MBLT Indicators Framework Education Writers Association Nashville, Tennessee May 20, 2014 Michelle Renée, Ph.D. Principal Associate Education Writers Association Nashville, Tennessee May 20, 2014 Michelle Renée, Ph.D. Principal Associate
MBLT Initiative Goal “To reinvent public schools through more and better learning time in neighborhoods of concentrated poverty, so that students are prepared equitably for college, career, and civic participation.”
MBLT Theory of Change
Building a Collectively Owned Indicators Framework
Four Stages of Implementation 1.Creating and Sustaining the Conditions for More and Better Learning Time 2.Ensuring Access to More and Better Learning Time 3.Preparing Students for College, Career, and Civic Life 4.Scaling Up: Making More and Better Learning Time the “New Normal”
1. Creating and Sustaining the Conditions for More and Better Learning Time Creating positive school climate; building ownership, engagement of teachers, family, and community Districts create supportive policy and structures; provide leadership and funding to ensure success Resources reallocated and/or targeted to support local MBLT ecosystems
1. Creating and Sustaining the Conditions for MBLT Indicator: Targeted Fiscal Resources
2. Ensuring Access to More and Better Learning Time Understanding how structures and strategies can facilitate (or impede) student opportunity, development, and agency Ensuring students have agency in determining how their time is spent Expanding learning time and using it successfully; providing teachers and educators time for collaboration Indicators: Access to More Time; Support Services
2. Ensuring Access to More and Better Learning Time Indicator: Identifying and Minimizing Time Distractors UCLA IDEA Table from: Rogers and Mirra (2014). Cracks in the Hourglass. AERA 2014.
3. Preparing Students for College, Career, and Civic Life Acquiring 21st century skills and knowledge needed for the next educational level Engaging in learning in and out of school Engaged in activities and behaviors that ensure health and well-being
3. Preparing Students for College, Career, and Civic Life Example of Using Multiple Indicators James Irvine Foundation Snapshot: Linked Learning in Motion.
4. Scaling Up: Making More and Better Learning Time the “New Normal” MBLT models are successful across multiple schools, districts, and states Partner organizations are meaningfully engaged across the ecosystem Systemic equity is reached
More and Better Learning Time Indicators Project Contact Information Website: better-learning-time-initiative