Bird watching By: By: Helena Helena
American purple Gallinule The purple Gallinule has huge yellow feet, purple blue plumage with a green back. Gallinule eats with a red and yellow bill. It has a pale blue forehead armor with a white under tail. Length: 33cm Wingspan:52cm Wingspan:52cm Weight: m/f 240g _coots_&page=all
Black hooded Parakeet The black hooded Parakeet has a black facial mask and beak. The adoring long tail is edge in blue. Hooded Parakeet is mostly green. Length:32-37 Wikipedia.crg/wiki / black-
Painted Bunting Female: It’s Green and yellow during breeding season, Shy, Secretive and often difficult to see. Male: Has a dark blue head, green back, red rump and under parts. He sings a Warbled song. Size:12-13cm Weight:13-19g hhhh tttt tttt pppp :::: //// //// wwww wwww wwww.... pppp bbbb aaaa ssss eeee.... cccc oooo mmmm //// dddd aaaa dddd aaaa ssss //// iiii mmmm aaaa gggg eeee
Blue Jay Medium size bird found in wooded areas throughout most of n. America. The Blue jay is mostly blue. Except there feet which are black. They have different shade of blue which gives them there blue jay name.
Scrub Jay The Scrub Jay has a strong black bill, blue head, a whitish forehead and supercilium blue wings, grayish under parts, gray back, long blue tail, black legs and feet
Scarlet Ibis Scarlet Ibis is completely scarlet except for the black wing tips. They nest in trees, laying two to four eggs. There diet includes crustaceans and similar marine animals. Adult Ibis are cm in length. They weigh 650g.
Red tail hawk They have extremely large bodies. Broad rounded wings. They have a red or rusted color tail. They have an incomes wing spend and they could get as big as a cat.
American white pelican They could grow to the height of over 18 inches. They reach a weight over 2 pounds. They have extremlylong orange beaks. They have a wing spand of snake. BI2667.php
Sand hill carne The black crane sounds like it saying hello. They like to wade in murky water hunting for fish. The have long mud boots so they don’t get all wet.