Canadian Association of Social Workers (CASW)
About CASW Federated organization 10 provincial/territorial member organizations Represents over 16, 000 social workers Mission Statement “As a federation of the 9 provincial and one territorial social work organizations, the Canadian Association of Social Workers (CASW) provides a national leadership role in strengthening and advancing the social work profession in Canada.” Federated Organization Does not have individual members Rather is a federated model so CASW membership consists of member organizations 9 provincial member organizations and one territorial organization representing all 3 territories Currently represents over 16, 000 social workers
CASW Member Organizations Member Organizations Include: British Columbia Association of Social Workers Alberta College of Social Workers Saskatchewan Association of Social Workers Manitoba Association of Social Workers Ontario Association of Social Workers New Brunswick Association of Social Workers Nova Scotia Association of Social Workers Prince Edward Island Association of Social Workers Newfoundland and Labrador Association of Social Workers Association of Social Workers of Northern Canada (encompasses all three territories) - currently the only social work organization in Canada that is not a CASW member is l’Ordre Professionnel des travailleurs sociaux du Québec (referring to organizations not regulatory bodies)
History of CASW Founded in 1926 197 Charter Members A network to address working conditions Guided by a commitment to social justice Past CASW Presidents and the current CASW President and Executive Director celebrate the 80th anniversary of the CASW in Halifax. June, 2006. On March 20, 1926, in Montreal, 60 social worker from Winnipeg, Toronto, Ottawa, Halifax and Montreal met and agreed to form the Canadian Association for Social workers and on September 1, 1926 the constitution was approved CASW had 197 charter members from across the country The goal at that time was to develop a network to address working conditions while at the same time there was a commitment to social justice Shortly after they decided to form branches in communities where at least five members were present In 1927 there were branches in the following areas: Montreal, Toronto, Hamilton 1928 BC Mainland branch 1930 Manitoba branch
CASW Governance Model CASW Board of Directors Appointed representative from each member organization Elected President CASW Executive director sits on both Board and Executive as an ex-officio CASW Board of Directors The president is elected at the Annual general meeting, as well as the vice-president and secretary –treasurer Now have CASW’s 34th president
CASW Office and Staff CASW national office located in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada CASW office has 5 staff positions including: Three administrative staff positions Two social work positions CASW has a national office located in Ottawa where federal government is as well as many other national professional associations
About CASW CASW Strategic Directions 1) To advance social justice 2) To strengthen and promote the social work profession 3) To support the regulatory and non-regulatory work of member organizations “Social workers promote social fairness and the equitable distributing of resources, and act to reduce barriers to expand choice for all person with special regard for those who marginalized, disadvantaged, vulnerable, and/or have exceptional needs.” CASW Code of Ethics (2005) Strategic Directions reflect the purposes and object of the organization and guide the activities of the organizations The strategic directions were initially adopted in 2003 In the spring of 2007 the CASW board began the process of reviewing the strategic directions and reconfirmed them The advancement of social justice is the primary strategic direction based on the values and ethics of the social work profession The pursuit of social justice is a value of the CASW Code of Ethics – obligation to provide resources, services and opportunities for the overall benefit of humanity and to protect people from harm. CASW activities based on each direction are discussed further in the presentation.
CASW Today CASW Social Policy Principles Dignity and Respect Equality Equity Comprehensiveness Quality Services Constitutional Integrity Subsidiarity Social Dialogue CASW Social Policy Principles are available in full on the CASW website ( Approved by board in March 2003 is a framework for social policy analysis and CASW initiatives the social policy principles reflect the values and ethics of the social work profession Available on CASW website; document includes the principles with a brief explanation and conenction to social work values/ethics
Examples of CASW Activities Advancing Social Justice Advocacy and Lobbying Consultation and meetings with federal government Press releases Policy analysis and research reports Coalitions 23 formal coalitions Range of issues (example: children, poverty, adoptions, health, seniors, human rights) Informal and formal opportunities to collaborate For detailed information on CASW activities please read the CASW Annual Report available on the CASW website. Review some of the activities and initiatives that the CASW are involved in that reflect the Strategic directions. These are just some examples of CASW activities. For further information or a detailed review please read the CASW Annual Report which is available on the CASW website. Advocacy and Lobbying : ∙ CASW is involved in and initiates a number of activities that aim to advocate for change, lobby government and increase awareness of social issues relevant to social work. ∙ following are some of the advocacy and lobbying activities of the CASW Consultation with federal government: includes writing letters on specific issues, sending copies of media releases, sending copies of CASW reports, responding to requests for information Meetings with politicians Presenting to Parliamentary and Senate Committees Press Releases: prepares press releases, both independently and in collaboration with others to raise awareness about particular issues press releases are sometimes in response to current events, sometimes in advance of international/national days of relevance to social work CASW Reports and Policy Analysis: publishes reports that analyze issues and policies relevant to social work most recently CASW has published a series of reports on women and poverty Coalitions ∙ currently the CASW is a member of 23 formal coalitions ∙ range of coalitions include children’s issues, poverty, mental health, health, seniors, housing, violence and bullying ∙ a complete list of coalitions can be found on the CASW website, including information about the coalition and links to the coalition’s website ∙ in addition of formal coalitions, CASW takes advantage of opportunities to collaborate with others on specific issues and topics.
CASW Gets Political In 2007 and 2008 CASW presented to 2 Parliamentary Committees and 3 Senate Committees: Standing Committee on Finance Standing Committee on Human Resources, Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities Standing Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry Standing Senate Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology Standing Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs Some examples of our direct involvement and social justice activity within the federal government.
What Politicians Are Saying To CASW “Publications such as yours are a valuable asset to the development of our communities. Truly, your generous gift is a valuable resource for me to share with my constituents. I appreciate you keeping myself and my colleagues well informed on the contributions and concerns of the Canadian Association of social Workers.” ~ Tina Keeper, MP ““I am very interested in the work the Canadian Association of Social Workers is doing on women’s poverty in Canada. I will find this report very useful in my work. I appreciate you sharing it with me.” ~ Hon. Mobina Jaffer Examples of some of the feedback received from politicians regarding CASW publications.
What Other Organizations Are Saying To CASW “We are very impressed with your organizations social justice work. ” “Thank you do much for the report. We will be looking at it carefully and using it to help inform our work” ~ Advisory Council on the Status of Women “Excellent press release. Thank you so much to CASW for bringing forth these issues.” ~ National Network for Mental Health Examples of some of the feedback received from external organizations regarding CASW publications and its social justice work. Demonstrates the effectiveness of publications and activities in both raising awareness and promoting social work knowledge and expertise as well as social work’s values and ethics.
What Social Workers Are Saying To CASW “Thank you for your work on a National level advocating for aboriginal people. Each one of us is important – no one should be disadvantaged.” ~ Social Worker “Just want to say I truly appreciate your efforts and it makes me proud to be a social worker for 40+ years. Thank you for all your work. So thank you again and keep up the good and much needed advocacy.” ~ Social Worker Examples of what social workers are saying about CASW activities.
Examples of CASW Activities Strengthen and Promote the Profession Publications Canadian Social Work Bulletin Reporter CASW Policy Papers/Research Reports CASW Website Interest Groups Children Issues Interest Group Health Interest Group Aboriginal Social Workers Interest Group Intersectoral Initiative CASW/CASWE Memorandum of Understanding Publications: CASW has several publications that aim to strengthen the profession Canadian Social Work (CSW) an academic journal published annually (last working day of October) CSW is available for free to members of CASW member organizations on the Members’ Site of the CASW website, also subscriptions to CSW can be purchased for more information about submitting an article, see the Writer’s Guidelines on the CASW website Bulletin published twice per year (April and August) provides detailed information about CASW initiatives, news from Member Organizations, news from schools available electronically for free on the Members’ Site of the CASW website Reporter a 1 -2 page publication published monthly (the last working day of the month) highlights CASW activities over the past month as well as news, information and resources relevant to social workers circulated electronic to social workers and posted on the Members’ Site of the CASW website CASW Policy Papers/Research Reports reports, analysis of federal budget Website increasingly active, updated and new information added regularly almost 300,000 visitors in 2008 viewing 1,300,000 pages Interest Groups ∙ the purpose of the interest groups is to provide a forum to advocate for interests of social work practice and to advise the national association on issues pertaining to policy, practice, education and research ∙ groups are composed of one representative for each CASW provincial/territorial member organization, the CASW Executive Director or alternate, and a CASW Board Liaison ∙ more details on the group membership, terms of reference are available on the CASW website Intersectoral Initaitive Brings together three sectors (education, regulation, professional associations)
Examples of CASW Activities Strengthen and Promote the Profession National Social Work Week Celebrated nationally the first week of March National Social Work Conference Every two years CASW Awards CASW Award for Outstanding Service National Social Work Week Distinguished Service Awards Related Services of Individual Social Workers Insurance Programs AON/CASW Scholarship National Social Work Week (NSWW) ∙ celebrated in the first full week of March by the CASW (member organizations choose a week that suits them best) ∙ CASW develops and circulates a proclamation that acknowledges the week, ∙ CASW develops a list of suggested and activities and provides tools that individual social workers can use throughout NSWW (examples: on-line lobbying letters, information kits, electronic greeting cards) National Social Work Conference ∙ national conference is every second year ∙ the conference is hosted by a CASW member organization CASW Awards Information about each is available on the CASW website or through member organizations CASW Award for Outstanding Service are given in conjunction with National Conference NSWW award given each year Related Services to Individual Social Workers Insurance Programs ∙ CASW works with AON Reed Stenhouse so social workers who are members of provincial/territorial associations can access a variety of insurances including liability insurance, health insurance etc AON/CASW Scholarship given in conjunction with National Conference, scholarship is awarded to assist members of CASW provincial/territorial member organizations attend the CASW bienneal conference
CASW Website In 2007 the CASW website had over 290,000 visitors viewing over 1,304,897 webpages That equals 800 visitors per day, who viewed almost 3,500 webpages. Demonstrates the use of the CASW website. Statistics also show that the number of visitors to the CASW website has been significantly increasing over the past few years (since 2005).
CASW in the Media From 2006 to 2008 CASW Participated in over 20 radio/television interviews including: •CBC Radio North • CBC Radio NL • CJCD Radio – Yukon • Mix 100 Radio Yellowknife • CBC Radio One – The Current • CBC Radio – Sydney • CBC Radio – Calgary • CBC Radio – St. John’s • CBC Radio – Saint John • CBC Radio – Quebec City • CBC Radio – Yellowknife • CBC Radio – Windsor • CBC Radio – Thunder Bay • CBC Radio – Winnipeg • CBC Radio International – The Link • CBC Television, Yellowknife • CKNW Radio Vancouver - Demonstrates some of CASW success in raising awareness of social justice issues and the profession in the media.
CASW in the Media From 2006 to 2008 CASW Materials were printed in the following media: • Ottawa Sun • The Guardian (PEI) • Telegraph Journal (NB) • The Daily Gleaner (NB) • Vancouver Sun • Ottawa Citizen • Montreal Gazette • Edmonton Journal • Windsor Star • Calgary Herald • Leader Post Demonstrates some of CASW success in raising awareness of social justice issues and the profession in the media.
Examples of CASW Activities Support Regulatory and Non-Regulatory Work of Member Organizations Code of Ethics and Guidelines for Ethical Practice (2005) Support to Member Organizations Membership with CNNAR Presidents of Member Organizations and CASW Sign CASW Code of Ethics (June, 2005) regulation of the profession is a the responsibility of provincial regulatory body there is no national regulatory body Code of Ethics and Guidelines for Ethical Practice since the early 1930s CASW has been involved in developing ethical guidelines that guide social work practice the most recent edition of the CASW Code of Ethics was published in 2005 at that time all CASW member organization endorsed the Code of Ethics Support to Member Organizations at the request of member organizations, the CASW supports efforts of member organizations CNNAR a federation of national organizations whose provincial and territorial members are identified in legislation as responsible for protection of the public through the self-regulation of professions and occupations mandate to support the self-regulation of professions and occupations through a variety of means including: facilitating collaboration, increasing awareness and understanding of the benefits of self-regulation, monitoring and responding to appropriate federal legislation and policies, and developing and sharing resources and information.
Examples of CASW Activities Support Regulatory and Non-Regulatory Work of Member Organizations Assessment of Foreign Trained Social Work Degrees to determine equivalence to Canadian social work degrees (provided to all provinces/territories with the exception of British Columbia and Quebec) The application procedure as well as answers to frequently asked questions is available in detail on CASW website Details and information are available on the CASW website
CASW on the International Stage Member of the International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW) On-going CASW representation on IFSW Executive CASW representatives to IFSW meetings and membership in international working committees Provide on-going consultation to IFSW Clearinghouse for international information Connection between CASW social workers and the IFSW and vice versa Memorandum of Understanding with NASW (US) CASW is a member of the International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW) What is IFSW: ∙ The IFSW is a global organisation striving for social justice, human rights and social development Aims of the IFSW: ∙ to promote social work as a profession ∙ to promote the establishment of national organisations of social workers or professional unions for social workers ∙ to support Social Work Organisations in promoting the participation of social workers in social planning and the formulation of social policies, nationally and internationally, the recognition of social work, the enhancement of social work training and the values and professional standards of social work. IFSW is divided in five geographical regions: Africa Asia & Pacific Europe Latin America & Caribbean and North America. Each region has one Vice President. ∙ Currently there are national organizations in 84 countries and with more the 470,000 members in IFSW Memorandum with NASW (US) In 2006 signed MOU with NASW (US); this was an agreement to meet regularly, keep informed of each other’s activities and priorities, to share resources when applicable and to make joint statements when applicable.
Canadian Association of Social Workers (CASW)