Do you know about the stories from Part 1? Do you Care? Are they important? Do they affect you in any way? Should you Care? Why should you care? What can you do, You’re only one person? You can’t change the world! It’s not my problem! It’s all so negative and depressing! The success of this course (not your success in this course) depends on how you answer these questions. What can this course do for you!
Let’s narrow down the previous questions or arguments to just two: 1. I really don’t care, it doesn’t affect me, it’s not my problem. 2. What can I do, I’m just one person, I can’t change the world by myself.
Let’s begin by looking at the first argument. We are very lucky to be living in this part of the world. Why do you think people don’t like us. We take all the things needed to survive for granted. We actually have more than what we need. Most of the world issues involve countries and people that are far away, places we will never have contact with. These places are involved in war or hunger or poverty. These issues are foreign to us and if they are foreign to us, why should we care.
Most of the issues in these countries have been created or caused by our part of the world. We are directly or indirectly responsible. Who has all the money? Who owns all of the companies? Who controls the economy of the world? Who needs the resources? Who has all the military might? Who has most of the food? You might say good for us, to bad for them. What would you say or feel if you were in their shoes (if they had them).
Learn about what causes these situations, these inequalities. Try and develop an opinion, an intelligent, mature opinion on these issues. You owe it to yourself just to educate yourself about what is really going on in the world. “Become aware and learn to care.”
What is going on may affect us sooner or later, maybe it has already. Could you imagine us or our children living in a war or in a situation of hunger or poverty. History has shown that societies and/or civilizations do not last forever. We owe it the people of the present and of the future to correct some of these global problems. The countries that are poor (the have-nots) are of course called Developing countries (the name suggest a bit of hope). These countries rightfully want a piece of the pie so to speak. Is there enough to go around or are we going to have to give up some of ours?
We are the haves the Developed countries. We have conscientiously or unconscientiously kept the have-nots down, we have been able to ‘control’ them. “In order to have rich you must have poor.” What do you think this statement means? We have to care. We have to at least educate ourselves on what is happening to the majority of the population on earth. Why are people dying? Why are people being mistreated? Why do people want to kill other people? We have to know what is happening to our planet.
The second argument, “I am only one person, what can I do?” involves education and awareness. The one will eventually become the many. A few years ago some concerned people were feeling helpless about what was happening to the environment. With time, education, awareness and a convincing understanding that the earth itself was suffering and in turn we would suffer, people joined together and began to make things happen. Today energy conservation and re-cycling and a new word ‘sustainability’ have become household things to do. It is trendy to be environmentally friendly. Many companies use “Green” as a selling item.
Ten years ago 178 countries got together in the city of Rio De Janeiro in Brazil they called it the Earth Summit. In this summit the following environmental issues were discussed: Environment and Development – the living and working conditions of the poor and human health and the quality of life. Protecting the Atmosphere – climate change, depletion of the ozone layer and transboundry pollution. Protecting the Oceans – rational use and development of the oceans living resources, protecting all kinds of seas and coastal areas.
Waste Management – looking at environmentally sound methods of waste management. Hazardous waste and toxic chemicals. Land Resources – combating deforestation and drought. Biological Diversity – number of species and different ecosystems, wildlife preserves. Freshwater Resources – supply of freshwater. Biotechnology – Environmentally sound management of biotechnology and genetic.
The issues haven’t changed much over the years. We have made progress in some and in some there is still a lot of work to do. The following are the issues we have made progress in: Green Thinking Alternative Transportation Ecotourism Control of CFC’s Acid Rain Reduction Healthier Buildings Major Corporations cleaning up – eg. Xerox and HP. Ozone layer improvement
The following are issues we need more work on: Global Warming Oil consumption Destruction of wetlands and freshwater reserves Building of Mega dams Destruction of Coral Reefs Over fishing Nuclear Waste Species are still dying
Sanitation Some new issues are: The true importance of the Oceans – El Nino and La Nina. Agriculture in danger – soil erosion Synthetic chemicals in our food eventually affecting us. Superbugs – diseases resistant to anti-biotics
In 2003 the world met again to discuss these issues and make – “pledges to safeguard ecosystems, reduce global warming gases, and promote human welfare through sustainable development”. They met in Johannesburg, South Africa. This summit was called Rio+10. It is summits like these that offer hope for solving the major issues of the world for future generations. The End!