Systems Development Life Cycle Dirt Sport Custom
Analyze Design Develop Test Implement Maintain Project Plan System Requirements – We are developing a company website. We need a place for customers to go to view and order our products and services. We also need somewhere for customers to visually manipulate their desired customizations. We set up a website that allows for customer log in and member functions. This site includes access to company videos, information, product viewing and ordering, and manipulation of customer’s own designs and ability to view former customers customizations. Our critical success factors are a fully functional data- driven website, quality service, quality products to meet the needs of our customers and optimize revenue.
Project Feasibility – We used economical and technical feasibility studies to assess our project feasibility. We chose these two studies because we wanted to assure first off that we could afford the website in accordance with its costs and we wanted to be sure the website would integrate well with our current organizational structure. ~Cost-Benefit Analysis: We would gather all the relative data to the estimated cost of the website and estimated revenue the addition of the website would add to our company. We then would compare these two figures on the whole and in specific parts to identify if the website benefits would outweigh the costs. ~Technical Feasibility Study: We would look at the requirements of building and implementing this new website and the effects it would have on the company. We would then compare this to our company’s current ability and resources and ensure that we could actually accomplish the website as desired. Analyze Design Develop Test Implement Maintain Project Plan cont.
Analyze Design Develop Test Implement Maintain Project Plan cont. Milestones Dec. 1 – All analysis and feasibility tests completed Dec. 4 – All necessary resources gathered and prepared Dec. 12 – Have website ready for beta testing Dec. 20 – Have all beta testing finished Dec. 25 – Have final programming ready to implement Dec. 31 – Website Operational
Plan Design Develop Test Implement Maintain Analysis – Business Requirements 1.The website allows customers to easily view and purchase custom parts. 2.The customer can easily understand and navigate the process of making or choosing and saving their own custom bike designs. 3.Customer information can be effectively tracked and stored starting from login and going to logout. 4.The website efficiently allows customers to set up appointments with our staff and allows us to track our appointments. 5.The website provides all necessary and desired information about our company, bike part installation, and bike customization to our customers.
Plan Design Develop Test Implement Maintain Process Diagram: Website Login
Plan Design Develop Test Implement Maintain Process Diagram: Website Login When the customer enters our site the will immediately have the option to login with an already existing account or a create a new one. A returning customer will just have to provide their valid user ID and password to login and their and all former information will then be accessible to them. A new customer will have the option to create an account by providing a new user ID, , and custom password. All customer information from this specific part will be stored in the Customer and Product database. After a customer has logged into our website they will have the two main options of looking through our custom parts or looking at our custom designs. If a customer chooses to browse products any information they save to the website will be logged in the Customer and Product database. If a customer chooses to look at custom designs any information they save here will be stored in the Design database. A customer may then chose to log our or just exit our website.
Plan Design Develop Test Implement Maintain Process Diagram: Product purchase and design. Design database
Plan Design Develop Test Implement Maintain Process Diagram: Product purchase and design. After logging in, a customer can chose to design customizations. Once they enter this section of the website they will have three initial options: pick a bike component, pick a general design, or pick design specifics. If they chose ‘pick a bike component’ they will be shown a diagram of their desired dirt bike model and they will be able to chose which component they would like to build their custom design for. If they chose ‘pick a general design’ they will be allowed to look through general possible designs that our staff have suggested or that former customers have made. If they chose ‘pick design specifics’ they can start their own designs from scratch. This option also allows them to modify general designs that they picked earlier.
All three of these options can be gone back and forth in between to allow for changes at any point along the process. At any point along the process the customer may chose to save or cancel their design. If they cancel they will automatically be taken back the start of the design products page. If they save they will be asked if they want an notification or if they want to set up an appointment to have the design done and applied. After they select they can either return to the design products page or home page. Plan Design Develop Test Implement Maintain Process Diagram: Product purchase and design cont.
Plan Design Develop Test Implement Maintain Analysis – Build vs. Buy We have decided to go with a build approach rather than buy. We chose to do this so we could customize our website as desired. We have a lot of odd parts like custom part ordering and bike design customization which require a unique combination of website elements. We wanted to be sure that the elements we wanted to have were included and connected as desired. We also use our website to work with several other independent companies and we wanted to be assured the we could modify our dynamics to best fit with our partner companies.
Plan Analyze Develop Test Implement Maintain System Model - Website Business Name About Us History Logo Home Login Order Products Design Products Videos Privacy Policy Directions and Hours Body Contact Us
Plan Analyze Develop Test Implement Maintain ER Diagram – Customer and Product DISTRIBUTOR CUSTOM PARTS CUSTOMER ORDER PAYMENT
Plan Analyze Develop Test Implement Maintain System Model - Navigation HOME Design Product Return Home? Chose Design Yes? Chose product No? Continue Browsing? Save Design Yes? Place Order Videos Login Order Product Directions and Hours Contact Us Company History About Us Privacy Policy Continue Browsing? Return Home?
Plan Analyze Design Test Implement Maintain Develop – Homepage We chose this design because it was very simple and yet neat. It is very clear and flows well, which makes it easier for our customers to navigate and use. This design also effectively houses all of our desired elements in a well set and easy to read and understand pattern.
Plan Analyze Design Develop Implement Maintain Testing
Plan Analyze Design Develop Test Maintain Implementing We will use the Plunge Conversion because we have a small number of employees that adapt quickly to changes and diving right into using the new system will reduce our costs. We will use the Train the Trainer method. Our small number of workers will become the trainers. As our company grows and expands, our number of workers will also increase. The current employees will become a reliable source for teaching new personnel that start at our company. Our form of user documentation would be a Word document, that serves as a user manual, will be saved on all employees computer. With this document always on your computer, it makes it quickly accessible. With Word’s ability to search for key phrases or words, time looking for certain information can be cut down and problems can be solved at a much faster rate.
Plan Analyze Design Develop Test Implement Maintaining Adaptive and corrective maintenance: To insure that our website is always up to date and at it’s best performance, we will perform scheduled maintenance every Tuesday at 9 p.m. PST. This will include testing links and updates. Also, we will have a F.A.Q. section where customers can view common problems and submit questions, of which will be reviewed during maintenance. Preventive maintenance will include annual updates to software that strengthens our system and reduces the chances for system failures. Perfective maintenance: Monthly online inventory scans to figure out what the top selling products is in order to promote them more.
Plan Analyze Design Develop Test Implement Maintenance schedule December 1 st – December 31 st Weekly scans on software Bi-weekly scans for bugs that identify and fix bugs that are harming the system Once a week “Training the trainer” sessions Starting January 1 st Quarterly full system scans Weekly scans on software is continued Answer customer questions every Tuesday with scans Monthly inventory scans Annual updates to software