Comptrollers Conference November 2010
What we heard…. ◦ Client Expectations ◦ Financial Shared Services Functional Design ◦ Procurement Shared Services Functional Design ◦ Detailed Employee Baseline Data 2
Turnaround time ◦ Travel Claims ◦ Vouchers ◦ Timing Dependent on Transaction Type Provided example timeframes Processing ◦ Ability to handle peak periods (month/year ends) ◦ Ability to process urgent requests (responsive to client needs) 3
Clear commitment in the Service Partnership Agreements ◦ Commitment to client readiness Interfaces/relationships with clients Client preparedness Document Flow ◦ How documents will actually flow to/from service centres ◦ Who will maintain the official documents 4
Design ◦ Single point of contact Maintain Confidentiality of Information Contract Reporting and Administration 5
6 ActivityFunction GNWT Departments Procurement Shared Services Financial Shares Services Central Agency Accounts Payable Expenditure Officer - approve expenses (claims/contributions/invoices etc) subject to payment conditions of contract or purchase order other agreement or policy. Verify chart fields Receive, prep and validate vendor invoices & forward to expenditure officer Diners card, P Cards may have some unique workflows. Enter/upload details into AP module Validate supplier details Maintain vendor file (identification & FIS information requirements) Reconcile vendor statements. Check cost allocations, matching, authorization
7 ActivityFunction GNWT Departments Procurement Shared Services Financial Shares Services Central Agency Cost recoveries: interdepartmental and third party??? Resolve exceptions – cost allocations, matching, authorization Could be both depending upon the nature of the program. Accounting officer: subject to expenditure officer certification, payment conditions of contract or purchase order and other agreements or policy. May require some residual capacity for complex/technical payments. E.g. Construction contracts. Process payment and distribute remittance advice Currently a central agency function
8 ActivityFunction GNWT Departments Procurement Shared Services Financial Shares Services Central Agency Primary supplier/customer contact/resolve routine inquires Escalated supplier/customer issue resolution GST – reconciliations, filings and payments Maintain AP system/module setup Finance - SAM
9 Identify Procurement Requirement Competitive Non-Competitive GoodsServicesConstruction TenderRequest for ProposalsNegotiatedSole Source Bid/Proposal Evaluation/Analysis Executive Council Approval Deputy Minister Approval Award Change Order(s)/Commitment Addendum(s) Decision Paper Documented Decision Evaluation/Analysis Contract Summary and Commitment Approval Quotation/Proposal Evaluation/Analysis Public Notice Requisition for Supplies and Services & Financial Commitment Approval Executive Council Approval Records Management Contract Register/Report
10 MAJOR RESPONSIBILITYLESSER RESPONSIBILITY ActivityFunction GNWT Departments Procurement Shared Services Financial Shares Services Central Agency Procurement of Goods and Services Procurement/Contracting/Tendering Policy/Requirements – Regs., FAM, BIP Developing Guidelines Maintain Whole of Government Supplier Data Base /Catalogues Specialized catalogues Negotiate Whole of Government Standing Offers Identify Needs & Develop Specifications and Requirements Initiate/Approve Purchase Requisition (with cost allocations) Pre-encumbrance Validate budget Validate specifications
11 ActivityFunction GNWT Departments Procurement Shared Services Financial Shares Services Central Agency Validate BIP Local Communities, other BIP Requirements Multiple Closing Locations Considered Pre Bid Meeting Develop Bid Documents – Tender Forms, RFP Templates from Internal Services Approve Bid Document Bidder Identification – to send document to Public Notice - Advertising – web, newspapers, specialized
12 ActivityFunction GNWT Departments Procurement Shared Services Financial Shares Services Central Agency Procurement greater than $5,000 excluding construction, and other contracting defined by regulation Conduct competitive tender or bid process Receive Inquiries Issue addendums, changes Maintain Plan Holder/Vendor Log Closing bid process and Public Opening Post Bid Results to CRRS / CIS Evaluation – for compliance w Tender and Technical Requirements
13 ActivityFunction GNWT Departments Procurement Shared Services Financial Shares Services Central Agency BIP Evaluation – Post BIP info to CRRS/CIS Clarifications, Negotiations Sign Purchase Order, Service Contract, Pro Forma – Contract with Vendor Post Award Info to CRRS/CIS Verify/Obtain Contractors Insurance & WSCC Good Standing Approve Purchase Order (Contract - with cost allocations) – SAM PO Commitment Issue Change Orders
14 ActivityFunction GNWT Departments Procurement Shared Services Financial Shares Services Central Agency Order Goods & Services Receive, inspect and accept goods/services Contract administration / Project Management (ensure goods or services are received per contract) Expenditure Certification Contract administration (ensure expenditure authorized and correct accounting) Accounting Certification Contract Reporting Records Management Procurement for construction and other defined by regulations
15 ActivityFunction GNWT Departments Procurement Shared Services Financial Shares Services Central Agency Procurement under $5,000 – Informal Tenders (may be conducted by depts. or sole sourced as per FAM) Conduct competitive tender or bid process Sign Purchase Order – Contract (Procurement card) Approve Purchase Order (Contract - with cost allocations) Commitment Contract administration (ensure goods or services are received per contract) Expenditure Certification
16 ActivityFunction GNWT Departments Procurement Shared Services Financial Shares Services Central Agency Contract administration (ensure expenditure authorized and correct accounting) Accounting Certification Order Goods & Services Receive, inspect and accept goods Contract Reporting Records Management
Exercise run as a trial to collect information ◦ On activities ◦ What people do in there days Overall the format was well received, received about 30 forms submitted 17
Comments from submissions ◦ Trouble estimating time spent on activities Estimate on a monthly basis rather than weekly? When sending these out: Provide forms a month in advance Give employees a heads up well in advance so they can track time ◦ Received lots of feedback on the activities Include training, educating and assisting on SAM, as well as policies and procedures HR Duties Requesting clarification on certain activities listed 18
Follow up questions or comments? 19