Poisonous Snakes By: Bryan Cheung T.317 Life Scout 22 Sept 2008
Types of Poisonous Snakes 6 Types of poisonous snakes in Florida Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake Canebrake (Timber) Rattlesnake Pygmy Rattlesnake Cottonmouth (Water Moccasin) Copperhead Coral Snake From 2 families: Viperidae (vipers/pit vipers) Elapidae (cobras)
Viper/Pit Viper Family 5 Types in Florida: Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake Canebrake (Timber) Rattlesnake Pygmy Rattlesnake Cottonmouth (Water Moccasin) Copperhead Characteristics: Elliptical Pupils Pits between eyes and nostrils Arrow-shaped heads Use hemotoxic venom which destroys red blood cells and walls of blood vessels.
Cobra Family 1 Type in Florida Coral Snake Characteristics Round pupils Round shaped heads Use neurotoxic venom that attacks the nervous system of the prey through paralysis of the heart and lung muscles.
Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake How to identify: Yellow-bordered Diamond-shaped markings Rattle at end of tail Arrow shaped head much wider than neck area Frequently seen in palmetto flatlands, pine woods, abandoned fields, and brushy/grassy areas
Canebrake Rattlesnake How to Identify: Grayish-brown color Dark chevron-shaped bands or blotches across its body Orange or rusty-red stripe down the middle of its back from head to tail Brown or black tail with a rattle on the end
Pygmy Rattlesnake How to identify: Small rattle that sounds like buzzing sound and can only be heard from a few feet away Gray color About 3 rows of dark, round spots around its back A single orange or reddish stripe down the back in between the spots Young Pygmy rattler tails may be yellow at the tip
Cottonmouth (water moccasin) How to identify: Darkish brown to black in color May have black bands across body When provoked, it will lay its head back and open its mouth to show the white lining of the mouth (which is why it is called cottonmouth)
Copperhead How to identify: Tan to pinkish in color Reddish Brown hourglass- shaped bands across the body Copper colored head
Which is venomous? Coral Snake (Venomous) Scarlet King snake (Nonvenomous) Easy way to remember: “Red touch yellow, deadly fellow; Red touch black, friendly Jack” Or, black nose=venomous
Coral Snake How to Identify: Very colorful stripe pattern Black nose Most are less than 30 in. in length Round pupils like most non-venomous snakes
First Aid Non-Poisonous Snakebites Clean wound with soap and water and apply antiseptic Wrap it with a clean bandage Poisonous Snakebites Get victim to medical attention ASAP Remove rings/jewelry around the bite area Let the victim lay down and place the injured area lower than the rest of the body Treat for shock (keep them calm, keep airway open, raise legs, etc) If available within 3 minutes of the bite, use a venom extractor. Do NOT: Make cuts on the wound Apply ice Try to suck out the venom with your mouth Go after the snake to kill it Let the victim make many movements
More Info Florida Venomous Snakes (with pictures) Guide to Florida Snake First Aid for Snakebites