MAKES SENSE STRATEGIES 4 Teaching and Learning Is…


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Presentation transcript:

MAKES SENSE STRATEGIES 4 Teaching and Learning Is… A comprehensive array of instructional resources designed & validated by Edwin Ellis

MAKES SENSE STRATEGIES 4 Teaching and Learning Basic Organization Graphic Organizers Hierarchic Compare / Contrast Cause / Effect Sequences Smart-sheets Person Group Place Geography Event Process Theory Idea Debate Issue Policy War Belief Problem Invention Phenomena Essential Understandings Word Frames Word Connections LINCS mnemonics Semantic Tables Synetics Scavenger Hunts Critical Features Word Castles Vocabulary Instructional Planning Instructional Strategies Assessment Strategies Instructional Design Phonics Story Grammar Literary Analysis Story Problem Questions Inferences Predictions Text Perusal Reading Comprehension Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Resources Supplemental: Descriptive Narrative Expository Persuasive Process Writing Mathematical Concepts Computational Processes Rules / Theorems Math Literacy Behavior Literacy Character Building Perspective Taking Self-control Self-advocacy Behavior Analysis Social Literacy Planning Investigations Implementing Investigations Communicating Findings Evaluating Investigations Analysis of Assets & Inhibitors Planning Implementation of Innovation Evaluating Implementation Fidelity Examining Impact MSS Implementation Resources

But it also includes a WHOLE LOT MORE that can be used with CEM MAKES SENSE STRATEGIES 4 Content Enhancement Special SIM edition that includes… 4 Teaching and Learning Basic Organization Graphic Organizers Hierarchic Compare / Contrast Cause / Effect Sequences Smart-sheets Person Group Place Geography Event Process Theory Idea Debate Issue Policy War Belief Problem Invention Phenomena Essential Understandings Word Frames Word Connections LINCS mnemonics Semantic Tables Synetics Scavenger Hunts Critical Features Word Castles Vocabulary Instructional Planning Instructional Strategies Assessment Strategies Instructional Design Phonics Story Grammar Literary Analysis Story Problem Questions Inferences Predictions Text Perusal Reading Comprehension The special limited edition of MSS provides an extensive array of resources to use in conjunction with implementation of the KU-CRL Content Enhancement Model (CEM) Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Resources Supplemental: Descriptive Narrative Expository Persuasive Process Writing Mathematical Concepts Computational Processes Rules / Theorems Math Literacy You may be be familiar with some… Frames LINCS Behavior Literacy Character Building Perspective Taking Self-control Self-advocacy Behavior Analysis Social Literacy Planning Investigations Implementing Investigations Communicating Findings Evaluating Investigations But it also includes a WHOLE LOT MORE that can be used with CEM Analysis of Assets & Inhibitors Planning Implementation of Innovation Evaluating Implementation Fidelity Examining Impact MSS Implementation Resources

Special limited edition for SIM Makes Sense Strategies 4 Content Enhancement Order from: Edge Enterprises, Inc. Makes Sense Strategies 4 Teaching & Learning Order from:

MAKES SENSE STRATEGIES 4 Content Enhancement Are… Techniques and Tools for Teaching, Learning, and Processing Information in Engaging and Meaningful Ways Designed to target Essential Understandings of Content Subjects Classroom Instruction Content-area Reading Writing about content Validated via scientific research POWERFUL, yet user friendly

MAKES SENSE STRATEGIES 4 Content Enhancement Consist of interactive… 1. Graphic Organizers that depict basic organization Sequence Hierarchic Compare / Contrast Cause / Effect

MAKES SENSE STRATEGIES 4 Content Enhancement Consist of interactive… 1. Graphic Organizers that depict basic organization 2. Smart-sheets that target essential understandings of the most common topics reflected in standards of learning

MAKES SENSE STRATEGIES 4 Content Enhancement Consist of interactive… 1. Graphic Organizers that depict basic organization 2. Smart-sheets that target essential understandings of the most common topics reflected in standards of learning Person Group Belief Event Place Geography Theory . . Process Procedure Idea Object Phenomena Invention Issue Debate Policy Problem Conflict / war

MAKES SENSE STRATEGIES 4 Content Enhancement Consist of interactive… 1. Graphic Organizers that depict basic organization 2. Smart-sheets that target essential understandings of the most common topics reflected in standards of learning Person Group Belief Event Place Geography Theory . . Process Procedure Idea Object Phenomena Invention Issue Debate Policy Problem Conflict / war

MAKES SENSE STRATEGIES 4 Content Enhancement Consist of interactive… 1. Graphic Organizers that depict basic organization 2. Smart-sheets that target essential understandings of the most common topics reflected in standards of learning 3. Vocabulary Smart-sheets Word Castles Word Analysis Word Connections LINCS mnemonics Semantic Tables Synectics Scavenger Hunts Critical Features

MAKES SENSE STRATEGIES 4 Content Enhancement Consist of interactive… 1. Graphic Organizers that depict basic organization 2. Smart-sheets that target essential understandings of the most common topics reflected in standards of learning 3. Vocabulary Smart-sheets 4. Instructional Design Smart-sheets for… …identifying essential understandings …creating differentiated instruction lesson plans

MAKES SENSE STRATEGIES 4 Content Enhancement An array of different Smart-sheets are available for each of these commonly taught topics Person Group Belief Event Place Geography Theory . . Process Procedure Idea Object Phenomena Invention Issue Debate Policy Problem Conflict / war

MAKES SENSE STRATEGIES 4 Content Enhancement Basic Organization Graphic Organizers Hierarchic Compare / Contrast Cause / Effect Sequences Smart-sheets Person Group Place Geography Event Process Theory Idea Debate Issue Policy War Belief Problem Invention Phenomena Essential Understandings Word Frames Word Connections LINCS mnemonics Semantic Tables Synetics Scavenger Hunts Critical Features Word Castles Vocabulary Instructional Planning Instructional Strategies Assessment Strategies Instructional Design Phonics Story Grammar Literary Analysis Story Problem Questions Inferences Predictions Text Perusal Reading Comprehension is a special SIM edition of MSS exclusively distributed by Edge Enterprises, Inc. Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Resources Supplemental: Descriptive Narrative Expository Persuasive Process Writing Mathematical Concepts Computational Processes Rules / Theorems Math Literacy REMEMBER! Behavior Literacy Character Building Perspective Taking Self-control Self-advocacy Behavior Analysis Social Literacy Planning Investigations Implementing Investigations Communicating Findings Evaluating Investigations Analysis of Assets & Inhibitors Planning Implementation of Innovation Evaluating Implementation Fidelity Examining Impact MSS Implementation Resources

is available at MAKES SENSE STRATEGIES 4 Teaching & Learning is available at Basic Organization Graphic Organizers Hierarchic Compare / Contrast Cause / Effect Sequences Smart-sheets Person Group Place Geography Event Process Theory Idea Debate Issue Policy War Belief Problem Invention Phenomena Essential Understandings Word Frames Word Connections LINCS mnemonics Semantic Tables Synetics Scavenger Hunts Critical Features Word Castles Vocabulary Instructional Planning Instructional Strategies Assessment Strategies Instructional Design Phonics Story Grammar Literary Analysis Story Problem Questions Inferences Predictions Text Perusal Reading Comprehension Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Resources Supplemental: Descriptive Narrative Expository Persuasive Process Writing Mathematical Concepts Computational Processes Rules / Theorems Math Literacy Behavior Literacy Character Building Perspective Taking Self-control Self-advocacy Behavior Analysis Social Literacy Planning Investigations Implementing Investigations Communicating Findings Evaluating Investigations Analysis of Assets & Inhibitors Planning Implementation of Innovation Evaluating Implementation Fidelity Examining Impact MSS Implementation Resources

Makes Sense Strategies RATIONAL (slides forward automatically) No Child Left Behind & IDEA ’04 legislation has dramatically changed the landscape of schools “Highly Qualified” (HQ) requirement Resulted in most SPE teachers not being eligible to teach core curriculum courses Thus, exclusive courses like “special education science” or “ special education English” taught by SPE teachers are no longer part of the landscape So who are the HQ teachers that are expected to teach core subjects to students with disabilities ? Vast majority are GE Teachers

No Child Left Behind & IDEA ’04 legislation has dramatically changed the landscape of schools “Access to General Education Curriculum” Requires students with disabilities be provided and taught the GE curriculum in a manner appropriate to their learning needs and styles Thus HQ/GE teachers are now expected to effectively employ special education pedagogy in the GE classroom

No Child Left Behind & IDEA ’04 legislation has dramatically changed the landscape of schools “Adequate Yearly Progress” Requires that ALL students with IQ > 55 participate AYP assessment – makes schools accountable for whether students with disabilities learn grade-level standards ..thus, by default, HQ (GE) teachers are held accountable for the education of students with disabilities

No Child Left Behind & IDEA ’04 legislation has dramatically changed the landscape of schools “Highly Qualified” “Access General Education Curriculum” “Annual Yearly Progress” 98% of students with cognitive disabilities now being taught in general education classrooms

No Child Left Behind & IDEA ’04 legislation has dramatically changed the landscape of schools “Highly Qualified” “Access General Education Curriculum” “Annual Progress Review” Co-planning & Co-teaching 98% of students with cognitive disabilities now being taught in general education classrooms Accommodations & modifications Special Ed’s role is to support these GE efforts & teach learning strategies Note-taking Test –prep Test-taking

The bottom line… The general education curriculum must be taught to ALL students HQ (GE) teachers are responsible for ensuring students with disabilities LEARN the GE curriculum NOT special education teachers! …they are responsible for facilitating IEP development and implementation AYP makes HQ/GE teachers accountable for how well students with disabilities learn the curriculum AYP makes teachers accountable for how well students with disabilities learn the curriculum

(e.g. hope these “crazy” policies will go away) So what are the implications? Option 1: Sometimes you have to look reality in the eye and deny it! Garrison Keeler (e.g. hope these “crazy” policies will go away) - OR - Option 2: Rise to the challenge and meet it as effectively as possible!

So what are the implications? 1. The vast majority of GE teachers lack sufficient preparation to make regular classroom instruction developmentally appropriate for all of their students… …especially those students with significant learning disabilities and those with significant learning abilities

So what are the implications? 1. The vast majority of GE teachers lack sufficient preparation to make regular classroom instruction developmentally appropriate for all of their students… 2. You can’t afford to use strategies that work for just some of your students. If you just teach to the middle, your instruction misses the other 2/3 of the class

So what are the implications? 1. The vast majority of GE teachers lack sufficient preparation to make regular classroom instruction developmentally appropriate for all of their students… 2. You can’t afford to use strategies that work for just some of your students. If you just teach to the middle, your instruction misses the other 2/3 of the class results in… Students with mild /moderate disabilities as well as other low achieving students are NOT likely to demonstrate sufficient yearly progress

So what are the implications? Given the expectations for teaching in widely diverse-ability GE classrooms, here are some critical questions: 1. Are there teaching techniques that are universal?... that have a high probability of working with ALL of your students? 2. Is there a sufficient body of research that supports universal pedagogy, or is this another unsupported education fad? 3. Doesn’t universal pedagogy basically mean “one size fits all”? …isn’t it the opposite to “differentiating instruction”?

Fortunately, there are a variety of instructional techniques, strongly supported by research, that seem to work well in diverse-ability classes. Five basic strategies for successful teaching in widely diverse-ability classrooms Differentiate curriculum 2. Make curriculum more learnable & instruction more memorable Utilize components of critical pedagogy for maximizing student engagement 4. When teaching subject-matter, focus on developing relational understanding 5. When teaching skills and strategies, focus on fluency & generalization

The Makes Sense Strategies provide teachers with ‘how to” information and an extensive set of resources for these five areas Differentiate curriculum 2. Make curriculum more learnable & instruction more memorable Utilize components of critical pedagogy for maximizing student engagement 4. When teaching subject-matter, focus on developing relational understanding 5. When teaching skills and strategies, focus on fluency & generalization