Pensionados—comprised of the educated and initially middle class Filipinos and government scholars who came to the US to study. Poor Filipinos who came as a cheap labor supply. Usually made US their new home.
U.S. goal— political tutelage. Trained Filipinos in lessons of self-rule to create a pool of qualified, highly educated civil servants with American ideals Pensionado Act. Chosen from Filipino elite, some women. As American democratic ideals took root in Filipino colonies, education spread to young, intelligent individuals, not necessarily rich. Final goal: to become apensionado. Promised a bright future.
Most Filipino migrants came as cheap labor. Hawaii’s economy— sugar production supported by plantation labor. Hawaiian Sugar Planters Association ( HSPA )— managed recruitment centers. Estimated 3,000 workers arrived yearly. Tydings-McDuffie Law was passed. Aside from creating the Philippine Commonwealth, a ten year transition government prior to Philippine independence, the law also restricted immigration to the U.S. to only fifty Filipinos each year
Glory, happiness, prosperity. Earning and saving money to return home and life comfortably.
First—Cheapest to pay. Lowest wages. Second—Philippines U.S. colony, Filipinos technically U.S. nationals. Third—alternative for Japanese laborers who started many strikes. Fourth—Filipinos know how to grow sugar. Fifth—most Filipinos uneducated, unlikely to cause problems.
Sakads—workers. Luna—supervisor. Work extremely difficult and demanding. Living arrangements, job assignments, wages based on ethnicity.
Agricultural economy—workers moved from farm to farm. Steady need of labor. Filipinos, good and fast workers, quicker learners, will to work for low wages.
Often viewed as “half-civilized”, uneducated and worthless. Racism especially strong towards Filipinos—thought that they were taking the jobs of white workers. Relations with white women. Strong dislike led to revolts by the white workers.
Arizona, Utah, Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, New York, Chicago.
Transformed American attitudes toward Filipinos. Allowed to be drafted into army. Led to Nationality Act—allowed noncitizens who joined the military to have citizenship.
Labor shortages after war. To keep plantations optional, U.S. granted exemption of the immigration law for Filipinos. This group of immigrants known as Sakada—more educated, came with families.
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