” Travelling…what for?” «Есть многое на свете, друг Горацио, что и не снилось вашим мудрецам» Шекспир Гамлет, принц Датский
Make up questions to ask your classmates 1) go abroad / on holidays / you 1) Do you go abroad on holidays? 2) afford / travelling abroad / your parents 2) Can your parents afford traveling abroad? 3) favourite / holiday destination / your 3) What is your favourite holiday destination?3) What is your favourite holiday destination?
4) always / discuss / on holidays / you / your parents / where to go 4) Do your parents always discuss with you where to go holidays? 5) holiday accommodation / prefer / you 5) What holiday accommodation do you prefer? 6) favourite / way of travelling / your 6) What is your favourite way of traveling?
Big Ben
If you don’t understand what someone says 1 Could... 2 I'm afraid... 3 Would you mind... 4 I'm sorry, I didn't... 5 I'm sorry but... 6 May... 7 Could you... 8 Would it be possible... A... catch how to fill in this form. В... saying it a bit more slowly, please? С... explain that again, please? D... to repeat what time we are leaving tomorrow? E... you give me information about расkage tours to London, please? F... I ask you something?
The keys 1E, 2-, 3B, 4A, 5-, 6F, 7C, 8D
Future Progressive Will be + Ving to visit the museum to boat to stay in the hotel to go for a walk
CULTURAL AWARENESS Choose the correct explanation. 1 Gatwick is the name of... a the airport in London. b the biggest travel agency in London. с the famous travel bookshop in London. 2 Which of the following is the name of the biggest airport in London? a British Airways. b Heathrow. с Mediterranean. 3 A tour, in which "all is included", is called a... a coach tour. b guided tour. с package tour. 4 At a "Request Stop" a bus will only stop... a if it has a "bus stopping" sign. b if you put out your arm. c at certain hours. 5 When you buy a "single" ticket, it means... a you are travelling alone. b you should come back the same day. с you get a one-way journey. 6 "Travel Card" is... a a special ticket for travel in London on trains, buses, and the Underground. b an atlas or street map of London. с the name of the game which is played when travelling.