{ Central Texas Conference Laity Session 2015 Lord, Make Me an Instrument Rev. Lisa Greenwood Vice President, Texas Methodist Foundation Leadership Ministry
Current Reality…
Unaffiliated growing across generations Data from the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life
When an organization or institution has lost its connection with its own environment there is only one choice: deep change… or slow death. Deep Change, Robert Quinn Current Reality…
A Simple Systems Model (Edwards Deming) InputsThru-puts Outputs/Outcomes ResourcesActivities The difference desired Nouns Verbs Measureable Nouns Verbs Measureable InputsThru-puts Outputs/Outcomes ResourcesActivities The difference desired Nouns Verbs Measureable Nouns Verbs Measureable
Shifting UM Paradigm… Outcome= more members, satisfied clergy & satisfied congregations Old UMC Paradigm
Shifting UM Paradigm… Outcome=disciples (changed lives who change the world) New UMC Paradigm (INPUT = members, clergy & congregations)
New Reality! The church, clergy, members can no longer be the object of our affection! ***** The Mission of the United Methodist Church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
Focus on the Mission The Responsibility of Membership The Rise of Spiritual Leadership Making the Shift
Creating a Culture of Purpose & Generosity Focus on the Mission
Who are we? Who is our neighbor? What is the difference God is calling us to make in the next chapter of our lives? Focus on the Mission
Where do you focus your energy? Problems OR Possibilities? Pleasing People OR Pleasing God? Activities OR Outcomes? Counting OR Measuring? Focus on the Mission
The Responsibility of Membership…
To build a Christian community where non-religious and nominally religious people are becoming deeply committed Christians. Church of the Resurrection Leawood, Kansas The Responsibility of Membership…
Membership has no privileges, only responsibilities Church of the Resurrection Leawood, Kansas The Responsibility of Membership…
A member’s lifestyle is one of radical discipleship, demonstrating priorities that indicate they are living for Jesus, not themselves. Ginghamsburg Church The Responsibility of Membership…
Faithful ongoing participation in worship celebrations Faithful ongoing participation in a cell (small) group Faithful ongoing use of his or her spiritual gifts and talents in ministry Faithful ongoing financial support of Ginghamsburg Church through his or her tithe and financial gifts Ginghamsburg Church The Responsibility of Membership…
New Members Leaders To change a system…
Staff Lay Leadership The Goal is deeply devoted disciples The Rise of Spiritual Leaders…
Things to examine: Lay Leadership commitments Lay Leadership selection process Lay Leadership covenant Lay Leadership commissioning Lay Leadership aligning with the mission The Rise of Spiritual Leaders…
Lord, Make Me an Instrument…