00 K. Van Liempt Faculty of Medicine The University of Antwerp Faculty of Medicine University Hospital Antwerp
11 The Antwerp Region people in the City of Antwerp Most important economic region in Flanders Strong economic assets: -Port of Antwerp 2nd largest in Europe; 4th world-wide -Largest cluster of petrochemical industry in the world -Diamond trade -Logistics
22 The University of Antwerp Founded in 2003 upon the merger of three independent University Institutions Roots dating back to 1852 UIA RUCAUFSIA
33 The University of Antwerp in Flanders
44 The University of Antwerp in the World University Rankings -QS World University ranking : 179 worldwide -ARWU (“Shanghai”) : worldwide Consistently in the top 250 worldwide
55 Facts and Figures Main partner in the Antwerp University Association -1 university (UA) -4 university colleges students in total 400 FTE UA-faculty staff 1200 UA-research staff 1100 UA-PhD students Around 3500 scientific works published/year articles in Web of Science/year
66 Organisational Structure Natural Sciences Sciences Humanities and Social Sciences Applied Economics Arts and Philosophy Law Political and Social Sciences Political and Social Sciences Pharmaceutical, Biomedical and Veterinary Sciences Medicine Life Sciences 7 Faculties
77 Front Line Research Domains Urban History and Contemporary Urban Policy Urban History and Contemporary Urban Policy Social Economic Policy and Organisation Ecology and Sustainable Development Materials Characterisation Drug Discovery and Development Infectious Diseases Neurosciences Imaging Harbour, Transport and Logistics
88 Front Line Research Domains Urban History and Contemporary Urban Policy Urban History and Contemporary Urban Policy Social Economic Policy and Organisation Ecology and Sustainable Development Materials Characterisation Drug Discovery and Development Infectious Diseases Neurosciences Imaging Harbour, Transport and Logistics
99 Imaging EGAMI: Expert Group Antwerp Molecular Imaging -Network of research labs Biomedical Microscopic Imaging Bioimaging Lab Molecular Imaging Center Antwerp (MICA) MicroCT Lab Vision Lab -Links with Antwerp University Hospital (UZA) Radiology Nuclear Medicine
10 Imaging Molecular and Cellular Imaging Small Animal Imaging Clinical Imaging Light Microscopy (Scanning) Electron Microscopy Fluorescence Microscopy μCT μMRI μPET In Vivo Biolumi- nescence and Fluorescence Camera CT MRI PET/SPECT Image Processing Confocal Microscopy Confocal Live Cell Imaging Electrophysiology Advanced Immuno- histochemistry Image Processing 10
11 Imaging
12 Molecular Imaging Center Antwerp (MICA) -Partnership between UA – UZA – Janssen Pharmaceutica Cyclotron + μPET/CT: micro-radiotherapy (320 keV), autoradiography, direct access to FDG, FLT, FET and possibility to produce research tracers, kinetic modeling, multimodal image registration -Fully operational spring 2011 Imaging - Highlight
13 Front Line Research Domains Urban History and Contemporary Urban Policy Urban History and Contemporary Urban Policy Social Economic Policy and Organisation Ecology and Sustainable Development Materials Characterisation Drug Discovery and Development Infectious Diseases Neurosciences Imaging Harbour, Transport and Logistics
14 Neurosciences Neuronal Degeneration Neuronal Plasticity Neuronal Repair/ Replacement Cognition and Behaviour Stem Cells Neuronal Tissue Engineering Neurogenetics Rodent Models Neurobiology Neuro- pathology Biobank/ Biomarkers Psychiatric Disorders/ Dementia Song Birds Nano- technology 14
15 Neurosciences in vivo < cellcelltissueorganism ex vivo / in vitro
16 Neurosciences - Highlight VIB Department of Molecular Genetics (VIB8) (Director: Prof. Dr. Christine Van Broeckhoven) -Genetic analysis of complex neurological and neuropsychiatric diseases To identify novel molecular mechanisms for disease causation and effective drug treatment for these diseases -4 research groups Neurodegenerative Brain Diseases Peripheral Neuropathies Neurogenetics Applied Molecular Genomics -2 centralized service facilities Diagnostic Service Facility Genetic Service Facility
17 Front Line Research Domains Urban History and Contemporary Urban Policy Urban History and Contemporary Urban Policy Social Economic Policy and Organisation Ecology and Sustainable Development Materials Characterisation Drug Discovery and Development Infectious Diseases Neurosciences Imaging Harbour, Transport and Logistics
18 Infectious Diseases Multidisciplinary research on infectious diseases and vaccines -Focused on microbiology and immunology, with contributions of other disciplines Epidemiology Statistics/Mathematical modeling Sociology Economics 18
19 Infectious Diseases Basic Research Preclinical Research Clinical Research Immune System Disease Mechanisms Antibiotic Resistance Biomarkers Vaccines Injection Devices Prevention Diagnostic Tests Vaccines Epidemiology
20 Infectious Diseases - Highlights Antibiotic use and resistance -European Surveillance of Antimicrobial Consumption (ESAC) European project coordinated by Prof. Dr. Herman Goossens of the UA -Funded by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) -34 participating countries Study of the use of antibiotics, antivirals and antimycotics and occurrence of resistance A vaccine against leukemia? -Wilms’ tumor 1 antigen-targeted dendritic cell vaccination against acute myeloid leukemia Van Tendeloo et al., PNAS, 2010
21 Front Line Research Domains Urban History and Contemporary Urban Policy Urban History and Contemporary Urban Policy Social Economic Policy and Organisation Ecology and Sustainable Development Materials Characterisation Drug Discovery and Development Infectious Diseases Neurosciences Imaging Harbour, Transport and Logistics
22 Biomarkers Toxicity Imaging Drug Discovery and Development Target Discovery Drug Discovery Preclinical Drug Development End point: Clinical Trials Disease Pathology Disease Mechanism Animal Models In vitro Screens Medicinal Chemistry Small Molecules Medicinal Plants 22
23 Drug Discovery and Development 23 Major Focus of Disease Areas: -Bone disease Osteoporosis -Cancer -Cardiovascular disease Atherosclerosis -Infectious disease Bacterial, fungal and parasitic infections -Kidney disease -Metabolic disease Diabetes
24 Drug Discovery and Development - Highlight 24 Antwerp Drug Discovery Network -Integrated Platform for early drug discovery from hit to lead optimisation -Protease Inhibitors Urokinase Plasminogen Activator (uPA) inhibitors in Oncology Molecular Probes as drug discovery tools -Infectious Diseases In vitro screening panels for antifungals and drugs against tropical diseases Reference Center World Health Organization (WHO)
25 Faculty of Medicine Overview number of students -Medecine BA-MA750 -Nursing MA194 -Specialisation250 -Doctoral School210 -Physiotherapy520 -Total
26 Faculty of Medicine Features of medical education -BA / MA structure -Competence driven and student oriented teaching -Integration of CANMEDS roles in the curriculum aimed at transforming students into medical experts -English semester, Spring, 4th year
27 University Hospital Antwerp Features of University Hospital -600 beds consultations and technical activities -300 MIO € yearly budget -Legally independent from University, but connected with several links, especially with the faculty of medicine -Close collaboration with regional hospitals