Network of Excellence in Internet Science Network of Excellence in Internet Science (EINS) 2 nd REVIEW Brussels, 4-5 February 2014 FP7-ICT EINS WP1: JRA1 - Towards a Theory of Internet Science Kavé Salamatian UoS
2nd EINS Review, Brussels, 4-5 February 2014 JRA1 Vision Building solid multidisciplinary foundations for Internet Sciences From human behaviour related sciences (sociology, anthropology, economics, etc.) ICT-based tools such as computer systems and network protocols ‘hard’ sciences (e.g. mathematics, physics and biology) Leverage on similarities and differences among different types of networks expand the fundamental rules and principles applicable to large classes of networks, and enable predictions on network phenomena. Follow a reflexive theoretical framework characterised by the interplay between questions of ontology and epistemology and questions of social and economic value. the first set of questions will address the challenge of communicating not just across different disciplines but across different epistemologies, the second set of questions will draw from the field of economic anthropology to seek the right balance between the ‘base’ or ‘commons’ and the market in the context of the online knowledge economy and of the emerging cultural forms of the Future Internet. Become a major focus point of the NoE, by interacting with other JRAs and providing some fundamental insight about their specific activities and in return getting major inputs nurturing the discussion on fundamental issues. WP1
2nd EINS Review, Brussels, 4-5 February 2014 Achievements over JRA1 T1.1 An economics’ theory for information networks Lead: Warwick and CERTH Work on relations between Urban Planning, networks and behavioral economics Several works on analysis of pricing and economical models for inter-domain and network interconnections. Definition of a framework for Pricing in Future Internet Information-Centric networks Activities in the area of regulations of Future Internet and Internet of Things. WP1
2nd EINS Review, Brussels, 4-5 February 2014 Achievements over JRA1 T1.2 Understanding the structure and the evolution of communication network topologies Lead: Delft and KNAW Work on Graph-theoretic challenges in Internet science Deliverable D1.2 Graph property testing Graph-based schema matching networks Geometric embeddings of large graphs Spectra of large networks Limits of static and dyadic graph-based modeling Hypergraphs DynamicGraphs Centrality and intelligent Internet attacks Inference of the Internet economic structure WP1
2nd EINS Review, Brussels, 4-5 February 2014 Achievements over JRA1 T1.3 Fundamental basis of large-scale autonomous and dynamic information networks Lead : ALB Major contribution to the summer school the emergence of networks Laying scientific foundations for adaptive, interdependent, unpredictable, nonlinear, and dynamic networks non-markovian reaction-diffusions equations with non-exponentially distributed waiting time (e.g., sub-diffusive transport) where memory effects in the diffusive transport process causes a nontrivial coupling/non-separable combination between diffusion and reaction in the equations governing the evolution of the densities, and kinetic mesoscopic equations (in particular, the Vlasov-Fokker- Planck (VFP) equation Study of the evolving dynamics of the Internet layered architecture: innovation, net neutrality and the interdependence of structure and function Joint activity between two partners WP1
2nd EINS Review, Brussels, 4-5 February 2014 Achievements over JRA1 T1.4 Collective network intelligence Lead : EPFL, UoA Works on understanding how models from cognitive psychology can be used to design data dissemination solutions for opportunistic networks. Two collective intelligence cases Intelligent parking Medical networks WP1
2nd EINS Review, Brussels, 4-5 February 2014 Achievements Deliverables D 1.2 on Work on Graph-theoretic challenges in Internet science Publications More than 40 papers related to WP1 Cross-disciplinary work happening already Several papers Preparation of the Interdisciplinary Workshop on Decision Making and the Internet Strong presence of JRA1 in summer school WP1
2nd EINS Review, Brussels, 4-5 February 2014 Decision Making and the Internet Workshop Main scientific topics Interdisciplinary analysis of decisions made on or over the Internet How to decide in high-speed environments in which people are exposed to complex floods Needs the formalisms of different disciplines (esp. economics, psychology, sociology Cognitive framing target for manipulation or surveillance. The Internet as a shared (among disciplines) object of scientific enquiry and the implications for scientific and analytic decision making Blind men and elephants or discipline-centred models metaphors (e.g. complex adaptive systems, epidemiological or ecological models, agent-based methods) Applied sciences (e.g. medicine) vs pure sciences Deciding when and how to pursue interdisciplinarity: does the interactive, shared and ‘unstovepiped’ nature of the Internet itself force a particular form of interdisciplinarity (e.g. like Systems Biology)? Interrelation through the notion of design The workshop will be held in Oxford University on November 2014, co-organized by Tamas David-Barrett (OXF), Panayotis Antoniadis (ETH), Jonathan Cave (UW), and Frances Griffiths (UW). WP1
2nd EINS Review, Brussels, 4-5 February 2014 Links with other activities Links with other JRAs JRA2 –participation in JRA2 workshop JRA3 – needs stronger links JRA4 – Regulation of Inter-domain routing JRA5 – Economics of privacy, privacy preservation techniques JRA6 – Community detection JRA7 – Relation with Task 1, 2 and 3 Response to the EINS open call (March 2013) Research in the context of collective awareness platforms partners: University of Florence-Italy, University of Cardiff-Wales Research in the context of cognitive heuristics partner: Max Plank Institute – Germany STRUCTNET Partners : LSE, TU Delft and UH. Links with external activities Wellcome Trust small grant: Society and Ethics programme. Title: Impact of lay-controlled digital social networks on health and health systems Partners : Warwick, UoS WP1
2nd EINS Review, Brussels, 4-5 February 2014 INTERNET SCIENCE ROADMAP Major challenges Understanding human behavior in ICT-mediated communications Behavioral Economics Understanding emergence of network Crowd-sourcing, incentives, structure Collective intelligence emergence support How to help in emergence of collective intelligence Economical theory of information Is information that is monezitable or money is just information ! WPx...
2nd EINS Review, Brussels, 4-5 February 2014 Future Plans Stronger interaction with other JRAs JRA1 Workshop on Decision making in third year White paper on Internet Science challenges Forthcoming deliverables D1.4.2 Outcome of the Interdisciplinary Workshop on Decision Making, 36M D1.5 Roadmap on developing the fundamental basis of autonomous and dynamic complex networks 24M Work has begun but is delayed and will be ready soon WP1