Kent Housing Protocols Lesley Clay Kent Joint Policy and Planning Board (Housing) Aims: –To encourage co-operation and joint working between agencies –To.


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Presentation transcript:

Kent Housing Protocols Lesley Clay Kent Joint Policy and Planning Board (Housing) Aims: –To encourage co-operation and joint working between agencies –To provide a consistency across Kent –To provide a seamless service to service users –To help with the prevention of homelessness –To encourage Best Practice

Protocols –Mental Health Protocols –Protocol for Intentionally Homeless Families with Children –Young Persons’ Homeless Protocol (currently under review) –Kent Multi-Agency Protocol for the Housing and Resettlement of Offenders –Coming Soon….Emergency Accommodation Protocol –And Substance Misuse Protocol –Hospital Discharge Protocol

Using protocols as a tool for the prevention of homelessness Knowledge that agreement for protocols has been achieved across all 12 Kent Local Housing Authorities (LHAs), together with appropriate agencies Reference document with guides to procedures when dealing with vulnerable groups at risk of/already homeless Relevant information sharing/referral forms for use

Protocols as a tool (cont.) References to legislation Review Process Monitoring of use by JPPB

Challenges Consistent training programmes Staff changes Case Law Timescales Suitable accommodation

Protocols are useful because…. Encourage multi-agency training and networking Clarify Duties Procedural guidelines for all agencies Examples of Best Practice Cross Boundary Sign up by Senior Management

Finally Thank you for listening. Copies of protocols are available from the JPPB website: