MANDATE The Department’s Comprehensive Plan for the Development of Sustainable Human Settlements – proposes 3 new housing instruments: –Informal Settlement Upgrading –Social (Medium density ) housing –Rural housing (Endorse a housing programme to respond to the needs of farm workers and farm dwellers)
BACKGROUND AND PROCESS The NDOH established a steering committee with representation from DLA. Comments solicited from key stakeholders. Further consultations had via 2 meetings of Rural Housing Task Team (RHTT).
PROBLEM STATEMENT The need to create new or adjust existing subsidy mechanisms to accommodate the challenges of farm worker accommodation. The provision of basic services could prove a challenge if houses are to be built on private property. Capacity constraints of Municipalities.
AIMS AND OBJECTIVES Core objectives: –To provide security of tenure; –To provide adequate housing and services; –Promote healthy and secure environments; –Ensure adequate participation in integrated and sustainable development; and –Ensure the empowerment of women. In addition: –Assist municipalities to fulfill their obligations –Access to social amenities –Promote the livelihoods
POLICY PRESCRIPTS Appropriate framework to facilitate development of new housing stock and upgrading of existing housing stock. Programme provides for diverse tenure options, including ownership, rental off and on-farm, and option of converting rental to ownership. Rental access to off or on-farm housing will not prejudice occupier from accessing a state housing subsidy elsewhere. Housing subsidy applications must be motivated within the context of municipal rural settlement plans.
FUNDING ARRANGEMENTS Programme will be funded through the application of existing housing subsidy mechanisms, specifically: Individual, Project-linked and Institutional subsidy mechanisms, - with certain amendments to requirements and criteria, to ensure relevance and applicability to context.
TENURE Programme options realised through application of existing housing subsidy mechanisms: –Individual Housing Subsidy: able to acquire ownership of farm property; –Project-Linked Subsidy: where a legal entity has been able to acquire ownership of farm property; and –Institutional Housing Subsidy:made available to housing institutions established to provide off-farm and on-farm ownership or rental housing with long term security of tenure for eligible beneficiaries.
ELIGIBILITY All farm occupiers as defined in ESTA, and who have a monthly income of R3500 or less. Farm workers who are not currently resident on their farm of employment, seasonal workers and other categories of rural workers such as domestic and security personnel. Specific emphasis to promote participation of women farm workers and occupiers.
NORMS & STANDARDS National Norms and Standards in respect of municipal engineering services and permanent residential structures will apply. However, said Norms and Standards may be adjusted with the approval of the MEC. MEC should determine most appropriate technical standards that must be achieved. The MEC must endeavour to achieve compliance with National Norms and Standards.
INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENTS The key role players in this policy are: –beneficiaries, –municipalities, –national and provincial government, –land owners/farmers and –civil society organisations Programme success hinges on effective cross- departmental cooperation with: –Land Affairs; –Labour; and –Provincial & Local Government
WAY FORWARD The draft policy will be presented to the Rural Indaba planned for the latter part of the year – date to be determined. Inputs received will be used to enhance the policy after which it will be presented to MINMEC for consideration.