Affinity Group Coalition Planning Project Station Planning Blueprint and Vision October 2006
What We Were Trying to Do Introduction Public Television Affinity Group Coalition Create Tools and Information to Assist Station Planning Create a Framework Within Which to Engage in Strategic Conversations Collectively – To Impose Some Order and Priority On Our Conversations Align Station, National, and System Planning Strengthen AGC as a Forum for Stations
What Are the Goals For This Session? Introduction Public Television Affinity Group Coalition To Review What We Have Compiled To Encourage You to Use It To Encourage Every Station to Refresh and Revisit Strategic Plan
Why Should We Refresh and Rethink Our Plans Call To Action Public Television Affinity Group Coalition While Much Remains Hazy in Media Landscape – Some Things are Clear National Leadership Needs to Know How We Envision Our Future The People We Serve Require Us to Change
Why Should We Refresh and Rethink Our Plans Call To Action Public Television Affinity Group Coalition While Much Remains Hazy in Media Landscape – Some Things are Clear National Leadership Needs to Know How We Envision Our Future The People We Serve Require Us to Change
Why Should We Refresh and Rethink Our Plans Call To Action Public Television Affinity Group Coalition While Much Remains Hazy in Media Landscape – Some Things are Clear National Leadership Needs to Know How We Envision Our Future The People We Serve Require Us to Change
AGC Planning Project “Final” Report How to Use This Report Public Television Affinity Group Coalition Printed Version PDF Version Rich Website
How Is This Report Organized? How to Use This Report Public Television Affinity Group Coalition External World & Tools Strategic Framework & Tools Appendices
What New Roles Does This Suggest for Stations? External World - How People Use Media Public Television Affinity Group Coalition Multichannel Content Provider Curator & Aggregator Interactive Content Provider Community Production Center
tools Tools to Take To Your Station How People Use Media Public Television Affinity Group Coalition Access In the future, how will people access what you have to offer? Find & Evaluate How might your role be changing as the “trusted curator and editor”? Experience For how long will you be programming channels for real time viewing? Create What is your production strategy?
How Do Your Audiences Engage With Media? External World - One Way to Segment Our Audiences Public Television Affinity Group Coalition Lean Back ConsumersLean Forward Consumers Massive PassivesGadgetiersKool Kids Preferred ChannelBroadcastVideo On DemandDownload to Own Preferred PlatformTelevisionDVRMobile Device Preferred Advertising30-second spotClick-throughInstant Message
tools Tools to Take To Your Station How People Use Media Public Television Affinity Group Coalition Segment How might you serve both “lean back” and “lean forward” consumers? Innovate How could you innovate your business model, pricing, and distribution strategies? Experiment How can you foster healthy experimentation at your station? Reorganize Does your organizational structure reflect and support your station’s objectives?
What Are the Possible Scenarios? External World - Scenario Planning Public Television Affinity Group Coalition New Intermediaries Dominate Traditional Intermediaries Dominate
tools Tools to Take To Your Station How People Use Media Public Television Affinity Group Coalition Scenario Planning Presentation Users’ Guide
Five Strategic Areas of Focus Public Television Affinity Group Coalition Goal: Common Language and Framework Created from Round Robins, Conversations, Critical Few
Five Strategic Areas of Focus are Interrelated Five Strategic Areas of Focus Public Television Affinity Group Coalition
What Does 2012 Look Like? Case Strategy - Imagining Exercise Public Television Affinity Group Coalition Inside the Living Room of a Local Family Inside the Boardroom of a Major Foundation Inside Your Station It’s the year What does it look and feel like….
What Have Been Some Common Themes? Case Strategy - Imagining Exercise Public Television Affinity Group Coalition The Audience Is In Control Multiple platforms allow audiences more control over their media, ….thus…. Stations are segmenting content for different audiences via different distribution channels. Stations are “More than TV” Multiple types of interaction allow audiences to participate more, ….thus…. Stations are acting as community production centers, providing tools and training for creativity.
tools Tools to Take To Your Station Case Strategy - Imagining Exercise Public Television Affinity Group Coalition Imaging Exercise Instructions
What Are Your Mission, Vision, and Values? Case Strategy Public Television Affinity Group Coalition Mission Why do you exist? What is your greater purpose as an organization? Vision Who do you want to be in the future? How do you want to impact your community in the future? Values What beliefs govern your organization’s decisions? What practices guide your work in the community?
What is Your Content and Services Strategy? Content Strategy Public Television Affinity Group Coalition CREATE ADD VALUEDISTRIBUTE By producing content By investing in NPS By customizing schedules By community outreach By broadcast By the Internet We engage our audience when we….
tools Tools to Take To Your Station Content Strategy Public Television Affinity Group Coalition Expenditures How much of your capital is invested in “create”, “add value”, and “distribute”? Revenue What sources of revenue are associated with “create”, “add value”, and “distribute” activities? Partners and Competitors Within your “create”, “add value”, and “distribute” activities, who could you partner with? Who are your competitors? Audience How does your audience prefer to use media? How do your “create”, “add value”, and “distribute” activities correspond to those preferences?
How Do Non-Profits Generate Revenue? Financial Strategy Public Television Affinity Group Coalition Charitable Donations & Business Revenue Government Funds Business Revenue Private Donations II III IIV
What Are Key Examples of Each Quadrant? Financial Strategy Public Television Affinity Group Coalition Small Local ChurchHarvard College K-12 Public SchoolGoodwill Industries Business Revenue Private Donations Charity & Commerce III Charity II Commerce IV Government I
Where Does Your Station Fit? The System? A Service? Financial Strategy Public Television Affinity Group Coalition Business Revenue Private Donations Charity & Commerce III Charity II Commerce IV Government I Public TV System Minnesota Channel Institutional and State Licensees WHYY Partnership Program Community Licensees
Where Does Your Station Fit? Financial Strategy Public Television Affinity Group Coalition Public Charity Other Institutional Licensees 70%26%4% State Licensees 76%20%4% Community Licensees 25%59%16% System in Aggregate 44%45%11% 2005 Revenue By Collins Matrix Categories Source: 2005 SABS
What Skills Does Each Quadrant Require? Financial Strategy Public Television Affinity Group Coalition Personal Relationships and Excellent Fundraising Skills Business Acumen and Fundraising Skills Political Skills and Public Engagement Skills Mostly Business Skills Resembling For-Profit Businesses Business Revenue Private Donations Charity & Commerce III Charity II Commerce IV Government I
tools Tools to Take To Your Station Financial Strategy Public Television Affinity Group Coalition Revenue Analysis Where does your station fit in in the Collins Matrix? Where would you like to be in five years? Ten years? Skills Assessment Are the skills required to excel in your quadrant fostered at your station? Strategic Planning Given this analysis and assessment, how might your strategic focus change?
How Is Your Organization Structured? Organizational Strategy Public Television Affinity Group Coalition
tools Tools to Take To Your Station Organizational Strategy Public Television Affinity Group Coalition Six Key People Today, if you were to design a senior management team around six key people, what positions would they hold? Public Media vs. Public Television How would you structure a public media company differently than a public television station? The Next Generation Is your station deliberately and intentionally developing a new generation of leadership? Is it one that will reflect the diverse needs of your community?
Is a Brand Just a Logo? Brand Strategy Public Television Affinity Group Coalition
What is Joe’s Brand? Brand Strategy Public Television Affinity Group Coalition Competencies Works in PTV Father of Three Plays the Piano Standards Outspoken Strict Disciplinarian Highly Skilled Piano Player Style Opens with a kind comment Never spanks his children Plays honky-tonk Style Piano
tools Tools to Take To Your Station Financial Strategy Public Television Affinity Group Coalition Competencies What do you do? What activities does your station excel at? Standards How do you engage in your activities? What is considered standard practice? Style How do you relate to your audience? What is your station’s personality?
What’s In the Appendix? Appendix Public Television Affinity Group Coalition Strategic Planning 101 Public Television System Planning Cycles Affinity Group Coalition Planning Resources
What’s In the Appendix? AGC Website: Public Television Affinity Group Coalition Strategic Planning 101 Public Television System Planning Cycles Affinity Group Coalition Planning Resources
Public Television Affinity Group Coalition Local Service Models Support Mission on Licensee or Major Public Institution Developing Broad Community Partnerships Providing Local Public Affairs or News Focusing on One Important Community Issues Adding Local Value to National Content