Quiz Review Game-Enlightenment, Great Awakening, French and Indian War, Road to Revolution.
He was the person who tried to revive interest in the Puritan religion during the Great Awakening and delivered fiery sermons like “Sinners in the hands of an angry God” Jonathan Edwards
One of the reasons for decline in the interest in the Puritan church before the Great Awakening is that as they started to prosper they started to develop more interest in_______ instead of focusing on spirituality and faith. Material possessions or wealth or sensual pleasures
True or False—The Great Awakening brought many Native Americans and Africans into organized Churches for the first time? True
Name one of the significant effects of The Great Awakening. Increased interest in Higher education, New Colleges founded, caused people to question traditional authority, stressed importance of the individual.
Name the outstanding figure of the Enlightenment who embraced the notion of truth through experiment and reasoning. (Hint: Founding father and inventor of the bifocals) Benjamin Franklin
Scholars of the Enlightenment concluded that the world is governed_________ rather than by chance, luck, or miracles. Fixed mathematical laws.
Who was the Enlightenment philosopher that introduced the philosophy of Natural Law? John Locke
People turned to religious doctrine to explain how the world worked during the medieval period. After the Renaissance and during The Enlightenment, scientists and philosophers used the _______method to explain how the world worked. Scientific method
The Enlightenment had a profound effect on political minded people in the colonies, such as __________, the author of the Declaration of Independence. Thomas Jefferson
What effect did the idea that people have natural rights have on people in the colonies before the Revolutionary War? It led people to question the authority of the British monarchy. (ideas of Self-government)
True or False: The Declaration of Independence states that people are endowed by GOD with certain rights? False: Says people are endowed by their CREATOR with certain unalienable rights.
What are the natural rights listed in the Declaration of Independence? Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
The United States of America is the first country in the history of the world to be founded upon what? A philosophy or idea
The United States Constitution rests on the principle of Rule of ______(objective), as opposed to Rule of_______(subjective). Rule of Law, Rule of Man
One major piece of land, near what is now Pitsburgh, that the French and British were fighting over in 1754 was control over the area called…..? Ohio River Valley
True or False: The British had granted 200,000 acres of land in the Ohio River Valley to wealthy planters. True
Who was the British officer who led a militia on an attack on French soldiers which started the French and Indian War? George Washington
What was the name of the French fort built in the heart of the Ohio River Valley? Fort Duquesne
Early in the French and Indian War, the British lost many battles due to _________ warfare employed by the Natives fighting on the French side. Guerrilla Warfare.
Who was the person the British king appointed to help run his government and who helped reinvigorate the struggling British army? William Pitt
What was the name of the treaty that ended the French and Indian War? The Treaty of Paris in 1763
To avoid further conflicts with the Native Americans, the British government issued the ____________, which banned all settlement west of the Appalachians. The Proclamation of 1763.
Who designed America’s first political cartoon “Join or Die”, of the severed snake? Benjamin Franklin