Introduction It is generally accepted that South Africa has the worst refined fuel of any country in the world. Fuel companies obviously would not promote a product that will save the motorist up to 25% on his fuel bill With minor exceptions, everybody has a car, motor cycle, bakkie, or truck, sometimes more than one. There are millions of vehicles on our roads and they increase by one million per year. The product you are about to see has the unique formula of being able to not only save on fuel, but create a huge residual income to the purchaser with a guarantee of not losing one cent. Pricing based on Agent’s nett cost.
Welcome to Fuel Stick is NOT a fuel additive. It is a 2 in 1 fuel conditioner that improves engine combustion, increases power and improves fuel economy, saving you money, using less fuel in the process and thus prolonging engine life.
What is Fuel-Stick ? Fuel Stick is a complex blend of highly refined renewable organic chemicals of exceptional quality designed specifically to improve engine life and performance. Fuel Stick is composed of a number of compounds, each one with a specific function. Some are to clean the engine fuel system and combustion chamber, others increase the octane levels in petrol and cetane levels in diesel fuel and still others change the molecular structure of the fuel so it burns more evenly. These improvements will automatically improve engine performance, reduce exhaust emissions and increase power output.
Benefits of Fuel-Stick The most important benefits that come from using Fuel Stick are increased power and better fuel economy. This is accomplished by: Cleaning the fuel system and combustion chambers. Increasing the octane and cetane ratings of the fuel you are using. Changing the molecular structure of the fuel so it burns more evenly. It should be understood that not all results will be the same. Some results may be better than others for a number of different reasons – the actual condition of the engine, driving patterns, road and weather conditions etc. all have an effect on the performance of any engine.
Fuel Efficiency Fuel Stick is designed with the end user and the Agent in mind. Fuel Stick delivers improved litres per kilometre, cleaner burning fuel, a cleaner engine, more power and above all, noticeable and measurable savings in your pocket. Using Fuel Stick in your vehicle (large or small, petrol or diesel) will save you money, reduce exhaust emissions and reduce your carbon footprint. Fuel-Stick generally provides between 15% to 25 % saving, taking into account the cost of the Fuel-Stick box.
How it works The Fuel Stick System allows accurate dosing of the tank without having to do any complex maths equations or worry about having to fill the fuel tank completely with each fill. It also works with a simple top up.
How it works 1.Open your fuel filler cap. 2.Break Fuel- Stick as needed 3.Select need vs volume 4.Place Fuel- Stick into tank 5.Full tank with required volume 6.Replace Fuel Cap and go
Savings Model Fuel-Stick guarantees a 12.5% saving and up to 25% has been shown in some cases. On a 60 litre tank a 12.5% saving means an “extra” 7.5 litres per tank. So with one packet treating 600l that means an “extra” 75 litres or more than one free tank per packet of Fuel-Stick. A 12.5% guaranteed saving means 75 litres x R8.00 p/l = R saving less FS R = R net saving A 15% saving means 90 litres x R8.00 p/l = R saving less FS R = R net saving A 20% saving means 120 litres x R8.00 p/l = R saving less FS R = R net saving This proves that you can’t lose with Fuel-Stick !!!
Peter-John Krauspe’s Case Study Before Fuel-Stick, Peter could only get 500KM on a 60L tank using a 2L S3 Volvo S/W. After using Fuel-Stick this distance increased to 700KM. Extra 200kms. This would have cost R150 extra for 200km. One box costs R250. (for 600L) – R300 retail One box lasts for 10 tanks! Total saving for 10 tanks, R1450 less the cost of fuel-stick. Nett Saving R 1250 !!
Agent’s Profit Opportunity The two most important products that everybody needs every day of their lives are food & fuel. We can do without clothing, luxury goods, entertainment, even a home, as important as it is, but we cannot do without food or fuel. We can buy food anywhere and the price can vary but we can only buy Fuel-Stick through a MLM Agent. Once we all agree that the product works and has benefits, we can move on as to how we can now make money. The target market for Fuel-Stick is actually infinite and sustainable, and the residual income earned will continue forever, as compared with any other product sold through a multi-level marketing system.
Where to buy Fuel-Stick is only sold via referral to keep costs down at only R 300 including vat. Talk to any Agent, or Fuel-Stick can be purchased via the Internet from or your sponsor. We are looking for Agents in your area who are interested in additional income. Contact the administrators at 247 Technologies on for more information or