Peter Hazlewood, World Resources Institute PEP-20, Edinburgh, May 2015 Sessions on “Knowledge generation, communications and role of networks for SDG implementation” Introduction
From MDG-7 to the Sustainable Development Goals What do these shifts imply for knowledge and communications?
We need knowledge and communication to… Support more integrated and inclusive approaches to SD policy, planning and implementation at all levels More effectively assess synergies and trade-offs – including benefits and costs (multi-dimensional) and distributional aspects Empower local innovation and solutions – beyond anecdotes of ‘what works’; success factors; barriers to formalization/scaling; bridging the micro-macro divide Learning, connecting and influencing – to create the conditions for achieving transformative change What do these shifts imply for knowledge and communication needs?
New interdisciplinary frameworks/approaches – ecosystem services and well-being; resilience of socio-economic systems; natural capital accounting… Potential of big data and geospatial technologies to model and analyze spatial relationships and assess options – increasingly in real time and at increasingly higher resolution ICT; social media; participatory methods and tools… New knowledge and communication opportunities
Knowledge synthesizer through joint analysis/products – e.g. LPREM; climate; health; REDD; EFR; water; inclusive green economy Policy dialogue and awareness-raising through joint communications, special events – i.e World Summit; Rio+20 PEP website maintained by ADB A ‘network-of-networks’ – multiplier effect PEP’s role to date
Session 7.2 Agenda Objective: Assess new knowledge and communication needs for the SDG agenda; the changing landscape of data, knowledge and communication methods, tools and networks; and implications for making knowledge relevant and accessible for SDG implementation..
Session 8 Break-out Agenda Objective: Develop recommendations for an action agenda on knowledge and communications for SDG implementation, and how to enhance PEP’s knowledge and communications role.