Spill Prevention, Preparedness and Response Program October 2014
Ecology Spill Response Snapshot (last 12 months) Spill Reports Managed: 4,025 Petroleum: 2,883 Hazmat: 192 Meth Labs: 35 Other: 914 Field Responses: 765 (19%) meth oil other hazmat oil other meth hazmat
Marine & Inland Oil Transportation Study Preliminary Findings and Recommendations Delivered to Governor Inslee on October 1,
BNSF Bakken Crude Derailment July 24, 2014
Helena Star and Golden West
Helena Star
Derelict Vessel Update HB 2457 Old/large vessels are required to have insurance and survey prior to ownership transfer Private marinas must have insurance and must require vessels to show proof of insurance Tax exemption for vessel deconstruction Revenue extended to commercial vessels through $1/foot/year fee Moorage providers must collect and share owner information with agencies
Criminal Charges by WA Attorney General Office
Hash Oil Explosions
Hash Oil Extraction
219 pounds of Mercury disposed
DOT Emergency Order WA Public Disclosure Act WA SERC Offered Rail the opportunity to file for an injunction – they did not Crude data posted on EMD web site