April 1, 2009 Opening Day for Hampshire House April, 2012 Activities in Celebration of the 3 rd Anniversary: ◦ Ernie and Matt L met with local Alderman to discuss the program ◦ Ernie and John Larivee visited U.S. Senator Kelly Ayotte and U.S. Congressman Frank Guinta’s office while in Washington DC for the ICCA conference ◦ Ernie and John Larivee met with the Mayor and other city officials ◦ Congressman Guinta visited the Hampshire House
NEW POSITIONS: ◦ Ernie Goodno – Program Director October 31, 2011 ◦ Matthew LeFrancois – Assistant Program Director November 28, 2011 ◦ Christine Loop – Case Manager December 12, 2011 ◦ Shannon Cornelissen – Program Supervisor January 30, 2012 ◦ Amanda Smith – Program Monitor Pt to FT ◦ Amanda Wetherbee – Program Monitor PT to FT ◦ Fredaline Jean – PT Program Monitor ◦ Patrick McCabe – Student Intern to PT Program Monitor ACHIEVEMENTS: ◦ Matt LeFrancois – completed Emerging Leaders Program ◦ Richard LeBoeuf and Jenn Garvey received certificates of “Appreciation” for the handling of an emergency situation involving a medical issue with a co-worker ◦ Program Monitor Timothy Willis – Received his Bachelors Degree in Criminal Justice ◦ Ernie Goodno accepted position on the Hesser College Department of Criminal Justice Corrections Advisory Board ◦ Matt LeFrancois has been invited to be on the Manchester Health Care for the Homeless Advisory Board ◦ Ernie and Matt were “key note speakers” on careers in Community Corrections for Hesser College ◦ In House bi-weekly newsletter ◦ HH Think Tank
RESIDENT SERVICES: ◦ Interns conduct Digital Divide / Career Coaching training ◦ Computer Lab (resident and staff use) ◦ Wellness Classes – partnership with Health care for the Homeless ◦ Case Managers Jenn Garvey and Christine Loop met with Marcy for information sharing to improve class curriculum for resident classes /groups ◦ Free flu shots for residents and staff ◦ Offered First Aid Training for residents (Lisa Chute - Instructor) ◦ NH Food Bank / Recipes For Success Culinary Arts training class (2 residents with no prior job skills participated) ◦ Volunteer at Manchester Animal Shelter and Makeover Ministries FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS: ◦ Main stairwell was covered with rubber treading ◦ Natural gas boiler installed ◦ Exterior planting season starts in a few weeks for the beautification of the property
Staff Development: ◦ Staff Training with the assistance of U.S. Marshalls, USPO, Manchester Police ◦ Staff development assistance with information for career development in fields of interest Resident Programming: ◦ More community / volunteer involvement ◦ Program outreach to improve on employment possibilities
Letter to Ernie Goodno from US Senator Kelly Ayotte: ◦ “Thank you for meeting with me recently. It was certainly a pleasure seeing you. I enjoyed learning about the Community Resources For Justice and about Hampshire House, specifically. Thank you for all your excellent work at Hampshire House.” Letter to Matt LeFrancois from a former resident: ◦ Matt, How are you??? I want to first thank you for all of the attention that you gave me as I made the transition from the Hampshire House to getting home. I APPRECIATE all of what you and the staff there did for me and my family. You made the transition one of which I needed and made the adjustment period to returning home one of safe and worry free. I know that I had, and still do, have a great amount of work to do. I am not afraid of that work and I look forward to the changes and adjustments in my future. I would not have wanted to do it any other way!!
Letter to John Sullivan from a former resident concerning Case Manager, Jennifer Garvey: ◦ Dear Mr. Sullivan, …”Jen’s job has to be difficult like most jobs in that field of work, but through it all I see someone in Jen that really wants to see me and her other cases succeed. I want to thank Jen for all her knowledge, assistance and to let you know she is doing a great job! Jen is an asset to your staff.”
Resident Community Involvement: ◦ Hampshire House has developed a “Think Tank” to improve resident community involvement and to ensure more programs become available for their residents to participate in. ◦ 3 Alderman from the City of Manchester have agreed to help Hampshire House further this initiative. ◦ Program Monitors, and other program staff, will engage in the process of writing proposals and presenting them to City Officials in hopes to obtain their support. Staff Training and Career Development of Staff: ◦ The “Think Tank” sessions listed above have also been developed to increase the responsibilities of program staff and to assist in their career development, exposing them to additional experiences. ◦ In addition, Hampshire House has sought to utilize existing relationships with the U.S. Marshals Office, USPO, and LTG Counseling Group (resident counselors) to provide additional training opportunities to, and exposure for, program staff. Development of Adaptive Life Skills Programming ◦ The following programs have been initiated to increase adaptive life skills programming at Hampshire House: “Health Care for Homeless” Quarterly Classes In-House First Aid Classes to Residents Collaboration between Marcy Rosenthal of Watson Academy and the case management staff at Hampshire House to formulate lesson plans for more expansive classes/groups. ◦ In addition, the case managers were trained in effective group facilitation by Watson Academy to improve and expand in-house services.
Data obtained from HR Personnel Summary Staff Turnover Rate 3/1/2011 –2/29/2012 (12 Mo.) SJS Overall: 35.7% Overdue Performance Evaluations (Over the 6 Mo. Period) September:3 FTE; 0 PTE October:3 FTE; 0 PTE November:0 FTE; 0 PTE December:0 FTE; 1 PTE January:0 FTE; 0 PTE February:0 FTE; 0 PTE The above reflects 1 PTE and a total of 3 FTEs receiving a late performance evaluation during the 6 mo period (a total of 4 late reviews). Consistent with the last CPR.
Data Obtained from the Adult Utilization Report An Average of 30.5 Clients per Month over the 6 month period. (An increase of ~3.25 clients from previous CPR)
Data Obtained from MMRs An Average of 0.8 Adaptive Life Skills Hours per Client per Month over the 6 Month Period. (Increase of 0.7 hrs. from pervious CPR) An Average of 6.1 Cognitive Behavioral Hours per Client per Month over the 6 Month Period. (Increase of 4.9 hrs. from pervious CPR)
Data Obtained from MMRs One (1) Medication Incident over the time period (During the previous 6 months the Program did not have any) September October November December JanuaryFebruary
Data Obtained from the MMR An Average of 80% of Clients Successfully Completed the Program over the 6 month period. (An increase of 15% from previous CPR) aaa Reasons for Termination: Positive Drug Tests Resident Threatening another Resident 1 Resident was removed because he was considered a threat to the staff of the federal court Remaining terminations were due to multiple rule violations.
Data Obtained from the MMR An Average of 61% of Clients Completed the Program Employed over the 6 month period. (A slight decrease of 4% from previous CPR) a Employment Areas: Food Services Production/Factory Work Commercial Construction Mechanical Front Office Support
Data Obtained from the MMR An Average of 100% of Clients Completed the Program with Housing over the 6 month period. (An increase of 3% from previous CPR)
Figures Obtained from the January 2012 Client Satisfaction Survey Results
Data Obtained from the January 2012 Client Satisfaction Survey Results 77% of Resident Responses Reported that the Program was Performing “Most Times” or “Always” in the Respective Functions. This is Consistent with the January, 2011 Survey Results.
Capital Expense Plan ◦ To date the following has been completed (an approved $31,000 worth of repairs): Heating Unit Upgrade ($17,000) Interior Stair Covering ($8,500) Gutter/Down Spout Repair ($3,000) Bathroom Venting Upgrade/Repair ($2,500) ◦ The Resident Property Closet and Basement Water Issue Repair (approx. $13,000) will be reviewed individually and may be delayed until the summer or fall.