Office of the General Counsel Anne K. Garcia Associate General Counsel Interim Director of Billing and Research Compliance
New Faculty Orientation Office of the General Counsel Provides legal guidance and services Saint Louis University provides coverage for: Faculty Fellows Residents Medical Students Other Staff
New Faculty Orientation Coverage is provided for all occurrences that happened during the course and scope of your employment with Saint Louis University. NOT COVERED: If injuries result from acts or omissions while under the influence of drugs or alcohol Criminal or intentional acts Outside the normal course and scope of your employment
New Faculty Orientation Failure to Cooperate with OGC or Defense Counsel Insurance: University is self insured up to $2 million Excess commercial insurance is provided up to $25 million per year.
New Faculty Orientation Reporting of Incidents Please report promptly (within hours) Methods of Reporting 977-URPT (8778) Username: INCIDENT Password: SLUCARE1! Call the OGC at
New Faculty Orientation Other Helpful Tips If an attorney calls, please direct them to the OGC at Do not speak with the attorney. If you receive a BHA or AG complaint direct it to the OGC Direct any process servers to the OGC If you are named in a lawsuit, OGC will appoint defense counsel and will notify you of your assigned counsel.
New Faculty Orientation Other Helpful Tips (Continued) Complete and Timely Documentation Limit Communications (Discoverable) Please discuss patient care in the appropriate setting Need assistance handling a difficult issue/family involve Risk Management
New Faculty Orientation Questions???