Industry and Inventions
Industrial Revolution Manufacturing of the 18 th centuryManufacturing of the 18 th century –Hand tools and small-scale manufacturing Agriculture centered economy pushed by the Democratic- RepublicansAgriculture centered economy pushed by the Democratic- Republicans Technology innovations create a shift toward large- scale productionTechnology innovations create a shift toward large- scale production
Technology Revolution Spinning jennySpinning jenny –Produces many spools of yarn at once Water frameWater frame –Power machines in factories Power loomPower loom –Wove & pressed thread into cloth Advances made it possible for any unskilled workers to produce clothAdvances made it possible for any unskilled workers to produce cloth Patent LawPatent Law –Passed to protect rights of inventors
Factory System Workers and machines together under one roofWorkers and machines together under one roof First appeared in New EnglandFirst appeared in New England Samuel SlaterSamuel Slater –First successful water- powered textile mill Soil was very poor & difficult to farmSoil was very poor & difficult to farm
Economic system allowed competitionEconomic system allowed competition –Minimum government interference Free EnterpriseFree Enterprise –Competition, profit, private property, & economic freedom Many people invested in industry during the War of 1812Many people invested in industry during the War of 1812 Businessmen built factories and grew wealthyBusinessmen built factories and grew wealthy
Factories did many tasks in one placeFactories did many tasks in one place –Increase efficiency Interchangeable partsInterchangeable parts –Made each part of a manufactured item exactly alike –Reduced goods prices –Became the industry standard
Impact on Cities Industrial cities grew the quickestIndustrial cities grew the quickest –Most were on rivers –Needed water power –New England had many fast- flowing rivers City disadvantagesCity disadvantages –Waste disposal was an issue Threat of diseaseThreat of disease –Fires were a constant threat –Overcrowded living conditions City advantagesCity advantages –Libraries, museums, shops –Jobs & attractions outweighed the dangers
Francis Cabot Lowell builds a factory in Mass Figured out how to work power looms in England (stole the technology like Samuel Slater) Factory was so successful he built a factory town called Lowell Lowell Mills
Lowell mills employed farm girlsLowell mills employed farm girls Girls lived in company-owned boardinghousesGirls lived in company-owned boardinghouses –Worked 12 ½ hour days Girls came because of high wagesGirls came because of high wages –Between $2 - $4 a week –Some men making that in factories Older women supervised the girlsOlder women supervised the girls –Enforced strict rules The rise in steam powered factories forced the mills to close (and others like them who used water power)The rise in steam powered factories forced the mills to close (and others like them who used water power) The Lowell Mills
Roads built to connect cities States charged tolls or fees to drive on streets of crushed stone Robert Fulton – creates boat powered by steam to transport people quicker Used commercially to transport people up the Hudson River from New York City to upstate New York Samuel Morse – creates the telegraph, a machine which sends short pulses of electricity along a wire that could be translated into letters Samuel Morse – creates the telegraph, a machine which sends short pulses of electricity along a wire that could be translated into letters The telegraph took seconds to communicate to someone in another city The telegraph took seconds to communicate to someone in another city
John DeereJohn Deere –Blacksmith by trade –Invents a lightweight plow with a steel cutting edge –Designed for rich and heavy Midwestern soil Cyrus McCormickCyrus McCormick –Invents a mechanical reaper to cut ripe grain Threshing machineThreshing machine –Separated kernels of wheat from the husks New farm equipment opened new markets to grow foodNew farm equipment opened new markets to grow food
PersonInventionDate James WattFirst reliable Steam Engine1775 Samuel SlaterFirst successful American textile mill1793 Eli WhitneyCotton Gin, Interchangeable parts for muskets1793, 1798 Robert FultonRegular Steamboat service on the Hudson River1807 Francis Cabot Lowell First American textile mill to convert raw cotton to finished cloth in one building 1813 Peter CooperAmerican-made locomotive powered by steam1830 Samuel F. B. MorseTelegraph1836 Elias HoweSewing Machine1844 Isaac SingerImproves and markets Howe's Sewing Machine1851 Cyrus FieldTransatlantic Cable1866 Alexander Graham BellTelephone1876 Thomas EdisonPhonograph, Incandescant Light Bulb1877, 1879 Nikola TeslaInduction Electric Motor1888 Rudolf DieselDiesel Engine1892 Orville and Wilbur WrightFirst Manned Airplane1903 Henry FordModel T Ford, Assembly Line1908, 1913 Industrial Revolution’s Key Inventions