THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH Power in the Middle Ages
Remember Do not copy anything in Italics. Do not copy anything in Italics. Do not copy anything in (…..). Do not copy anything in (…..). Do not copy anything with Review at the top of the page Do not copy anything with Review at the top of the page Do not forget that you love history and want to go home and read your history book tonight!!!!!! Do not forget that you love history and want to go home and read your history book tonight!!!!!!
The rise of the church When the roman empire fell, much of the western part of the empire had not yet become Christian. When the roman empire fell, much of the western part of the empire had not yet become Christian. The job of continuing the spread of Christianity no longer belonged to the emperor. Now it belonged to the Pope. The job of continuing the spread of Christianity no longer belonged to the emperor. Now it belonged to the Pope.
Shortly after the fall of the Roman Empire, a priest named Patrick traveled to Ireland to spread God’s word. He set up churches and monasteries. His monks played a huge role in spreading Christianity throughout Europe.
What is a Pope? The Pope is the head of the catholic church. The Pope is the head of the catholic church. They believe they followed in a long line of church leaders beginning with Peter the apostle. They believe they followed in a long line of church leaders beginning with Peter the apostle. Pope have enormous power within the church, and also have power outside the church. Pope have enormous power within the church, and also have power outside the church.
MONKS The way the pope spread the gospel was through monks. The way the pope spread the gospel was through monks. The monks were the missionaries of their day. The monks were the missionaries of their day. They lived in a monastery, where they devoted themselves to learning about God and his word. They lived in a monastery, where they devoted themselves to learning about God and his word. They were also very learned and began some of the very first schools that we know of. They were also very learned and began some of the very first schools that we know of.
The Jesuits are an order of monks dedicated to education. They have several colleges throughout the United States, including Spring Hill College in Mobile. They have had a tremendous impact on educational ideas throughout the world.
Monks Continued Monks were important not only because of their relationship with the church, but because the held the key to reading. Monks were important not only because of their relationship with the church, but because the held the key to reading. All bibles were in Latin. Monks and church officials were some of the only people who could read Latin. Therefore, whatever they said was in the Bible, you had to believe was in the Bible. All bibles were in Latin. Monks and church officials were some of the only people who could read Latin. Therefore, whatever they said was in the Bible, you had to believe was in the Bible.
Read the Bible Passage Για το Θεό που αγαπιέται έτσι τον κόσμο ότι έδωσε το μόνο γεννηθέντα γιο του, και whosoever θεωρεί ότι σε τον δεν θα χαθεί, αλλά έχει την συνεχή ζωή. Θ*Ιοχν τρία δέκα έξι Για το Θεό που αγαπιέται έτσι τον κόσμο ότι έδωσε το μόνο γεννηθέντα γιο του, και whosoever θεωρεί ότι σε τον δεν θα χαθεί, αλλά έχει την συνεχή ζωή. Θ*Ιοχν τρία δέκα έξι
Review Who is the Pope? Who is the Pope? What kind of power does the pope have? What kind of power does the pope have? What is a monk? What is a monk? Name two orders of Monks. Name two orders of Monks. Why were monks so important? Why were monks so important?
The Role of Religion Religion was everything in Europe during the middle ages. Religion was everything in Europe during the middle ages. What people ate, wore, said, and did, was all determined by the church. What people ate, wore, said, and did, was all determined by the church. If you broke church law you were considered an outcast, and kicked out of society, if not killed. If you broke church law you were considered an outcast, and kicked out of society, if not killed.
On Sundays everyone in the village would go to mass. It was not an option. There were penalties for not going in some towns.
Men and women were required to dress very modestly. Especially women.
Catholic Families during the middle ages were very large most of the time. The Catholic church encouraged their members to have many children and raise them to serve the faith.
Heresy The Catholic Church also controlled heresy. Heresy is when someone makes claims that are opposite to what the Bible claims. The Catholic Church also controlled heresy. Heresy is when someone makes claims that are opposite to what the Bible claims. To combat heresy, the Pope set up a council in 1233 called the Inquisition. This council decided who was and was not committing heresy, and could punish the person responsible. To combat heresy, the Pope set up a council in 1233 called the Inquisition. This council decided who was and was not committing heresy, and could punish the person responsible. If you confessed, you were let go after an apology,but if you refused to confess, other things happened. If you confessed, you were let go after an apology,but if you refused to confess, other things happened.
Education The catholic church began to create universities to educate monks and nobles. The catholic church began to create universities to educate monks and nobles. The first of these universities was at Bologna, Italy and Paris, France. The first of these universities was at Bologna, Italy and Paris, France. College lasted 4-6 years, then a person was given a final exam by a board of trustees and then given a degree, or not. College lasted 4-6 years, then a person was given a final exam by a board of trustees and then given a degree, or not.
Indulgences The Catholic Church began a massive building program during the s. The Catholic Church began a massive building program during the s. To fund some of their projects, they began selling indulgences. To fund some of their projects, they began selling indulgences. Indulgences could be bought by any member of the church and the church said that it would pray for the person the indulgence was bought for. This would hopefully get them out of hell or purgatory and into heaven. Indulgences could be bought by any member of the church and the church said that it would pray for the person the indulgence was bought for. This would hopefully get them out of hell or purgatory and into heaven. This practice led to a church reform movement called the Reformation. This practice led to a church reform movement called the Reformation.
St. Peters Basilica: Rome
In addition to new buildings, new works of art were commissioned by the church. Michelangelo painted the Sistine Chapel by order of the pope.
Review Why would you be prone to buy an indulgence if you lived during this time? Why would you be prone to buy an indulgence if you lived during this time? What is the problem with indulgences? What is the problem with indulgences? How did the catholic church effect the everyday life of those who lived during the middle ages? How did the catholic church effect the everyday life of those who lived during the middle ages? What was the inquisition? What was the inquisition?