Basic Persuasion Skills in Employee Ownership Corey Rosen National Center for Employee Ownerships
NCEO What We’ll Do Using employee ownership to persuade customers Getting employees to think and act like owners
NCEO Employee ownership as a marketing tool Surveys in 1980s showed that by overwhelming margins, customers were positive about buying from employee ownership companies The “brand” may have been somewhat tarnished by United, Enron, et. al., however.
NCEO Marketing ideas Web site Business cards Advertising and logos Signage Sending employees to trade shows, having them meet with or visit customers Other ideas?
NCEO Perils of marketing The employee ownership bad boys You have to walk the talk, or would you really want a United mechanic employee owner to sell your airline? Employees need to know you’ve sent the message
NCEO Ownership Management It’s very, very hard to motivate people; it’s easier to provide them an environment where they can motivate themselves Ownership is a reward, not an incentive Ownership behavior is essential to business success Lots of small ideas matter (see Ideas Are Free)
NCEO What Is Ownership Management? A “company of businesspeople” People understand what their ESOP is and how it works Information about financial, quality, productivity, and other corporate goals is widely shared Employees have meaningful and regular opportunities to share their ideas and information about how to make the company better Core company values guide employee behavior
NCEO OBM: You Want Me to Tell Them What? Money is the most sensitive of topics; people are reluctant to share financial information about themselves or their companies Owners and managers fear information will leak to competitors and suppliers Management doesn’t think employees will understand anyway, and, even if they do, what will they do with this information?
NCEO OBM II: You Want Me to Learn What? It’s so boring! It’s so complicated! It’s so irrelevant! I know they’re hiding something anyway They’re just trying to make use work harder and accept less pay What else?
NCEO But Information Is Not Enough It’s not just that you want people to think like owners. You want them to act like owners. Having a stock plan and knowing how it can pay off (because you now understand the numbers) can be motivating, but… There have to be specific, structured opportunities to share ideas and information
NCEO Allowing Participation Is Not Enough When do I do it? What if I don’t feel confident to express my idea? What if the boss doesn’t give me any feedback or puts me off? What if someone else takes credit? What if I get credit?
NCEO Participation Needs Structure It creates a safe place to share ideas and information It creates an expectation that people will share ideas and information It provides something concrete to tweak and change Attitudes tend to follow behaviors, which tend to follow structures So how do we get to these new, participative structures?
NCEO It Ain’t Easy Hierarchies are well entrenched They work well when the key is efficiency and repetition They give people a clear career path They provide a lot of certainty
NCEO But Hierarchies Don’t Work So Well Today Information flow too critical Innovation requires more flexibility and freedom Decisions need to be made more quickly It’s ideas that matter
NCEO Managing consent Meetings can be ways to get employees to agree, not to truly generate new ideas Effective leaders really will take risks Effective leaders realize they make mistakes
NCEO The Resisters: The CEO Fears giving up control Used to telling people what to do Been doing it this way for a long time, and it’s worked so far Absent the CEO’s active involvement, progress will be very difficult
NCEO The Resisters: Middle Management They are required to change the most, and possibly give up the most Their situation is the most ambiguous in the new corporate order They didn’t get to where they are by being coaches and facilitators; they got there by being good at their job and being decisive
NCEO The Resisters: Non- Management Employees Some don’t want new responsibilities Some resist ambiguity Some are cynical about any changes Some just don’t like change
NCEO Teams Are Great, But… Many efforts to get employee teams more involved don’t work well at first – or ever Teams may tackle problems that they don’t have adequate information or skills to handle Team authority may be too limited or uncertain
NCEO You Never Get “There” As people develop new skills, they will want to do more and can do more The same old same old will get routine Management will expect more So “there” keeps moving
NCEO So what does work? Mini-games EARS Well-defined teams Bring an idea to work days What else? Group work.