COE 205 - 3 Computer Organization & Assembly Language Talal Alkharobi.


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Presentation transcript:

COE Computer Organization & Assembly Language Talal Alkharobi

Term 042 COE 205 Dr.Talal AlKharobi 2 COE 205 section 3  Term 042 (2005)  TIME SMW 1:10 PM – 2:00 PM  Location

Term 042 COE 205 Dr.Talal AlKharobi 3 Instructor  Dr. Talal Alkharobi   Web  Office  Phone 2897  Office Hours TBA

Term 042 COE 205 Dr.Talal AlKharobi 4 COE 205  Corequisite:COE 200  Textbook: Introduction to Assembly Language Programming: From 8086 to Pentium Processors Sivarama P. Dandamudi,, Springer, Computer Systems Design and Architecture Vincent P. Heuring & Harry F. Jordan,, Addison Wesley,  Online Material:

Term 042 COE 205 Dr.Talal AlKharobi 5 Course outline 1.Introduction to Computer Organization & Assembly 1 Week 2.Review of Internal Data Representation1 Week 3.Assembly Language Concepts2 Weeks 4.Assembly Language Instructions2 Weeks 5.Assembly Language Programming2 Weeks 6.Procedures and the Stack2 Weeks 7.Interrupts and I/O2 weeks 8.Processor and Control Unit Design3 Weeks

Term 042 COE 205 Dr.Talal AlKharobi 6 (1) Introduction  Assembly language versus high level language programming  Basic Components:  processor,  memory,  bus,  input and output devices

Term 042 COE 205 Dr.Talal AlKharobi 7 (2) Review of Internal Data Representation  Integer representation  Unsigned integers  Signed integer  Integer arithmetic  carry  overflow  Character representation

Term 042 COE 205 Dr.Talal AlKharobi 8 (3) Assembly Language Concepts  Program structure  Statements  Directives  Instructions  Variable and array declarations  Constant definitions  I/O using interrupt 21H  Memory segmentation  Logical and physical addresses  Intel x86 16-bit and 32-bit registers and architectures  Instruction formats  Opcodes and operands  Addressing modes

Term 042 COE 205 Dr.Talal AlKharobi 9 (4) Assembly Language Instructions  Data movement instructions  Arithmetic instructions and flags  Logical and bit manipulating operations  Flow control  Compare  Jump  Loop

Term 042 COE 205 Dr.Talal AlKharobi 10 (5) Assembly Language Programming  Implementing conditional statements and loops in assembly language  Pentium Memory Addressing Modes  Traversing and processing arrays  String processing

Term 042 COE 205 Dr.Talal AlKharobi 11 (6) Procedures and the Stack  Stacks  Pentium implementation of the stack  Stack operations  Procedures  Writing procedures  calling and returning from a procedure  Parameter passing  Local variables  Macros

Term 042 COE 205 Dr.Talal AlKharobi 12 (7) Interrupts and I/O  Interrupts  Types  Software  Hardware  processor interrupts  Interrupt processing  I/O  I/O instructions  Peripheral support chips  Direct Memory Access (DMA)

Term 042 COE 205 Dr.Talal AlKharobi 13 (8) Processor and Control Unit Design  Register transfer  Data-path design  Bus organization  1, 2 & 3 bus organizations  performance considerations.  Fetch and execute control sequences at the register transfer level,  Control Unit design  Hardwired control unit design,  Microprogrammed control unit:  horizontal microprogramming  vertical microprogramming  Instructions sets design and formats

Term 042 COE 205 Dr.Talal AlKharobi 14 Grading Policy  Homework: 5% Online submission is required (WebCT)  Programming Assignments 10% Demonstration may be required  Quizzes: 10% Pop quizzes. be ready every class  Major Exam I: 20% Thursday March 24th 9:30am  Major Exam II:20% Thursday May 12th 9:30am  Final Exam:20% TBA  LAB20% Subject to normalization 105%