AGREE OR DISAGREE? Fare-dodging on a train or bus is ok if you can get away with it. Punishment never has any good effect. Royalty and democracy are incompatible. Celebrities should keep quiet about politics. Violence is necessary sometimes. Students should have religious classes in school. Personality is more important than beauty.
IN YOUR GROUPS… Discuss the topic you have been given getting an opinion from everyone. Bullet point the information so that you can explain the group opinions to the class. The class will ask questions to each group and then decide (as a whole) if they agree or disagree with the statement.
OPINIONS Have your opinions changed? How did working in a group change your opinion? Do you think hearing what your classmates think had an effect on what you think?
ASSESSED IN 3 PARTS: A persuasive essay Listening assessment Talk
PERSUASIVE POSTER You are to create a poster which will inform others about persuasive techniques. Your poster must: Name at least 6 persuasive techniques Define and give an example of those techniques you have mentioned Define ‘persuasive techniques’ Be eye catching and colourful!
ower of three motive language hetorical questions ay again ndermine opposing views necdote irect address xaggeration Including lists of three items/reasons in your writing. Questions to get your audience thinking – they don’t require an answer. Involve your audience by speaking to them directly using personal pronouns and shared experiences. Including little stories to illustrate a point. Destroy/criticise the opposing argument. Words, phrases and imagery that arouse an emotional response. Being over-the- top to get a point across. Repeating the same word, phrase or idea more than once for emphasis.
GETTING STARTED… The booklets in front of you contain some examples from previous JGHS students. In your groups: Think about whether the essay is effective or not. Why? Identify any persuasive techniques used. Identify any other effective language techniques.
HOMEWORK Come up with 2 essay topics you could potentially do your persuasive essay on and bring in at least one good quality newspaper article for both topics. In order to help you pick think about these things: Are you passionate about the issue? Are there 2 possible arguments? Do you strongly agree/disagree with one of the arguments? Think outside the box on topics and avoid overused/cliché topics such as school uniform, smoking, alcohol etc.
Explain the main purpose(s) of the speech. Give reason(s) for your answer and/or quotations to support your answer. Explain the main target audience(s) for the speech. Use the prompts/suggestions below to help you write a full answer. The situation, or context, or setting – where is the speech taking place? The target audience’s: Age, Gender, Interests, Nationality, Race, Social background What were the speaker’s main points, ideas or arguments? Give reason(s) for your answer and/or quotations to support your answer. Comment on the speaker’s attitude. Comment on how the speaker’s use of persuasive techniques helped to get across this attitude. Build in quotations and comment on them to help you. How well did you feel this speech met the purpose for its main audience (i.e. how good was it and give reasons). Do you agree with the speaker’s main points and attitude? Give reasons.
MAD MEN - CAROUSEL Same drill – this one is harder!
PERSUASIVE BOOKLETS You should all now have a white booklet and a blue one. The WHITE booklet is yours for writing in – it will be used as evidence that you have passed this unit. The BLUE booklets will be reused so don’t write in them.
PERSUASIVE ESSAY As the name suggests, in a persuasive essay you are aiming to persuade the reader of your point of view. You are ‘standing on a soap box’ and putting your ideas forward in a convincing and one sided way. Your essay is therefore not ‘objective’ but ‘subjective’. In order to make your point of view convincing and believable, you will need to do your research effectively and you will need to back up your points with evidence from a variety of sources.