1 National statistical capacity to produce gender statistics United Nations Statistics Division Francesca Coullare,


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Presentation transcript:

1 National statistical capacity to produce gender statistics United Nations Statistics Division Francesca Coullare,

UNSD 2 Overview National statistical capacity to produce statistics by sex assessed through 2 lenses: 1.Countries’ capacity to monitor Goal 3 in the MDGs 2.Country regular reporting of sex-disaggregated data to UNSD (recently presented in The World's Women 2005: Progress in Statistics) UNSD programme to strengthen gender statistics in developing countries

UNSD 3 Countries’ capacity to monitor MDG 3 The Millennium Development Goals Indicators Website/Database mdgs.un.org

UNSD 4 Countries’ capacity to monitor MDG 3 Target 4: Eliminate gender disparity in primary and secondary education, preferably by 2005, and in all levels of education no later than Ratios of girls to boys in primary, secondary and tertiary education 10. Ratio of literate women to men, years old 11. Share of women in wage employment in the non-agricultural sector 12. Proportion of seats held by women in national parliament MDGs global monitoring under the responsibility of the Inter-Agency and Expert Group on MDGs Indicators (IAEG), coordinated by UNSD. -sub-group on gender to address the following major concerns: -identify better indicators for women participation in economy -include additional gender dimensions/concerns (mainly violence against women and reproductive health) MDG 3: Promote gender equality and empower women

UNSD 5 Countries’ capacity to monitor MDG 3 Data availability for the global/regional monitoring Percentage of countries with at least 2 data points since 1990 (excluding modeled data), by indicator and MDG region Ind. 9Ind. 10Ind. 11Ind.12 PrimarySecondaryTertiaryYouth LiteracyEmploymentParliament Developing Regions Northern Africa Sub-Saharan Africa Latin America & Caribbean Eastern Asia Southern Asia South-eastern Asia Western Asia Oceania

UNSD 6 Proposed revised indicator Share in total employment 2. Agricultural employment 2.1 Own account workers, employers 2.2 Contributing family workers (informal) 2.3 Employees (formal and informal) 3. Non-agricultural employment 3.1 Own account workers, employers (formal and informal) 3.2 Contributing family workers (informal) 3.3 Employees (excl. domestic employees) (formal and informal) 3.4 Domestic employees (formal and informal) (all disaggregated by sex) Only work in progress…. not included in MDG indicators framework because of lack of data!

UNSD 7 Countries’ capacity to produce sex-disaggregated data Extracts from The World's Women 2005: Progress in Statistics

UNSD 8 Countries’ capacity to produce sex-disaggregated data –Focuses on national reporting of sex disaggregated statistics on: demographics, health, education, work, violence against women, poverty, human rights and decision-making. Number of non-reporting countries (out of 204) Less reported topics over period 56Population by sex and age 66School enrollment 81Economic activity by sex and age 108Unemployment by sex and age 152Wages by major industry group and sex The World's Women 2005: Progress in Statistics

UNSD 9 ex. (a) Women and the labour force Their Contribution Still Not Fully Captured By Official Statistics Earning power Closing the gap between women’s and men’s pay continues to be a major challenge in most parts of the world. Less than 25% of countries reported data on wages by major industry groups disagreggated by sex.

UNSD 10 ex. (b) Bringing Violence Against Women to Public Scrutiny: Very limited data available Since the adoption of the Beijing Platform for Action in 1995, major improvements in developing methodologies and procedures for collecting data on violence against women But still there is currently only scarce official international data collection on this issue. –WHO’s Multi-Country Study on Women’s Health and Domestic Violence –UNICEF - MICS

UNSD 11 UN Global Programme on Gender Statistics Duration: 3 years ( ) Location/Executing agency :United Nations Statistics Division, New York Co-operating Agencies: In collaboration with the Gender Group and Data Group of the World Bank, United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA); United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) National Counterpart Institutions: National Statistical Offices and gender statistics focal points Collaborating Regional Institutions: United Nations regional commissions (ECA, ECE, ECLAC, ESCAP, and ESCWA) and other regional organizations (such as CARICOM, ECOWAS, SPC)

UNSD 12 UN Global Programme on Gender Statistics Objective: to enhance the capacity of countries to collect, analyse and disseminate quality gender statistics; Achieved through: –Inter-agency expert group; –web-based Bulletin Board (portal); –database; –training materials and workshops; –training of trainers; –ad-hoc technical advisory services; –network of resource persons; Official Launch 2007 Global Forum on Gender Statistics Rome, December 2007 Hosted by ISTAT and co-organized and co-sponsored by UNSD, ISTAT, UNFPA