million and local supporting costs of $2 million in staffing. Final ROI of 434% more than double the current rate of 160%. ADVOCACY GOAL Position ACF as a leading advocate in the fight against hunger 3.5 million campaign participants, including 2 million from Challenge website and 1.5 million via corporate partners.
Challenge Impact on ACF Annual Fundraising Increasing Donors & Expanding Territories
Overview of Fundraising Strategy
Challenge Budget Summary Investment of $8.8 million raises $46.9 million in revenues
Additional Revenues Attributed to Challenge $20.98 million from direct mail donors & conversion of campaign supporters
Challenge Expenses: Central & Local Central Expenses of $6.7 million and Local Expenses of $2 million
Challenge Central Costs A total of $6.7M for the next 5 years 4 centralized staff positions (22%) Campaign Director International Online Marketing Manager Communication/Social Media Manager Donor Relations Administrator Consultants (14%) Communication/branding agency Website PR agency Social media field consultants Promotional tools (34%) Online advertising Campaign launch activities Printing and video production… OTPS (30%) including bank fees, list acquisition, travel…
Challenge Local Costs Local staff for each HQ : Online Staff Member High Value Donor Officer Corporate Sponsorship Officer A declining portion of these costs are allocated to the challenge over the 5 years
Challenge Revenue & Cost Sharing Online fundraising and all revenues from non-HQ territories are centralized in a common international fund to be redistributed Proportionality Scenario: Each HQ invests based on its capacity and receives revenues in direct proportion to that investment EX: France, US and Spain invest 25% of central costs. UK invests 15% and Canada 10% Alternative Scenario: France invests in growing UK & Canada EX : France invests 40%, US 25%, Spain 25%, UK 5% and Canada 5%. Revenues distributed as follows: France 30%, US 25%, Spain 25%, UK 10% and Canada 10%
Budget Summary by HQ: Proportionality Scenario Proportional Cost & Revenue Sharing: 25% France/Spain/US - 15% UK - 10% Canada
Budget Summary by HQ: Alternative Scenario France Invests in Growth of UK & Canada Investment: 40% France, 25% Spain, 25% US, 5% UK, 5% Canada | Distribution: 30% France, 25% Spain, 25% US, 10% UK, 10% Canada
Key Success Factors Securing the endorsement of international and national opinion leaders A compelling brand that leverages a strong PR concept (so that we can minimize marketing costs and maximize exposure) An innovative viral strategy Full ACF network support including the cooperation of the operations
Next Steps Budget commitment for the first two years, including firm funding commitment for FY2011 before November 15, 2010 Unique brand for the campaign (separate from ACF) Central governance and management structure International guidelines on corporate partnerships Agreement on use of money raised to increase field impact
Challenge to End Malnutrition Thanks!
Appendix I: Online Budget Summary Proportional Cost & Revenue Sharing: 25% France/Spain/US - 15% UK - 10% Canada
Appendix II: Online Budget Summary – Alternative Scenario France Invests in Growth of UK & Canada Investment: 40% France, 25% Spain, 25% US, 5% UK, 5% Canada | Distribution: 30% France, 25% Spain, 25% US, 10% UK, 10% Canada