Project Guideline PAD042 Introduction to Basic Psychology Yip sir ( 葉錦熙 )
Assessment Group Project: Oral Presentation 20% Written Report 20% Peer Review (inter-group) 10%
3.2 Group Project (50%) Students in group of 4-5 need to conduct a presentation based on one of the topics covered in the lectures. (20%) The presentation should last for 30 minutes Each group needs to hand in a group report in English (around 1, words) one week after the presentation. (20%)
Deadline: Project proposal (5%): 1 week before presentation Final Written Report (20%): 1 week after presentation
Project (5 0%) Presentation (20%) + Report (20%) Report Format
Format A-4 size single- or double-sided printing Use Times New Roman 2.5 cm margins on four sides 1.5 line spacing Insert page numbers at the bottom Do not submit the paper inside a folder. Simply staple the pages together and submit the paper as a loose-leaf manuscript.
Choose a Research Question 1.Decide a specific topic, e.g. How reinforcement is applied to the classroom management in Hong Kong primary schools? How do people tend to use top-down processing in meeting new classmates? Problems and solutions - An application of four personality theories in studying a depression case. Learning and unlearning a bad habit: smoking Compare and contrast the motivation of crime of two theft cases.
Written Report Content I. Cover Page The first page should contain the 1) Name of the institution 2) Name of Program (Pre Associate Degree) 3) Course code and name 4) Specific Research Topic 5) Student ’ s name and number 6) Tutor ’ s name 7) Date of submission.
Introduction State and elaborate the topic Why your group is interested in the topic Literature review Theories - author, year of publication Results found from previous research Research methods / activities used to investigate / demonstrate the theories
Topic of Specific Interest: Research/Experiment Inside this big topic, what is the specific topic that your group is interested in? (reinforcement schedules, perceptual organization, observational learning, Carl Rogers ’ client-centred approach) Why is your group interested in this specific topic?
What research and experiments had been done on this specific topic? What results were found? Anything interesting to share about this topic?
Application of your topic in daily life How is this specific topic applied in our daily life? For example: Effects of reinforcement schedules on our everyday lives. The relationship between perceptual organization and everyday experiences Ways to enhance our personal development using the Carl Rogers’ approach.
Conclusion What has your group learned in this project? Has it changed any of your behaviors or views? If you have to do further research or experiment on this topic, what would you do? How would you do it? (recommendations)
Citation in text and Reference list
APA format Citation in the essay Nimbus (1962) found that cloud formations can be used to predict person ’ s moods. It has been found the cloud formations can be used to predict person ’ s moods. (Nimbus, 1962). Mcleod and O ’ dowd (1962) found an artifact in Nimbus ’ s (1962) study. author ’ s name (year)..... .....(author ’ s name, year)
APA format If cross-referencing: Individuals are active learners and have an innate need to adapt to the environment. (Piaget, 1956, cited in Hanna, 2000). Piaget (1956, cited in Hanna, 2000) suggested that individuals are active learners and have an innate need to adapt to the environment.
APA format Reference section (inserted by the end of the essay) References: Hanna, S. L. (2000). Person to person: Positive relationships don ’ t just happen. Upper Side River, NJ: Prentice-Hall Topics. Shaffer, D. (1999). Developmental psychology: Childhood & adolescence (5th ed.). California: Brooks/Cole. Author ’ s last name, Initials. (Date of Publication). Title. (Edition number). Place of Publication: Publisher. (Arranged in alphabetical order)
APA format Chinese Book 趙志裕、康螢儀、葉慧敏、李秀麗、符可瑩 (2000) 。 《發揮多元才能:從激發動機到取得成就》。香港:三聯書店。 Web references (Stand-alone document, no author identified, no date): GVU ’ s 8th WWW user survey. (n.d.). Retrieved August 8, 2000, from Title of the document. (n.d.). Retrieval date, from URL
Presentation Format The presentation should last for 30 minutes.
Forming presentation groups
Week Lecture Topics (2 hours/week) Tutorial Topics (1 hour/week) Week 1 Perspectives in Psychology The five perspectives in contemporary psychology: biological perspective, psychoanalytic perspective, cognitive perspective, behavioral perspective, and humanistic perspective Course outline, requirement and assessment Week 2 Scientific Foundations of Psychology Methods of study in Psychology: naturalistic observations, survey, case study, experiment, and correlation research Group forming Group project guidelines Week 3 Sensation & Perception The Gestalt laws of organizations, top-down and bottom-up processing, perceptual constancy, depth perception, and motion perception Research methods Week 4 Learning & Behavior Analysis Classical conditioning and its relevance to everyday behaviors Sensation & Perception Week 5 Learning & Behavior Analysis Operant conditioning and its application *Presentation 1: Sensation & Perception
Week Lecture Topics (2 hours/week) Tutorial Topics (1 hour/week) Week 6 Memory Three memory systems Memory and forgetting Methods for improving memory Learning Week 7Motivation IMemory Week 8Quiz I (Week 1 – Week 7) *Presentation 2: Learning & Behavior Week 9Motivation II *Presentation 3: Memory Week 10 Attitudes Factors affecting attitudes Persuasive communication Attitudes and Behavior Motivation
Week Lecture Topics (2 hours/week) Tutorial Topics (1 hour/week) Week 11 Personality I Basic issues in personality Psychoanalytic, behavioral, cognitive, humanistic and trait views on personality Evaluate different perspectives of personality Personality and daily life *Presentation 4: Motivation / Memory Week 12Personality IIPersonality Week 13 Social Influence and Human Relationship I Mechanism of different social influence Social influence and daily life Social Influence Week 14Social Influence and Human Relationship II *Presentation 5: Personality Week 15Revision *Presentation 6: Social Influence
Week Tutorial Topics (1 hour/week) Students Week 5 18/2 *Presentation 1: Sensation & Perception Week 8 11/3 *Presentation 2: Learning & Behavior Week 9 18/3 *Presentation 3: Cognitive Processes - Memory Week 11 1/4 *Presentation 4: Motivation / Memory Week 14 29/4 *Presentation 5: Personality / Social Influence Week 15 6/5 *Presentation 6: Social Influence
The End