CCRT: Catholic Community Response Team Our Area Church In Action Pontiac Area Vicariate Fall 2013 “I was hungry and you gave me food; I was a stranger and you made me welcome” (Mat. 25:35)
CCRT Mission CCRT provides direct support and referral services to those in crisis need in a manner relative to the Gospel of Jesus.
When and Why was CCRT Formed? Created in 2004 by the Pastoral Ministers Association as response from the Vicariate to several factors: 2 different worlds in the Vicariate divided by I-75 A relatively affluent population A population living at or below poverty level St Vincent de Paul (Pontiac) not able to respond to all requests Need to coordinate responses from different parishes Living out our commitment to solidarity
An overview of our Vicariate… People living at or below level of poverty* Auburn Hills 11.3% Pontiac 31.6% Rochester 5.0% Rochester Hills 7.8% Waterford 15.5% * 2010 data Federal poverty levels (2012): Family of four: $ 22,050 Individual: $ 10,294
Whom do we serve? From July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013, CCRT served 1853 different clients, most of them in an emergency situation From July 2004 to July 2013, CCRT served 5358 different clients We serve a very varied population: Homeless people People released from jail People facing eviction and/or utility shut-off People struggling with addictions People with mental illnesses People in need of clothing/food/furniture… Most of the clients have either no income or an average monthly income (disability or work) between $ 600 and $ 900 – below the federal poverty level
Funding of CCRT for 2012 Grant from Archdiocese: $ 15,000 Support from the Vicariate Parishes: $ 10,000 Both support the cost of staffing, administration and facilities for CCRT. All other donations from parishes, agencies and individuals go directly to the support of clients GAP support Non designated donations Fund raiser
10 year Gala Anniversary o “Hearts A Glow” – the 10 year Gala for CCRT o Date: March 1 st o Where : Notre Dame Prep – Pontiac Wine Tasting and Craft Beers with Strolling Dinner Silent Auctions Ticket Price $ 40.00
Who are our clients? Adults1448 Children405 Total1853 Family members1188 Singles665
What do we do for our Clients? We provide different kinds of Emergency Services regarding: Food and clothing Housing (rent payment, evictions, utility payments) etc. Furniture and household goods Toiletries Identification documents We provide help with legal issues for our clients through collaboration with legal aid We provide a listening ear and guidance to our clients
What do we do for our clients?* Service# Requests# Assisted Food, food vouchers Housing, Rent payments, security deposits Utility payments Clothing Furniture/Household goods Identification documents Personal Grooming supplies * Data for year 2012
Organizational chart 2 part time Staff members We rely essentially on volunteers to: Provide staffing help 5 days a week To deliver food and clothing to CCRT every week To pick up available furniture and deliver it directly to clients
The Relationship of CCRT with the Parishes of the Vicariate is a two way street: What can we do for the parishes? What can the Parishes do for CCRT and its Clients? What can you do for CCRT?
What can we do for the Parishes? Opportunities for Volunteerism – and we need volunteers! Share the knowledge of a reality that many of us do not see Make real the tenets of Catholic Social Teaching: solidarity between communities Provide help for people who are trying to navigate the State emergency support systems
What can the Parishes do for CCRT? Financial support: tithing, donations…Everything we receive as donations go directly to the Clients Toiletries drive… Food drive… If each parish could do a food drive once a year… Uniforms for school as well as school supplies Christmas projects Winter clothing for men… mittens, hats, sweat suits… Office volunteers…
What can you do for CCRT ? Help us to be known in your community Presentation/discussion with different small groups (Christian Services. Youth groups etc…) Share information regarding CCRT with your communities: what we do, what we need… Share information regarding the situation in Pontiac Help with CCRT Gala (fund raiser) Procure auction items Ticket sales General marketing
A Final Blessing… May God bless you with discomfort at easy answers, so that you will live deep in your heart. May God bless you with anger at injustice and oppression, so that you will work for justice, equality and peace. May God bless you with tears to shed for those who suffer, so you will reach out your hand to comfort them and change their pain to joy. And may God bless you with foolishness to think that you can make a difference in the world, so you will do the things which others say cannot be done. The Franciscan Four-Part Blessing