NATIONAL ACCOUNTS PRIVATE CONSUMPTION EXPENDITURE Susan Knox Seminar on Developing a programme for the implementation of the 2008 SNA and supporting statistics October 2012 Pretoria, South Africa
ContentsContents n Background n Overall view n Collection of data n Process of estimation n Deflation 2
3 Private consumption expenditure Sum of final consumption expenditure on goods and services by resident household Sum of final consumption expenditure on goods and services by resident household n Durable goods – 7% n Semi-durable goods - 9% n Non-durable goods - 40% n Services - 44% According to purpose n Food n Clothing n Housing n Household furnishings n Health n Transport n Entertainment n Education n Hotels n Miscellaneous
Process of estimation n NA uses indicators from various sources to determine the growth rates of the different components of PCE n These growth rates are applied to the benchmarked data from the base year on a quarterly basis 4
Collection of data Durable goods Furniture & household appliances –Stats SA & Retail Liaison Committee (RLC) Personal transport equipment –Motor cars and minibus - National Association of Automobile Manufactures of SA (NAAMSA) –Motor cycles – Association of Motorcycle Importers and Distributors (AMID) –Bicycles - RLC –Used company cars – Stats SA, Money & Banking data –Caravans - Jurgens Caravans –Commercial vehicles - NAAMSA –Trade margin of used cars – Stats SA, Money & Banking data 5
Collection of data - continued Durable goods – cont. Computers and related equipment – RLC & Import data Recreation and entertainment goods – Radio sets and recorders - RLC – Communication equipment - N01 form – Photographic equipment - RLC – Music instruments - RLC – Boats and aircrafts - RLC – Television sets - RLC & Stats SA 6
Collection of data - continued Durable goods – cont. Miscellaneous goods – Jewelry and other personal effects – RLC – Medical equipment – Registrar of Medical Schemes 7
Collection of data Semi-durable goods Clothing and footwear –Stats SA & RLC Household textiles, furnishings and glassware –Stats SA & RLC Motorcar parts –Stats SA Recreational and entertainment goods –RLC Miscellaneous goods –Stats SA & RLC 8
Collection of data Non-durable goods Food, beverages and tobacco –Food - Stats SA & Dept Of Agric –Non-alcoholic beverages - SAB_ABI (Amalgamated Beverage Industries) –Alcoholic beverages - SAB & Customs & Excise –Tobacco - Customs & Excise – Narcotics - StatsSA Household fuel and power –Water supply – Stats SA & N01 –Liquid fuels and other fuels - Dept of Minerals & Energy –Electricity and gas – Stats SA –Product for the regular maintenance and repair of dwelling – Stats SA 9
Collection of data - continued Non-durable goods – cont. Household consumer goods –Stats SA Medical and pharmaceutical goods –Stats SA & Registrar of Medical Schemes Petroleum products –Stats SA, Dept of Minerals & Energy Recreation and entertainment goods –Stats SA & RLC 10
Collection of data Services Rent, fuel and power –Gross (Actual & Imputed), Flat, and Rent in kind - Capital stock & Stats SA –Other housing services – Stats SA & RLC –Insurance in respect of dwelling - Capital Markets –Sanitary and refuse disposal - Stats SA –Levies - Stats SA –Service for the regular maintenance and repair of dwelling - Stats SA & RLC Household services –Domestic servants - Capital stock, Stats SA –Home care services –Cleaning, dyeing and laundering - Stats SA, RLC –Repairs of furniture, appliances, clothing and footwear - Stats SA, RLC 11
Collection of data - continued Services – cont. Medical services –Registrar of medical schemes, Stats SA, Capital Markets Recreation and entertainment services –RLC, Stats SA, SATU (SA teachers’ union) & SAA 12
Collection of data - continued Services – cont. Transport and communication services –Other services of personal transport - Stats SA –Other purchased transport services –Motor car insurance - Capital Markets –Transport of money - Stats SA –Passenger transport services –SAA, Metrorail, Stats SA, Portnet –Maintenance and repair of transport equipment - Stats SA –Telephone services – Telkom & Vodacom –Postage services – Post office –Telegrams – Post office 13
Collection of data - continued Services – cont. Miscellaneous services –Hotels, cafes and restaurants : Stats SA –Personal care services - Stats SA & RLC –Prostitution – Stats SA –Financial services Banking costs - BA120 formBanking costs - BA120 form Service charges for life assurance and pensions - Capital MarketsService charges for life assurance and pensions - Capital Markets FISIMFISIM –Other services – Stats SA –Security services – Security companies & Capital stock –Miscellaneous services abroad & tourists in SA BOP division 14
Estimation method Where current data source is used: n Y-on-Y growth rate from various sources is used n Growth rate is applied to the relevant quarter n 2010Q1 = 2009Q1 * 1+R y n 2010Q2 = 2009Q2 * 1+R x Where Volume Index is used: n Volume Index: Y-on-Y growth rate of volume indicator from various sources is used (Q) n Price Index: Y-on-Y growth rate of relevant CPI from Stats SA is used n P X Q = Value 15
DeflationDeflation n Each separate series of PCE is deflated by the relevant CPI series for that sector e.g. –Furniture and appliances –Recreational and entertainment goods –Clothing and footwear –Household textiles and furnishings –Motorcar tyres, spares and parts –Non-durable goods –Services such as medical, educational, entertainment, etc. n Where volume indicators are used, there is an implied deflator e.g. –Personal transport equipment –Household fuel and petroleum products –Rent –Domestic servants –Telephone and postage services –Accommodation 16