Development of the stock-breeding at the “Roussenski Lom” territory MUNICIPALITIES: Ivanovo, Tsar Kaloian and Vetovo.
Development of the stock-breeding at the “Roussenski Lom” territory In the present presentation is used data from: MSAF – Tsar Kaloian MSAF – Ivanovo MSAF – Vetovo Data from the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Supply internet-site Municipality administration of the town of Tsar Kaloian
Development of the stock-breeding at the “Roussenski Lom” territory The three municipalities are situated in the Danube plain, where the nature is rich with its own plant and animal world. Municipalities are developing mainly like agricultural regions, which is advantagedfrom series of factors as: Presence of sufficient cultivable land and pastures Climate Relief Geographical location Soils Forests
Development of the stock-breeding at the “Roussenski Lom” territory Present farmland by municipalities, decares. Municipality Total area of the land, decares. Cultivable land, decares. Meadows, pastures and common land, decares. Uncultiva ble lands, decares. Tsar Kaloian Ivanovo Vetovo
Development of the stock-breeding at the “Roussenski Lom” territory Number of agriculture producers Municipa lity 2005г2006г2007г Tsar Kaloian Ivanovo Vetovo
Development of the stock-breeding at the “Roussenski Lom” territory Tsar Kaloia n munici pality Oxen numberIncludin g cows Buffaloe s number Include d buffalo- cows Average yield of milk per cow /l/ Average yield of milk per buffalo-cow /l/
Development of the stock-breeding at the “Roussenski Lom” territory Ivanovo municipalit y Oxen number Including cows Buffaloe s number Incliding buffalo- cows Average milk- yield per cow /l/ Average milk-yield per buffalo- cow /l/
Development of the stock-breeding at the “Roussenski Lom” territory Vetovo municipality Oxen number Including cows Buffaloes number Including buffalo cows Average milk-yield per cow /l/ Average milk-yield per buffalo- cow /l/
Development of the stock-breeding at the “Roussenski Lom” territory Animals’ number data by species for 2007 Municipali ty Pigs numbe r Sheep numb er Goats numb er Birds number Bee familie s numbe r Tsar Kaloian Ivanovo Vetovo
Development of the stock-breeding at the “Roussenski Lom” territory It is practiced the breeding of cows, sheep and goats, while mainly they are bred in the personal farms. Prevail farms of 1-5 numbers of cows, several goats and sheep, as they occupy nearly 90 % of farms. Animals are bred mainly in small stables beside the farmers’ homes. Lot of farmers produce the fodder by their own, but other use to buy it, which embarrass their financial state. During the summer-autumn season animals are led to pasture. In comparison with 1989, the oxen number has increased with nearly 30 %, pigs number - 50 %, at sheep there is a huge drop, as well as at birds, but the bee-families number has increased twice. During the last years has changed highly also the normative base, regulating the stock-breeding. There increased the requirements for the produced kow milk quality, sanitary-hygiene requirements to the farms, ehre animals are bred, requirements to which has to conform the produced and delivered cow milk, and there started to be talked about human attitude to the animals.
Development of the stock-breeding at the “Roussenski Lom” territory In 2006 with the adoption of the Ordinance for monitoring of the produced and realized quantities of cow milk in Bulgaria, was led in the system of milk quotas, aiming control and implementation of the national milk quota, defended before the EU, which is t. The cow milk producers were inquired and registered, while in 2007 to them were delivered certificates for milk quotas, without which, according to the legislation requirements, they can not deliver their milk to the milk stations, which have to be approved purchasers or to have contracts as same ones. This appeared to be a great problem, because the quotas of farms were decreased, since they are not classified in first group. According to the strategy for the milk buffalo-breeding development, farms are divided into three groups:
Development of the stock-breeding at the “Roussenski Lom” territory First group farms – that are these farms, which correspond to the requirements for building fund and equipment, and the produced from them raw milk corresponds to the requirements for total number of micro-organisms, somatic cells and inhibitors. Second group farms – they correspond to the requirements for building fund, but the produced milk does not correspond to the requirements. Third group farms – they do not correspond to the requirements for building fund, as well as the produced milk does not correspond to the requirements.
Development of the stock-breeding at the “Roussenski Lom” territory
From the shown diagram becomes clear, that two thirds of the farms fall into third group, i.e. do not correspond neither the building fund, nor the produced milk. According to the strategy for milk farm development, farms from third group should conform to the requirements for building fund till the end of 2007, but milk should conform to the permissible indexes for somatic cells total number and microorganisms total number. The achievement of these requirements is impossible for many farmers, mainly by reason of lack of resources. Part of the younger farmers desist from stock-breeding, because it is not paying - lack of fodder, low purchase price, and sell the animals, and orient themselves to other activities, work in the towns or in abroad. Another part, especially farmers in pre-pension or pension age, continue their activities, in spite of the difficulties simply because they have no other alternative. Part of the milk is delivered to not approved purchasers, they have no contracts for delivery, which in future will be a problem for them, because there are sactions foreseen, as for farmers who deliver the milk to not approved purchasers, so as for these ones who purchase the milk not conforming with the respective requirements.
Development of the stock-breeding at the “Roussenski Lom” territory Problems before the farms: - Financial 1. Lack of appropriate building fund; 2. Insufficient or expensive fodder for animals feeding; 3. Lack of resources for farm modernizing /for buildings adapting to the requirements, for buying of milking machines, for hiring of additional labour force and etc./
Development of the stock-breeding at the “Roussenski Lom” territory - Problems related to changes in the legislation 1. Lack of interest from farmers’ side or ignorance of the valid normative order; 2. Hard requirements, which are imposed to be the production qualitative and competitive; 3. Requirements for strict accounting and observing of time limits, communication with many state institutions and etc. - Others 1. The great drought, during the last two years, which reflected negatively over the sown fields, and hence led to decrease of feeding fodder and increase of its price; 2. Periodical raising of prices of fuels, electric power and other goods and services, having importance for the farm.
Development of the stock-breeding at the “Roussenski Lom” territory During the last year the branch in the municipalities was significantly affected from the continued drought, and municipality of Tsar Kaloian and some settlements of the Ivanovo municipality also from the heavy rainfalls and the flood during August. Great number of animals - cows, horses, birds and pigs pieces were drowned, which deprived of livelihood many of the small farms. The advanced drought was reflected over the bee-keeping and yields of bee production decreased drasticly. The trend is to be developed the great farms, which have achieved significant progress in their development, are adapted to the requirements, but the smaller ones will gradually decrease and convert to another activities, not related with stock-breeding. ВЪЗМОЖНОСТИ ЗА РАЗВИТИЕ: - Активно участие на фермерите в програмите за развитие на селските райони, които имат за цел подобряване на качеството на живот в тези райони чрез инвестиции за модернизиране на стопанствата - Обучение и подпомагане на млади фермери за да се приспособят към стандартите на европейското законодателство - - коопериране на стопаните и съвместно изграждане от тях на ферми отговарящи на строгите хигиенни, екологични и ветеринарно – медицински изисквания, - Активно изсползване на пасищния фонд Преориентиране към алтернативни дейности залесяване,,
Development of the stock-breeding at the “Roussenski Lom” territory OPPORTUNITIES FOR DEVELOPMENT: - Active participation of farmers in the programs for rural development, which are aiming the quality of life improvement within these regions, through investments for modernization of farms; - Training and assistance of young farmers to adapt to the EU legislation standards; - Increasing of the state support through granting of resources for livelihood, for encouraging of production of biologically clean production and competitive production; - Co-operation of farmers and joint building from them of farms corresponding to the strict hygiene, ecological and veterinary-medical requirements; - Active using and maintenance of pasture fund, as means for feeding and financing; - Re-orienting to alternative activities for afforestation, introducing of farming under irrigation, sericulture, breeding of not traditional for the region animal species with high profitableness, production of bio-manure, breeding of oil-bearing and wool-yielding breeds.