Monitoring and Evaluation in Humanitarian Aid: Quality Procedures PROJECT – STRAND 1 – Training and Capacity Building
ANNEX IV General Conditions In collaboration with
The General Conditions: Are an integral part of the Grant Agreement which is stipulated between the Humanitarian Organisation and ECHO for each single operation Are an integral part of the Grant Agreement which is stipulated between the Humanitarian Organisation and ECHO for each single operation Establish the rules which govern the humanitarian operations Establish the rules which govern the humanitarian operations Are organised in 19 articles as follows: Are organised in 19 articles as follows: General and Administrative provisions (1 – 14) General and Administrative provisions (1 – 14) Financial provisions (15 – 19) Financial provisions (15 – 19) The General Conditions: Are an integral part of the Grant Agreement which is stipulated between the Humanitarian Organisation and ECHO for each single operation Are an integral part of the Grant Agreement which is stipulated between the Humanitarian Organisation and ECHO for each single operation Establish the rules which govern the humanitarian operations Establish the rules which govern the humanitarian operations Are organised in 19 articles as follows: Are organised in 19 articles as follows: General and Administrative provisions (1 – 14) General and Administrative provisions (1 – 14) Financial provisions (15 – 19) Financial provisions (15 – 19) Setting
In particular The GC define General obligations Priority of ECHO on type of intervention Obligations and rights of the Parties General provisions on defining the Budget General provisions on transferring funds
GC: Highlights
GC: highlights
GC: Highlights
GC:Highlights Financial Provisions
Highlights Non eligible costs are those “standard” for EC projects, such as: Purchase of land or buildings Taxes, duties (unless the HO is not able to reclaim them) Currency exchange losses Etc. Art 15 Continued
Highlights Indirect costs are forfeited (max 7% of total direct eligible costs = Title 01 + Title 02) A contingency reserve may be exceptionally included in the budget and shall not be higher than 5% of the direct eligible costs (Title 01 + Title 02) Art 15 Continued
GC: Highlights
The end