WP 3 : Technological innovation « MEditerranean Development of Innovative Technologies for integrAted waTer managEment » Kick-off meeting [7th-8th May 2004]
WP3 Technological innovation Action B. Monitoring and capture prototypes for submarine springs Suggestion of reallocation of tasks responsibility + budget Task B.1 Preliminary studies : springs location, discharge of springs, morphology of the submarine environment (results of WP 1 and WP3 A) => CREEN-ESIB + GDHER (Lebanon) Task B.2. Environment impact : environmental study => CREEN- ESIB (Lebanon)
Task B.3. Construction of the prototype : design for one submarine spring in Cheka Bay in Lebanon => hydraulic calculation : CNRS - HSC + CREEN-ESIB; technical drawing : subcontracting from ESIB; submarine capture construction : subcontracting from ESIB; low cost prototype of micro-capture for Syria and Turkey : CNRS-HSC (co-ordination) + AECS + HUKHAM Task B.4. Installation of the prototypes : feasibility study in Turkey and Syria : AECS + HUKHAM + CNRS-HSC; installation in Lebanon (authorisation : GDHER), subcontracting for divers and boats. Task B.5. Monitoring of the springs : CREEN-ESIB+ CNRS-HSC Task B.6. Feasibility study : CNRS - HSC WP3 Technological innovation
Responsibility of Tasks of Action B : CREEN-ESIB or CNRS-HSC ? Budget reallocation - Man months: –NYMPHEA budget: Personnel : € => Post-doc CNRS/HSC about €/year => two years ? Durable equipment : € => to CREEN-ESIB Sub contracting : €=> to CREEN-ESIB Travel and subsistence : € => reduce, post doc HSC Consumables : 6000€ => CREEN - or HSC Protection of knowledge: 8000 € => CREEN ? HSC CNRS ? Financial audit : € => not necessary Other specific cots: 1000 € => CREEN or HSC (scientific experts…) WP3 Technological innovation
Other WP : WP5: transfer technology: Who ? CNRS- HSC or LIRMM with contribution of CREEN-ESIB ? Prepare a technical proposal explaining the possibility and feasibility of reallocating tasks and budget on other partners, under responsibility of CREEN-ESIB ? Who ? Delay ? : ………………………………... Electronically submitting => CPF modification and WP description (ND) CPF forms to be signed; Technical proposal to be signed, sent to the EC