Chapter Fifteen - Epideictic Address CHAPTER FIFTEEN – EPIDEICTIC ADDRESS Overview Discusses the Classical Greek and Roman approaches to structuring persuasive speeches Explains how to combine classical and contemporary approaches in developing introductions and conclusions for persuasive speeches Describes the various organizational patterns for persuasive speeches
Commemorates an occasion The scene is very important Emotion is important Aristotle said these type speeches are to praise or blame Chapter Fifteen - Epideictic Address EPIDEICTIC ADDRESS
They share two characteristics Each informs the audience about the event Provide info about the event’s importance Chapter Fifteen - Epideictic Address EPIDEICTIC AND INFORMATIVE SPEECH
In a commemorative speech there is persuasion involved Epideictic addresses have more emotion than logic In an epideictic speech the importance of the event is addressed Chapter Fifteen - Epideictic Address EPIDEICTIC AND PERSUASIVE SPEECH
Eulogies pay tribute Is a story about a person’s life May be impromptu More likely prepared Many times a family member Stranger makes remarks of known figures Positive points presented Use personal memories if available Chapter Fifteen - Epideictic Address TYPES OF EPIDEICTIC ADDRESS
Light-hearted events about various topics Presenters have prepared remarks Award recipient usually speaks briefly Acceptance speeches should offer thanks and show humility Appropriate language is needed Chapter Fifteen - Epideictic Address AWARD CEREMONIES
Events: retirements and weddings Typically brief Pre-planned Usually a person, can be an object Celebratory, conversational language Can be humorous Chapter Fifteen - Epideictic Address TOASTS
Remember context Connect honoree to event Note the event’s importance Use appropriate emotion Focus not on speaker Connect topic and event Brevity is a plus Chapter Fifteen - Epideictic Address GOALS AND STRATEGIES
Epideictic oratory is an important aspect of contemporary life. Although it shares characteristics of both informative and persuasive speeches, it is its own genre. Chapter Fifteen - Epideictic Address FINALLY…