Performance Based Contracting Presented for RESNA’s Catalyst Project by Sönke Dornblut ATinNH Program Coordinator |
History Single Contractor for all Loan, Demonstration and Refurbishing activities. ◦ Aimed at sustainable capacity building. ◦ Limited options. ◦ Lack of leverage.
Performance Based Contracting Initiated in response to change from “sunsetting project” to “ongoing program”. Objectives: ◦ Diversify contractor base. ◦ Accountability for deliverables. ◦ Uniform payment basis.
What we did Online data collection/reporting system. Features: ◦ Online inventory ◦ Demo / Loan / Reuse data reporting forms. ◦ Review of data entered – immediate feedback. ◦ Forces complete data sets.
What we did Budgeting: ◦ Annual projections. ◦ Simple service provider agreements ◦ Identified common, per loan/demo/reuse value.
The Annual Process August/September ◦ Partners submit annual projections by demo/loan/reuse and equipment category. ◦ ATinNH develops overall budget. ◦ Contract proposals to partners. October/November ◦ New FY agreements implemented. ◦ Annual data pull and analysis – report to MIS.
The Annual Process Quarterly Partner Meetings. ◦ Data review. ◦ Sharing of implementation ideas and issues. Quarterly Invoices. ◦ New: Online invoicing out data reporting site. ◦ Verification against data submitted. Third quarter data to date review. ◦ Decisions to move allocations between partners based on actual performance.
Lessons Learned Online System must be robust ◦ Speed is critical for data submission. ◦ Partner input is vital in the development and feature build out. ◦ System allows for partners to review their data submitted and offers standard reports for their use (with boards etc.) ◦ Immediate feedback is essential. ◦ Simplify (Integration of invoicing and data projection features).
Lessons Learned Creates comparability. Allow to grow slowly. Ability to fill in gaps (equipment category, geographic coverage). Benefits form in-house IT capacity. Easy system for new partners. Facilitated our expansion from one partner to nine. Stay flexible, allow for modifications on a case by case basis.
Questions? Sönke Dornblut Assistive Technology in New Hampshire |