GS Form 90 Training 2011 Welcome SPS Fellowship Award Process, Form 90, Fellowship Insurance
GS Form 90 Training 2011 External Fellowships
GS Form 90 Training 2011 Federal Fellowships: Proposal Submitted by SPS PreAward for the Fellow Student receives an award notification letter, accepts award and notifies the Business Office (Dept of Energy, NASA, NIH) Business Office Role –Completes the Form 90 –Sends signed originals to the Grad School – s copy of Form 90, student award and acceptance letter to the SPS Fellowship Account Manager SPS Role –will follow up with sponsor on award status –request an NTP from the Business Office if necessary
GS Form 90 Training 2011 Fellowships Federal or Non-Federal submitted by the Fellow (NSF GRFP, ASEE, DOD, IBM, AM Heart etc ) Business Office Role the following to the SPS Fellowship Account Manager a copy of the sponsor offer letter student acceptance of the award Purdue offer letter to student, if applicable a copy of the Form 90 (prior to routing for signatures) Detailed instructions can be found using “Process for Completing Internal Proposals for Fellowships” guide (url below)
GS Form 90 Training 2011 Fellowships Federal or Non-Federal submitted by the Fellow SPS Role Fellowship Account Manager forwards the information PreAward for an internal proposal (IP) PreAward generates IP and forwards information to Fellowship Account Manager Fellowship Account Manager establishes the award If a fellowship requires an institutional signature it will be forwarded to SPS contracting for review and approval prior to award establishment.
GS Form 90 Training 2011 Non-Federal Gift of a Fellowship - Partial Support A non federal fellowship gift that does not fund a full fellowship is considered Graduate Aide The Graduate Aide Procedure can be found at:
GS Form 90 Training 2011 Fellowships – Setup information A new Internal Order/Sponsored Program (IO/SP ) will need to be created for each new fellow An existing IO/SP will be used when a student remains on one award for multiple years
GS Form 90 Training 2011 Helpful information Internal Proposal process SPS Web page / SPS Post Award Fellowship Webpage
GS Form 90 Training 2011 QUESTIONS?
Important Insurance Information for Graduate Fellowship Recipients
Fellowship Insurance It is important that a student fellowship be identified as true fellowship or one that is administered as an assistantship. It is important that a student fellowship be identified as true fellowship or one that is administered as an assistantship. Fellows should receive a copy of the enrollment form from their business offices with attached application instructions before visiting the Student Insurance Office at PUSH, Room 340. Fellows should receive a copy of the enrollment form from their business offices with attached application instructions before visiting the Student Insurance Office at PUSH, Room 340.
Fellowship Insurance Enrollment Open enrollment period: August 6 th – September 8th, 2011 Submit form w/payment to PUSH Student Insurance Office, Room 340 Fellowship to an Assistantship Fellowship to an Assistantship Assistantship to a Fellowship Assistantship to a Fellowship 30 days to make the transition 30 days to make the transition
Insurance Supplement Payment Figures are for the year Total Premium $1761 Total Premium $1761 Purdue Supplement $1346 Purdue Supplement $1346 Student $415 Student $415 Paycheck SupplementStudentPremium August $546$ December $800$247$1047
After verification of fellowship insurance eligibility, payment may be made by MasterCard, Visa, or money order. After verification of fellowship insurance eligibility, payment may be made by MasterCard, Visa, or money order.
The policy year ends The policy year ends 08/05/ /05/2012. Coverage can not continue past the policy year end date. Any renewal or continuation would be based on the next year’s policy’s rates and regulations. Coverage can not continue past the policy year end date. Any renewal or continuation would be based on the next year’s policy’s rates and regulations.
If a fellowship policy ends and a student is no longer eligible for student insurance, but has been covered continuously for 6 months under the student insurance, the student may elect to continue the policy. Enrollment MUST occur within 14 days of the policy end date. If a fellowship policy ends and a student is no longer eligible for student insurance, but has been covered continuously for 6 months under the student insurance, the student may elect to continue the policy. Enrollment MUST occur within 14 days of the policy end date.
It is the student’s responsibility for timely renewal payment whether or not a renewal notice is received. For those renewing for second semester, renewal payment MUST be received by January 14 th so that no lapse in coverage occurs. It is the student’s responsibility for timely renewal payment whether or not a renewal notice is received. For those renewing for second semester, renewal payment MUST be received by January 14 th so that no lapse in coverage occurs.
International Students Insurance is required for all international students Must begin with the first day of classes (August 22, 2011) Coverage must be continuous for the duration of academic studies at Purdue. Please see the PUSH website for more information:
WAIVER Deadline International Students must purchase the University insurance plan or submit and receive waiver approval no later than September 8, International Students must purchase the University insurance plan or submit and receive waiver approval no later than September 8, Failure to do so will cause loss of the waiver option and/or a possible $200 late fee to complete enrollment. Failure to do so will cause loss of the waiver option and/or a possible $200 late fee to complete enrollment.
Vision Coverage An enrollment form for vision An enrollment form for vision coverage is available in your coverage is available in your insurance packet or in the Student Insurance office. Cost is $10.00/year. Cost is $10.00/year.
Further vision benefits information is available at Further vision benefits information is available at To check enrollment status or with questions regarding vision, visit PUID is required. To check enrollment status or with questions regarding vision, visit PUID is required.
Dental Coverage Dental insurance is NOT available for purchase by fellowship students. Dental plan is only available to employees of the University. Dental insurance is NOT available for purchase by fellowship students. Dental plan is only available to employees of the University.
GS Form 90 Training 2011 Form 90
GS Form 90 Training 2011 Friday, June 3, 2011 to the GS Fellowship Office Form 90 is located at the below address: Click on the Funding Resources tab, then under Forms. (Forms received by the due date will be submitted to the Bursar’s Office before fees are billed to students.) DUE DATE for GS Form 90
GS Form 90 Training 2011 QUESTIONS?