This meeting is for you, please ask questions. Very open format You are on mute, if you have a question either type in it the Chat Box or select the Raise Hand button. Your feedback on the format and content is important; we want this to be useful and informative to you. The meeting is being recorded and will be posted on Before we get Started
Exit Destinations in HMIS Yearly HMIS Policy and Procedure Reviews Things to Remember Do you know what is on the HIC? News you can use Dotting the I’s, Crossing the T’s–Part 3 Open Discussion Agenda
Since the January HDC meeting we have been discussing Exit Destinations. We have been seeing how many clients on a statewide basis have been exiting into Unknown Destinations. We have been doing this because there will be Statewide Performance Measures on this in the near future and we are working now to prepare for them. Let’s review how we are doing. Exit Destinations
Downward trend continues. 23 point drop since January
Exit Destinations
Let’s Keep the trend up!! Exit Destinations
Nutmeg will be supplying individual CoC Information on Exit Destinations on their monthly HMIS Updates. CoC data will be compared to the Statewide numbers. Copies of the monthly HMIS Updates are now being posted on under the CoC section. Exit Destinations
If you are in one of the following CoC’s get ready, we will be contacting you to make an appointment: –Stamford –Norwalk –Bridgeport –New Haven –Waterbury –Hartford HMIS Policy and Procedure Reviews
If you had a DSS Aids Audit and we were there you will not see us a second time. Please read your notice we send out announcing the HMIS Reviews. Why? –All the items you need for the review are attached to the . HMIS Policy and Procedure Reviews
Attached to the are: –The form we use for the review –Copy of most recent HMIS Consent form –HMIS wall postings that are needed –CTHMIS Policy and Procedure Manual The manual has in it examples of: –Privacy Policies –Grievance Policy –Data storage and disposal Policy, etc. HMIS Policy and Procedure Reviews
Basically we give you all you need. –It’s an open book test! Please take the time to review the documents. If you are missing something use the examples supplied and call it your own. Ask questions before we show up, we want you all to get no follow up items! HMIS Policy and Procedure Reviews
One last point –Most agencies don’t realize that the Privacy Policy needs to be posted on your agency website. –Please look at your website. If they are not there contact your IT person and ask them to post them. –Again we want everyone to do great! HMIS Policy and Procedure Reviews
DSS RRH Housing Programs –Use the Basic Entry/Exit –Make sure you are in the DSS RRH Program and not one of your other programs when entering data. –When you submit a Check Request to ACT make sure it is clear what program the request is for! Things to Remember
Entry/Exit Programs –You should be running a A100 and A108 Report at least on a monthly Basis A100- List of Current Clients –Make sure you have the right clients in your program on a regular basis –Exit those that need to be exited, Enter those that are new and need to be in your program A108 Report- Data Quality Report –Data Quality need I say more –Will also show if you have clients with a wrong Entry Type so you can fix them. Things to Remember
Emergency Shelter Programs –NEVER user the Re-assign Bed Button. –It does not work and will only mess your DSS ES Utilization Report up. –When you run your DSS Utilization Report, make sure you run your E800 report at the same time for the same time frame. E800 Report will show you detailed Data Quality for your clients. Things to Remember
What is the HIC? –Housing Inventory Chart –What's on the HIC? All Housing Programs in your CoC Number of beds, units Type of clients served If you use HMIS for the program or not. All the basic information for your program Do you know what is on the HIC?
–Driving force for all that we do –Used for Point in Time AHAR- Annual Homeless Assessment Report NOFA –How do you get a copy of the HIC? Contact your CoC Chairs they can get you a copy. Let them know if something is not correct. If something changes during the year let the CoC Chairs know. (additions/deletions) Do you know what is on the HIC?
DSS Aids Webinars Coming soon to review a change you need to know. –How to handle changes in Subsidiary Type. –Make sure you sign up when notice goes out. More Info being added to –Did you know we have a CoC Section on it? News You Can Use
We are posting copies of our monthly HMIS CoC Updates. Posting last Years AHAR results. – Lot’s of data there for you to use. Post monthly DQ Reports as well. More to come News You Can Use
Since February we have been reviewing some basic items that some of us know but many of us do not. We have reviewed some of the more important terms and their definitions. In March we started following the journey of a client through the maze of Homelessness to being Housed. Dotting the I’s, Crossing the T’s: an on-going segment
Sam is our client. Last month he wandered into an Emergency Shelter. We gave him a bed and gathered his information for HMIS. Let’s pick up on Sam’s Journey and see where he goes now. Dotting the I’s, Crossing the T’s: an on-going segment This is Sam
Sam is still at our Shelter. He has been with us for several nights now and has been assigned a case manager. –The CM will work with Sam as long as Sam is willing. At the same time while Sam is out during the day Sam runs into a Homeless Outreach worker.
Both the CM and Outreach worker will try to engage Sam in getting involved with those resources that will help him on his journey to getting housed once again. Sam is a nice guy and he begins working with both the CM and PATH CM. Together they get Sam signed up for many resources, including S+C and a local THP program.
Sam is a lucky man, one week after being signed up for the Transitional Housing Program Sam’s name is on the top of their list and he is brought in by the agency. The agency shares data with the ES, so they have access to Sam’s data. Saving Sam from having to fill out another intake form out. He signs all the releases and information the THP program requires and Sam moves in.
Sam’s data is now in three places. –The Emergency Shelter –The PATH Program ( yeah they will be all in HMIS real soon) –And now the THP program.
The Shelter still is using Sam’s information on their report, monthly, quarterly and then yearly. The THP depending on their funder may also be using his data for monthly, quarterly and yearly reports. –If they are HUD funded that definitely on their year APR. PATH will be using his data on their APR as well.
The THP program Sam is in is a two year program. This means that at the end of his first year there Sam will be asked by his CM there to update some of his information so it can be updated in HMIS. –His Income, Non-Cash Benefit and Disability information needs to be updated.
Sam has so far been involved with at least three programs: –Emergency Shelter –Homeless Outreach (PATH) –Transitional Housing Program His data has been supplied to funders for each program type as well. It was shared between the shelter and the THP
He has been in both the Homeless Housing system and HMIS for over a year meaning: –He has been questioned for the Point in Time at least once (THP and maybe the ES depending on when he arrived). –In addition the AHAR has come up and his information is falling into two categories on the AHAR: ES IND THP IND –Finally he is counted for the NOFA too.
Wow Sam’s information certainly has gotten around and he is not even housed yet. Sam’s journey will continue next month.
Open Mic Questions or Comments??
P HMIS (4647)