ENSURING AN EQUITABLE DEAL FOR AFRICA AT COP17 “National Climate Change Conference for Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries”, Government of the Republic of South Africa, Pretoria 12 August 2011 Lindiwe Majele Sibanda (PhD) CEO, FANRPAN
Outline About FANRPAN What we have Achieved: –Poznan 2008 –Copenhagen 2009 –Cancun 2010 –Towards Durban 2011
What is needed for Africa to be Successful at COP17 in Durban? A Durban deal without a dedicated track for agriculture is “NO Deal”
FANRPAN - From Local to Global To promote effective Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources (FANR) policies by 1.Facilitating linkages and partnerships between governments and civil society 2.Building the capacity for policy analysis and policy dialogue in Africa and 3.Supporting demand driven policy research and analysis
FANRPAN’s Thematic Thrusts Social Protection & Livelihoods Food Systems Agricultural Productivity and Markets Natural Resources and Environment Institutional Strengthening and Capacity Building
REGIONAL - FANRPAN Board of Governors FANRPAN CEO PS Ministry of Agriculture, Swaziland USAID COMESA Secretary- General National Depart of Agriculture, South Africa Ministry of Agriculture Zimbabwe Former PS Ministry of Agriculture, Zambia Professor University of Pretoria
FANRPAN Food Security Policy Leadership Awards REGIONAL - Recognizing African Success H. E. Dr. Bingu wa Mutharika President – Republic of Malawi H.E. L. DIEGO, Prime Minister – Mozambique On behalf of President Emilio Guebuza 2010 Hon. Abraham Ivambo, Minister of Education – Namibia On behalf of President Hifikepunye Pohamba
Who Produces Food? Over 75% of the African population lives in RURAL areas 80 % of farmers in Africa are smallholder farmers –rely on rain-fed agriculture for their livelihoods –Women constitute 70% of the labour force Produce 80 % of the food that is consumed by Africans –on farms that are less than 2 hectares
● Land Owned - 1 ha ● Main Crops - Staples ● Yields - Maize 100kg/ha ● Fertilizer used - 20% of recommended ● Agricultural implements owned - hand hoe FACE of an African Small-scale Farmer
Poor representation of smallholder farmers in policy processes Dominance of the “elite”(gov. academics) in policy making process Stakeholder consultative processes not promoted - Perceived as costly - Tend to favour safe audiences (donors, academics) - Consultations usually conducted during the formulation stage and not at implementation stages Very good policies on paper, poor implementation and little review Poor in-depth research supporting policy processes in the region (academic vs. anecdotal) Traditional knowledge ignored at the expense of external advice Small-scale Farmers’ Policy Environment
Linking Local to Global Model Natural, Physical, Financial, Human and Social HOUSEHOLD Livelihood Assets Agri. Production Databases Climate Data GIS Mapping OF assets Policy Development National Policy Level Community Livelihood Databases Global Level Data Global Knowledge Research Level Scaling Up Scaling Down Policy Dialogue
FANRPAN Policy and Advocacy UNFCCC Engagements –“no agriculture, no deal” –ARDD –ACCID newsletters Policy advocacy tools –Newsletters –policy briefs –FANRPAN Website Ministerial briefings –AU –COMESA –SADC Smart Partnerships –MOUS with gov, private and development partners High-level Policy Engagements –Interviews with Heads of State –Interviews with CNBC, BBC, Voice of America Communities participate in global engagements –Linking local CBOs-International NGOs –Building community confidence to value their Climate Change Research and Policy Practice –Home grown research and data – HVI –Review of NAPAs and NAMAs, CAADP
Towards Poznan: CoP14 COMESA developed the Africa Climate Solution embracing AFOLU (Agriculture, Forestry and other Land Uses) FANRPAN developed a complementary Initiative to ensure that African civil society and governments collaborate and speak with one voice in 14 and CoP 15 global platforms. ACCID - AFRICA-WIDE Civil Society Initiative in Policy Dialogues launched by FANRPAN Three Regional Economic Communities (COMESA, ECA and SADC) endorsed AFOLU. AFOLU launched at AU Summit in Libya and AMCEN in Nairobi
About ACCID Mobilise space for civil society to speak with one voice in ensuring that the successor to the Kyoto Protocol values the contribution of sustainable agriculture and forestry activities to climate change mitigation and adaptation. Link adaptation and mitigation agenda to on-going negotiations leading to COP 15. Equip CSOs with research-based evidence (scientific and anecdotal) to promote national, regional and global pro-poor policy and practice in the mitigation and adaptation to climate change. Ensure that financial instruments benefit the poor and help Africa towards the attainment of the MDGs.
CoP14 Launched the REDD- Agriculture, Forestry and Sustainable Land Use [AFOLU] Bio-Carbon Coalition under the Africa Climate Solution in Poznan, Poland. Lobbied the international community, governments and Climate Change negotiators to endorse REDD and AFOLU in the main text to be adopted for the COP 15 in Copenhagen in November Initiative endorsed by high level delegates including ministers from Bolivia, Grenada, South Africa, Zambia, Lesotho and Swaziland who highlighted the importance of supporting initiatives that are African owned such as AFOLU and that have been developed within the African context. Raised awareness on the central role of Africa’s forest and agricultural activities in climate change mitigation and adaptation through media coverage and lobbying.
Mobilising the Global Community to support Africa’s Position
Towards Copenhagen: CoP15 Training of African journalists from FANRPAN member countries Launched Agriculture and Rural Development Day (ARDD), 300 delegates attended the side meeting Joint meeting for Agriculture and Forest Day for combined statement Panel sessions at UNCSD Inter-governmental preparatory meetings – Africa, Namibia, Ethiopia, New York Launch of the “No Agriculture No Deal” campaign
CoP15, Copenhagen
Towards Cancun: CoP16 Partnership with African Development Bank for Africa green fund Training of African journalists from FANRPAN member countries Agriculture and Rural Development Day (ARDD) Statement read by FANRPAN and received by UNFCCC Secretariat Joint African panel session: –African Union Commissioner; FANRPAN; ADB and UNECA Africa position and common vision: –UNECA, FANRPAN and African Union, Addis Ababa
Cancun: CoP16
Towards Durban: CoP17 Addressed the South African Parliamentarians, March 2011 AfricaAdapt Conference – sharing experiences from Local to Global COMESA Ministers of Agriculture – Climate Smart Agriculture, July 2011 UNFCCC Bonn Side meeting, June 2011 – Agriculture and Forestry Steering committee for ARDD CGIAR CAFFS Steering committee member Training of African journalists, September 2011 Theatre for Policy Advocacy road show, September & November 2011
Agriculture and Rural Development Day – ARDD 2011 Venue for ARDD Durban University of Technology (DUT) ARDD side event at CoP 17, 3 December 2011 FANRPAN and DAFF represented in the ARDD Steering Committee and the Communication Committees